Bella (V.O.): Alice's instructions were clear, but the question remained. Why would she and Jasper leave at the moment we needed them most? What did they know? Our search for witnesses began with a trip north to our closest relatives.


Meanwhile Josie was looking at the pictures that Alice and Jasper were in with her kids.

She saw the picture of Jasper holding the twins for the first time, smiling because he was just asked to be the godfather to them.

Josie grabbed that picture frame and opened it.

A note dropped out of it.

Josie picked it up and sat down on the bed.

"Dear Josie,

I couldn't tell anyone else what I was doing, or where Jasper and I were heading. But I can tell you.

You'd be protected from all mental gifts since you were reborn by Fate.

I don't know too much about Bella's ability, or if she could just have protection against mind reading, so I didn't tell her, but I gave her a hint.

I had a vision last night, of something that could help Renesmee's case against the Volturi.

Someone similar to her popped up into my visions.

I believe he is also a hybrid. If I'm right, we could all be saved.

But I need you to do something.

Hide the girls.

Keep them with the other imprints like last time.

Aro must never know of them.

They are to be kept hidden. They're too powerful and Aro would try to steal them if he found out about them.

I'm leaving you to protect the family.

You are the most powerful being in our coven. I believe you to be capable of great things.

I will try and be back on the day of the battle, but I might need you to distract them somehow to create more time for us to get there.

Keep a battle from transpiring.

I will try to have more visions, but if you don't tell anyone about this note, the chance of survival is 80%.

If all goes to Hell, torch everyone you can, mind wipe them, do whatever needs to be done to keep our family safe.

I know I have placed a lot of pressure on you, but you are the only one who can accomplish this.



Josie blinked as she reread the letter.

There was a way that they could be saved without a battle.

Though she knew that there was still a 20% chance that a battle could break out, at least according to Alice.

So she needed to be very careful with this information.

She wouldn't even be able to tell Rosalie.

She told Rosalie everything. She was a terrible liar when it came to Rosalie.

Oh, this was going to be way harder than Josie originally thought it was.

She had no idea if she could pull it off.

But then she thought of everything she had to fight for.

She had her beautiful mate Rosalie.

She had three wonderful daughters in Hope, JoJo, and Lizzie.

She had the other Cullen/Hale's, her twins, her niece Renesmee, her father, the Clearwater siblings...

She had so much she needed to fight for.

She'd make sure every single one of them lived through this.

Even if that meant she'd need to sacrifice herself for them.

If they lived... It would all be worth it.

Josie's eyes gained a determined look.

She allowed her gift of Pyrokinesis to burn the note in her hand.

She looked at herself in the mirror, nodding to herself as she washed her hands.

It was go time.

She walked over to the Cullen house.

She'd be the main greeter along with Rosalie. They'd show the witnesses where they could be, what areas they could hunt, and they had to make sure the wolves were caught up.

That was Josie's job, though she'd completed that earlier.

Stating that the girls might have to stay over at the pack house on the day of the battle.

Emily was fine with that, she liked having the children around.

Rosalie was nervous when Josie entered the house.

At the moment, the girl's were napping in the upstairs nursery which used to be Rosalie's old room.

They were worried with having so many human drinkers around their daughters.

All of them under two years old. Though Hope was close to reaching two.

She was about a year and 7 months old. The twins were now about a month old.

They would be receiving their first witness in a few hours, they took this time to decompress.


(Bella and Edward drive up to the Denali coven's house, Edward gets out of the car and walks up to them)

"Edward, is everything all right? Why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Tanya asked as the Denali coven stood outside.

"Carlisle didn't tell us you were coming." Irina said in concern. Carlisle always called if one of the 'kids' needed some space. Laurent held her hand and Bree was looking at him over Irina's shoulder.

"Is Josie here?" She asked in a small and shy voice.

Edward shook his head, much to the disappointment of Bree.

"Is it really Aurora? Have you heard from her?" Carmen asked. Aurora was a friend of the Denali's. She visited maybe three or four times a year, staying for a week at a time.

They'd known her for forever. Aurora was actually once a member of the Denali coven back when it was only the three sisters, and their creator, or mother. She hated immortal children worse than the Denali's did since their creator was her actual mother, and Tanya's half sister biologically.

"Aurora, is that her name? Not directly." Edward said, getting his answer through Carmen's thoughts. So Aurora was Tanya's bio sister, this might be harder than he thought.

"Why is your bride waiting in the car?" Eleazar asked curiously

"And why have you brought a wolf with you? I can smell him from here." Kate said with her nose scrunched up.

"My family is in danger. I need your help." Edward said worriedly.

"What happened?" Carmen asked in concern.

"It's hard to explain but I need you to be open-minded. Can you do that?" Edward asked.

"Of course." Tanya reassures him.

(Bella, Jacob and Renesmee wait in the car as Edward talks to the Denali's, Bella turns to Renesmee)

"Okay. Time to meet some new people." Bella told her daughter.

"What if they don't like me?" Renesmee asked.

"They'll love you." Jacob reassured his imprint.

"They will. Once they understand you." Bella told her.

"They just haven't met anyone like you before." Jacob told Nessie.

"Okay." Bella said trying to prepare herself for the inevitable reactions.

(They all get out of the car and the Denali's are immediately shocked at seeing Renesmee)

"The Volturi will come for all of us." Kate said.

"You get that thing out of here." Tanya said in anger.

"How could you?" Irina whispered in horror.

"She's not what she looks like." Edward told them, begging them to understand.

"This is a crime!" Tanya shouted, her eyes wild. Like that of a caged animal.

(Tanya suddenly attacks Edward and he quickly pushes her aside, Kate then attacks Edward but Bella quickly jumps in and throws Kate aside, then both Kate and Tanya move to attack Edward and Bella)

"Stay back!" Bella shouted.

"She has blood in her veins. You can feel her warmth." Edward tried to reason.

"I can feel it." Carmen muttered.

"I'm her biological father. Bella is her mother." Edward said.

"Impossible." Kate said.

"It's true. She was born while I was still human." Bella told them. This would be much easier if they knew of Josie's ability to have kids.

"I've never heard of such a thing." Eleazar said.

"She can show you, if you let her." Edward told them.

(As Jacob brings Renesmee towards the Denali's)

"Tanya, you owe us this much. We're all under a death sentence because your sister didn't let us explain." Edward said.

Bella looked shocked for only a second, the redhead was Tanya's sister?

(Jacob brings Renesmee closer to Tanya, Renesmee goes to place her hand on Tanya's cheek)

"Don't be afraid. This is how she communicates." Bella said.

(Renesmee touches Tanya's cheek, letting her feel her memories, Tanya suddenly understands and turns to her family)

"It's true. She's not immortal." Tanya said, awe in her voice.
