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It was Wednesday when she received a call on her rose gold iPhone. Rome's name flashed on it, and a gasp left her lips. A shy smile appeared, and she brought the phone to her ear. Sophie raised her brow and listened to the conversation.

"Rome," she said his name shyly.

"Are you there at your dorm room right now?"

"Yes," she answered.

"I am coming in a few minutes," he said and then hung up the phone.

A giddy smile appeared on her lips, and she turned to Sophie.

"He is coming in fifteen minutes," she squealed. Sophie's eyes widened.

"Guess he couldn't wait till the weekend," Sophie said.

Apple blushed.

"Can you give us a few hours?" she asked Sophie. She wanted to spend some time with Rome in complete privacy. Sophie gave her a knowing smile and nodded. Apple picked her phone and walked out of the room, she would greet him at the entrance.

She waited near the entrance area of her dorm housing. A tap on her shoulder had her turn. It was Chace. Her mood soured.


"What are you doing here Chace?"

"I wanted to apologise," he said.

She just looked at him. It wasn't his fault, she was indeed like that. And she couldn't be upset with him, he had been such a great friend.

"It's okay Chace," she whispered.

His eyes softened, and he enveloped her in a hug.

"I don't like it when you are upset with me," he whispered, "I learnt that today."

She giggled and looked up at him. He kissed her on the forehead.

Apple felt a pair of eyes on them, and she turned in the direction. The smile on her face dropped.

It was Rome.

He had a wild menacing look on his face. His jaw clenched, and his expression was livid. He was in a sharp navy blue suit. There was a small bag in his hand as well. He stalked towards them, and Apple broke her embrace with Chace and stepped back. Rome pulled her to him and glared at Chace.

Chace was shocked, understanding dawned in his eyes. This was the guy she had met during the weekend. He too stepped away, a fear reflected on his face. Rome wrapped his hand around her shoulder.

"Take me to your room," he said, and she nodded shakily. He was furious.

She walked inside their dorm room and thanked the gods that Sophie was not present. She yelped when he closed the door behind her and latched it. She turned to him and saw the anger still etched on his face.


"Who was that boy?" he snarled. He stalked towards her, and she stepped backwards until her legs hit the bed.

"He is my friend," she said.

"Is that how you treat all your friends?" he snapped, "I hated how his hands were all over your body,"

That was not true.

"Stay away from him," he commanded.

"B-But h-he is my friend," she said, she would not stay away from her friend.

"You stay away from him," he said. There was a warning in his eyes.

He pushed her on the bed and hovered above her body. Despite his anger and callous behaviour, she found her body getting turned on. He flipped her on her stomach and removed her shorts and her underwear, revealing her naked butt to him. She heard the zipper getting undone and then the sound of plastic getting torn.

And then he finally entered her.

"Don't make any sound, don't want your dorm mates getting disturbed," he whispered in her ear.

She nodded, and he thrust into her. She bit her lip from moaning loudly, and he buried his face in her neck.

Apple came undone soon, her body asked for Rome more than she had expected. He too finished a few moments later. He zipped his pants, pulled her shorts back up and left the room. Humiliation burned her face. The tears escaped her eyes, and she sobbed into the pillow. Had he just come here to fuck her? The thought was so bitter.


Rome's anger was lethal, it didn't dissipate till the weekend and the weekend after. She had spent three consecutive weekends with him, and now they were officially into October. It was only on the third weekend that he had calmed down considerably. He even visited her in her dorm at least twice every week.

She didn't know what to make of this relationship that they had, but she was petrified of his overbearing personality. She was like a bunny and he an evil lion. She wanted to be with him but at the same time not. The relationship was entirely superficial. There was nothing but sex and more sex. He never talked to her about other things that most people did.

So on the Friday before their fourth weekend, she decided something. It was morning and an hour before her classes. She was in the café, and she dialled his number. The phone rang for a few times before he picked it up.


"Hey," she whispered.

"What is it?" Always straight to point.

"I won't be able to come to your condo this weekend," she said. Her heart was hammering against her chest. She was terrible at lying, and she hoped she would convince Rome somehow.


"I have three assignment deadlines fast approaching and a quiz to study for as well, I will be holed up in the library for the entire weekend," she said.

There was silence on the other side.

"Alright, I will drop by your dorm..."

"No need," she cut him off, letting out a nervous giggle, "you will be disappointed. Because I won't be there."

