Author's Note and Sneak Peek


So, to start this off, I'd like to thank everyone one down below who helped me with the ideas:)







You all had amazing ideas, and it was difficult to pick.

I'd also like to thank @EWOK-APOCALYPSE for making my beautiful cover, it's amazing.

If your name is not listed, please PM me so I can edit you in, and I apologize greatly. I had taken everyone's name down from the chapter and saved it into my computer, then deleted the chapter, but unfortunately my computer gave out and I lost everything, not just the names, but the descriptions and plans too. Trust me, I cried:( I could only pull these names because they came from my inbox or my wall. Again, I'm so sorry if I missed anyone, please let me know.

And now... *que drum roll*

I've decided to dedicate this story to both @Sammy300000 and @Shattered_Images

I combined their ideas:) They were truly amazing, and I loved them. You will each have your own dedicated chapter.

Thank you all for reading, you all mean very much to me and I'm grateful you enjoyed Turned Rogue:)

Now, onward to the sneak peak! *Marches away dramatically* The full chapter will be published within the next week or two. Hold me to it:)     -Brianna*

Rogues of War:

Chapter 1: For This War To End (Sneak Peak):

Sarah Aspen's POV:

"Hello Miss Aspen, Mr. West. I'm Vice President Korey Levin, I'll be escorting you on the flight to our government base in New York. It's a pleasure to meet you both." This man greets both Jared and I, shaking our hands. He's rather short, about an inch over my own head. He has light brown hair and hazel eyes, along with a very professional aura.

"Vice President?" I ask as all three of us follow a heavily armed Soldier to the airplane hangar.

"Yes, I represent our President, Miss Lillian Trench. She is excited about your arrival. She apologizes that she couldn't come greet you personally, but she's very busy due to our recent events." He explains.

"So you people are like, a serious government?" Jared asks, almost as if he's shocked that he hasn't heard of them until now.

"Yes, Sir. We're working for this war to end. We're working to take the upper hand on this war and rebuild a civilized world. One these savages can't seem to manage. No offense." His personal opinion breaks his professional talk.

As we continue to walk, I absorb all of this new information.

For this war to end, that sounds nice. It's a huge weight on my shoulders because only time will tell. At least this new place will give us some faith.

Jared had been released from ICU just a few hours ago, and these people seemed intent on moving us from this base rather quickly. We were given new clothes and a clean bill of health before we left the hospital. They had also injected us with a chemical that let us have our strength back. I also found out that apparently this entire place is underground.

From what they've seen, none of the West Pack survived that attack, and neither did any of our pack. My mind travels to Marcus and tears prick my eyes. A few fall but I don't make a sound.

Jared wraps his bandaged arm around me as we walk, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You did everything you could." I reply, wiping my eyes.

When the large, automatic door opens revealing a shiny white mini-jet, two more Soldiers join us. One joins the Soldier that led us here, standing on Korey's other side, acting as a bodyguard. The other stand beside me.

Once we all board the jet and take our seats, the Soldiers help us strap in properly. Once this is completed and the pilot confirms this, the jet powers up.

I watch with fascination as the metal roof above us opens up, revealing a cloudy sky.

As the jet begins to glide down the runway, one of five Solders in the place, including the pilot, kneels next to Korey to speak to him directly.

"Mr. Levin, we have word from both our medical base and home base. To start off, the medical bay just alerted us that they found a survivor, and they're preparing him for transport to the prison facility at home base."

"Identification?" Korey asks.

"Unconfirmed, Sir."

"Alright, continue." He responds.

"Home Base has alerted us of an attempt of communication from the enemy. We received a transmission from a man names Andy Bowers, we have reasons to believe he is the right hand man of Mr. Sterling." He finishes out.

"Someone survived?" Jared asks, just as curious as I am. My heart feels like it gets stabbed when I remind myself that it can't possibly me Marcus, but I'm still curious.

"Apparently so." Korey returns. Suddenly his radio goes off, "Korey, come in."

My heart lurches from my chest at the voice and I quickly sit forward, looking around Jared to look at Korey.

"Yes, Miss Lillian?" He replies.

Lillian! Oh my God!

"Korey! Korey give me that!" I yell, putting my hand out for the radio.

Lillian responds with her original question, "What's your ETA?"

"Um, Sanders, go check with the pilot and have him contact Miss Trench. Miss Trench, I'm going to have the pilot contact you." He replies to her, ignoring me.

"Give me the-" I growl and give up with reasoning with him. I undo my seat belt and go over to him, but a Solder shoves me back.

"Watch it." Jared threatens, undoing his own belt.

"Hey, enough! Everyone calm down." Korey snaps, undoing his belt and radioing, "Miss Trench, one of our survivors would like to speak with you."

He hands me the radio as I glare at the Soldier who pushed me back.

"Lillian? My name is Sarah, Sarah Aspen." I call though the device.

It stays silent.

"Mom?" I call again.

"Sarah?.." She calls back in disbelief.

Everyone in the jet is silenced as they stare at the radio.
