Faith Holt (BTS)

Name: Faith Holt
Nickname/s: None
Stage Name: Harmon-E
Age: 21
Mental Age: 19
Date of Birth: January 16th
Height: 5'4
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Singer, Youtuber
Place of Birth: America (Adopted)
Place of Residence: Seoul, Korea

Personality: Adventurous, Caring, Creative, Curious, Friendly, Fun-Loving, Generous, Genuine, Hard-Working, Imaginative, Quiet, Self-Conscious, Anxious, Childish, Clumsy, Tense, Superstitious, Messy, Procrastinating, Paranoid

Likes: Singing, Rapping, Writing, Playing Instruments, Masks, Being Someone Else, Wigs, Listening To Music, Playing Video Games, Making Creative Videos, Drawing, Dancing, Playing with her Dog, Cooking, Food

Dislikes: Showing Her Face, People Being Spectacle of Her, Fighting, Alcohol, Smoking, Bullies, People Putting Other People Down, Not Being Able To Help People, Hospitals, Bees/Wasps

Skills: Knows Korean, Japanese, and (English: Native Language). Knows how to play Violin, Guitar, and Piano. Singing, Rapping, Dancing, Writing Songs.

Tattoos/Marks/Piercings: Tattoo on her hip

Disabilities/Disorders/Allergies: None

Pet/s: Male Beagle named Buddy

(1-10 /// 1 not so good 10 being great)

Speed: 5

Strength(upper body): 4

Strength(Lower Body): 5

Agility: 7

Stealth: 4

Intelligence: 8

Wisdom: 5

Temper: 3
