Mrs Peacock


Mrs Peacock has always been known to be extremely formal. To others on the same wealth status or higher she will be polite and kind to them. But, with others that are lower will be treated with nothing but disgust. So, many people see her as egotistical and incredibly rude.


TW: Abuse, Manipulation, Arranged Marriage

"To put on a mask is a simple discover the mask itself is near impossible."

Mrs Aubrey Peacock was born into an extremely rich family. Her parents were Christopher Black and Emily Black. Her mother was the main figure in her life, and taught her many things who would makeher into the person she is today. Her mother would teach her on "how to be a lady" and how she "needed to find a rich husband to be successful". Aubrey agreed with this, as she thought it was just how the world worked. I mean, it was the only life she had ever known.

When she was 15, she fell in love with a peasant named Gene. He was kind, loving and caring towards Aubrey. When she was 16, she confessed her love towards Gene. He accepted, and became each other's partners. They kept their relationship a secret until she turned 17. On her 17th birthday, she confessed she loved Gene to her mother and father. But, her mother and father became enraged by her actions and banned Gene from their house. "You can't date a peasant Aubrey!" Her mother and father would say. That day was the last she would ever see Gene, and the last day of happiness she would have.

6 months later, her parents told her she was going to be married to a 32 year-old man she's never met. Aubrey begged her parents to rethink it, but their minds were already made. Next week she met the man she was supposed to marry. His name was Oscar Peacock and was the CEO of one of the richest company's in the world. He was very nice to Aubrey, but she always felt something was off about him.

After the day she got married, she moved into the mansion. The mansion looked like a castle, and the maids were incredibly good at their job to. For the first week Mrs Peacock was there she felt welcomed and safe there. But one day, Oscar invited her to an event with the most prestigious people in the country. She accidentally exposed a secret about Oscar during a conversation. She then learnt that Oscar wasn't a very good man. She would be psychically and verbally abused over the years she lived there. Most days, Mrs Peacock would cry herself to sleep wishing for a better life then the one she had. Oscar didn't allow her to have any friends, so she was constantly alone while Oscar was at work.
Though, she learnt how to appear more confident at events then she really was, to impress Oscar.

When Mrs Peacock was in her early-thirties she and her husband were invited to a mansion get-away. But, they accident sent one ticket to the island. Oscar decided that Mrs Peacock would go by herself while he....focused on work. So, she packed her bags and set off into an island of the rich.

It would be the best, yet worst experience of her life.
