The Future

*Natsu's pov*

"Lets go Uncle,"I said "U-uncle?"said the dragon, Altas Flame dragon bit Motherglare's neck "Circle around them,"I said "Don't let them get behind you MotherGlare,"said Future Rogue.

~ Time Skip ~

"Shall I do the finish blow?"said Future Rogue "Go MotherGlare!!"we dodged the attack "What do you think you're doing Altas Flame,"said MotherGlare "Like I said, the son of Igneel is my friend,"said Altas Flame "Human or not we're kin, I cannot comprehend that but, you standing against me, you don't stand a chance,"said MotherGlare "Bastard, you intend to fight, don't ever know how to give up don't you?"said Future Rogue "I'm gonna fight you!!"I said "Those injuries? You don't stand a chance,"said Future Rogue "I'm not gonna lose to anything or something, I made a promise,"I said "The ripple of time, what happened to the eclipse?"said Future Rogue "Don't look down on the middle of a fight!"I said and flew down punching him "I'm going to keep that promise,"I said "What promise?"said Future Rogue "I made a promise to Future Lucy,"I said flying a punch at Future Rogue "Go back to your own time period,"I said "I won't go back,"said Future Rogue "Then what would happen to the current Rogue?"I asked "Eventually, I'll become one with myself,"said Future Rogue turn in into a shadow "The shadows swallow him up anyways, like two shadows overlapping,"said the bi-colored man "Are going to steal Rogue's future?" "There's no future, not as long as Acnologia exists,"said the shadow coming my way "That's why I came to create a new future,"said the shadow, then light shot up my feet "Achh,"I said in pain almost fall in off of the dragon. As I hung on the edge of the dragon, the shadow appeared, I was slipping off of the dragon but I pulled myself up but then a question came to me "Where's Frosch?"I asked him "Dead,"he said "I'm not the same man with a cat sidekick,"said Future Rogue "You....."I said running towards him "No one has never felt despair before,"said Future Rogue readying his attack "I finally obtained hope and you'll never take that away from me,"said Future Rogue and fired his attack "Your hope...... means turning the past into despair,"I said "Not everyone can be equally happiness,"said Future Rogue "Grow up Natsu Dragneel,"said Future Rogue "Even if you're right, everyone has a right to choose their own future,"I said running "We're heading to the future that we choose...... not the one you choose,"I said still running "Natsu!"said Altas Flame, he lended me his hand "We don't have to know what tomorrow holds,"I said "That's why were gonna live with anything through today,"I said shooting at him and aiming at the eclipse gate "Everyone move out of the way!!"someone shouted and everyone clears out and I hit the gate. All the dragons started to disappear "Natsu, I have something to say ........... will kill Frosch,"he said and disappeared.

*Lucy's pov*

I saw a light coming towards us "Everyone move out of the way!!"someone said and we ran for safety, the light came and crashed at the gate along with me rolling away by the blast. The eclipse gate was broken and the dragons and Future Rogue disappeared, I felt a tear come and hugged Natsu "What are you doing?"he said "I just had a feeling,"I said still hugging him (I don't remember what he said sorry).

*Third Person pov*

When all the dragons disappeared, also Future Lucy's body disappeared but, she went back to her time. She woke up in a golden grassland and looked around, she stood up and walked but then heard a voice "Luce,"said the voice, she turned around and say the whole guild "Come on, everyone's waiting,"said the voice and held out it's hand. They both ran towards the people who were waiting for them.

The King arranged a ball for all of the guilds who took place in the battle "Aurora you look so beautiful,"said Lucy "Umm.... thanks, you look beautiful as well,"she said feeling embarrassed. Aurora wore a long dress with the color black with short sleeves and diamonds on the waist, her hair was tied up into a bun with diamonds around the bun. As she was walking she saw Rogue but she turned away to look at her brother "Nii~san,"she said and walked towards him "Aurora,"he said "you're safe,"he said hugging me "Yeah.... I am,"Aurora said hugging him back "Gray~sama!!"said a familiar voice "Juvia!!??"said he said "I'll give you some space,"she said and walked away "Wait Aurora, don't leave me!!"he said "haha,"She laughed, while she was walking, there was someone who blocks her path.

*Aurora's pov*

"Aurora,"said the voice "Umm... hi Rogue,"I said nervously "Can we talk?"he asked me "s-sure,"I said and followed him. As we walked, we stopped at a balcony "So what did you want to talk about?"I said in a stern voice "I'm sorry about what happened, the kiss........ it was a mistake, I never wanted to do that to you, I never wanted to hurt you,"he said "I just want you back, I just want things back to the way they were," "Look, I'm sorry too, it did hurt me but, it's fine. When I met the future you, he looked at me with love and then I just noticed right now, when you kissed, I saw the same look in your eyes....... the look of love,"I said "When did you have those feelings?"I asked him "The day we met, on that day........ that was the day when I found a love, when we found a lot of things in common, I fell in love with how kind and giving you are....... you put others before you but, I think that this time.......... you should put yourself before others now, Aurora........ will you be my girlfriend and come to my guild,"he said "Umm...... I don't know about the guild part but........ I'll become your girlfriend,"I said smiling "yes,"he whispered.

We walked back into the ball and saw Sting wait in for us "Sooooo...... did she say yes!!?"and Rogue nodded "Yes!!! Welcome to the guild!!"he said then I got confused "Umm.... I'm still thinking,"I said "O-ohhh,"Sting said then Yukino appeared "Hehehe, go Mr. Guild Master, go get your girl,"I said "S-stop embarrassing me,"Sting said, when Yukino looked at Sting, she tried to walk away but she didn't "I know that we hurt you but that is the past Sabortooth, we want to change, we want to treat each other like family so please........ come back to us Yukino,"said Sting "I object!!! Yukino should join Fairy Tail,"someone said "No!! She should join Mermaid Heel,"said Kagura "Are you shitting, your drunk,"said Sting "I here by say that Yukino is now part of Mermaid Heel,"said Kagura "No she belongs to Quatro Puppy,"said one of the guys "No she belongs to Blue Pegasus,"said Ichiya. After all of that shit......... they fought.