"Okay," he said, "I will call you back on Monday."

She hung up the phone and sighed. A giddy smile appeared on her face, and she rushed back to her dorm.

The next morning she took her large bamboo tote bag out. She placed her purse in it and walked out of her Dorm room. She didn't reveal any of her plans to her friends. They would probe, and so she let them believe that she was going to his place. Unlike her friends, she had already done her assignments on time, and now she could afford to enjoy her weekend.

She walked to the café and got herself a latte and a pretzel. She treated herself to some second-hand novels and placed them all in her bamboo basket.

She walked inside the central park and found herself a nice comfortable bench. She sat down and noticed the people jogging. They talked amongst themselves while some like her were reading books, a few were even painting and sketching. It was all such a beautiful atmosphere. She took a book out and began to leisurely read it.

She giggled at a few parts and sniffed delicately at a few. It was a happy day today. Rome was entirely out of her mind. Today she was focussed on being a young student spending some quality time.

Sophie and Natalia were at the frat house and would be there for the next two days so she could sneak into her dorm room and even sleep there. Everything was working out for her perfectly.

She even went to the Bethesda fountain and made a wish. She watched a Shakespeare play. Everything was so enriching, tomorrow she would visit the Metropolitan Museum.


It was the fifth weekend. She couldn't make an excuse now, she had to go to him. He hadn't called up the entire week but did message that he would send a car for her on Friday evening. She stood outside waiting for the said car to arrive. The Volvo rolled in, and she bounced towards it. The driver opened the door for her, and she sat inside.

Now that she had spent a considerable amount of time away from him, it had given her the opportunity to think and evaluate their situation. She had to talk to him about their relationship, she wanted to know where they stood.

Relationships in her mind were sacred. She didn't want to sleep with someone who was not serious. She wanted to know what he felt. She wanted him to show more emotions, she wanted to just... talk.

The car stopped in front of his building, and she walked towards the building. She stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the penthouse. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.

The elevator opened at his floor, and she stepped into his house. She looked around, her eyes trying to find Rome, the man who plagued her every thought. Her eyes went to the open kitchen, and there he was opening a bottle of wine and pouring some in a glass. He walked out of the kitchen and towards her.

Apple was apprehensive. Rome took her hand and walked her towards their room. His grip on her hand was exceptionally tight.


He didn't answer her. He took a sip of his wine and placed the glass on the nightstand. He then turned to her. His face was completely expressionless.

"How was your quiz?" he asked.

There was no quiz this week, but then she remembered the lie she had told.

"It went well," she answered.

"Good to know that, I sent you and your friends some brownies from a bakery. Thought you would need something to eat in the middle of your prep," he said. His eyes were gentle, and his lips were slightly in a semblance of a smile.

"I liked them very much! Thank you," she smiled softly.

"You are welcome my sweet Apple, but the thing is, I didn't send any brownies," he whispered.

Her throat dried up, and she felt like someone had pushed her off a cliff. That sinking sensation in her body was followed by a hollow feeling. Her legs felt like rubber, and she was aware of her face going cold, she looked like a pale white ghost.

Her heart started to beat loudly, and it felt like bells were ringing in her ears. She registered the look on his face. It went from expressionless to worry and concerned. Her legs gave out, and she fell to the ground. He rushed to her and gently picked her up.

She had lied to him. She never lied to anyone. She never hid things from anyone. She was a good girl, her parents were proud of her because of how good she was, and now she had lied to a man just because she couldn't bear him.

He gently cradled her in his arms. Would he scold her? She was so scared of his extreme and cold reactions. He was such a contradiction, cold yet a hot burning inferno.

"Apple, my sweet girl," he whispered soothing words in her ear.

He took her hand and cursed.

"You've gotten so cold," he said and began rubbing her hands.

Suddenly her chest tightened, and her vision started to become foggy.

She fainted in his arms.


"She seems to be in a state of shock,"

Apple blinked her eyes open. Her body felt exhausted.

"Her body's blood pressure has gone down, not too low but it was a reaction to the large amount of stress that her body took," she heard him say, "make sure she drinks a lot of water. You can increase the salt intake in her food that will help with the low bp. Apart from this, make sure that she doesn't suffer from any emotionally toiling activity."

The two men left the room.

A moment later she heard Rome's footsteps enter the room. She turned to him.

His expression was sombre.

"Let's talk now, shall we?"

She wished she would faint again.
