2. Changed and Unexpected Arrival


Following the events of Noir now being accepted to the academy called the Masters Academy, he's been going through some ongoing training with the 4 Masters in order to exceed his skills and his time to become a Master. Even if it has to mean leaving his home planet.

Though one incident can expect to change the days drastically, more so a very unexpected arrival... Which left Noir and the Masters to go figure it out.

Only to find something that is different from theirs... And to figure out what is going on now.

Only question remains.

How are they gonna figure this out?


POV: Noir

So then...

I finally got accepted to the Masters Academy.. My first day of this academy has already begun, although there's one thing that scrambled my brain even more than I really ever not intended to... Because the thing is... The Kingdom of Draco's castle where I am at....

Is actually the academy where I am attending...

Curious right?

Speaking of academy, I'm now doing my first lessons outside with the 4 Masters. Learning about magic... Although Sen did said that we are utilizing both weaponry and magic at the same time, although considering I can main multiple weapons both melee and ranged in a row seems so odd, yet the Masters didn't mind. Aside of the magic, since I don't have that yet.... What caught their attention in surprise wasn't just me choosing the melee, it's more so the ranged weapon. My submachine gun that I pulled out...

"So you're saying.... Your ranged weapon is actually a gun?!" Sen became shocked after hearing about it. Considering how much skills it can often take to use it.

"Well yes, although I wouldn't want to use it against you guys, although if it's necessary then I'll use it, considering how unfair it is. Well in terms of that, bringing a gun in a knife fight..." I rubbed my head as I awkwardly laugh.

"Fascinating," Zyr was then surprised. "If you really think about it, guns weren't commonly used before during the first war between The Darkins and humanity..."

"It is indeed quite the surprise brother," as Xai agreed, "but I'm glad to have someone using both melee like me and Tyrus, and a ranged weapon like Zyr and Sen."

Tyrus nods in agreement as he starts pulling out his hammer out. He starts to grin as he looked at me. "Prepare yourself, Noir. We want to test you first, by facing us 4v1." And then an aura of green circle with triangles in it appear. "Just incase. It will automatically heals us, well slowly for the moment..."

Then the other 3 Master starts pulling out their weapons as I did the same as well, going onto their usual attack pose.

I calmly breathed as I made a stare down with the 4 Masters. This will become the first test. Me against the Masters.... This will not be an easy fight against them.

We waited and waited, to see who will pull out their first move. I only have my submachine gun at my back just incase it gets difficult.

Up until Xai made the charge at my as I readied my sword. When he got close to me, I managed to go charge at him a little and block his oncoming swing, which we then clashed at each other with sparks. I manage to push him a little bit as soon he starts to lose his balance..

And then came Tyrus now, who unexpectedly jumped out of nowhere, ready to swing his hammer at me. It took me a millisecond to see the incoming swing as I kicked Xai to push him back and ducked under the Tyrus's hammer which then I kicked him the same that I did to his younger brother. Which then both of them skidded on their shoes as they were back to their original positions.

"Good enough," Xai said as he breathed heavily.

"But how far can you handle when going up against this!" Zyr said as he shoot his arrow towards in tremendous speed, which I then dodged it by leaning at my back as it almost hit my chest.

"Hmph! Not bad!" Zyr said as he shot another.

I manage to notice it as I managed to use my sword and sliced the other arrow coming towards me in half, as the two halves hit the ground, shocking Zyr in disbelief with his mouth jaw dropped after realizing what happened.

"W-What....." He looked at what happened. "H-H-HOW?!"

"Ha! That was just child's play! This is how it's supposed to be done!" Sen says as he readies his dodgeball.

He first pose himself, and then went for a throw as the dodgeball went super quick. I knew I was prepared for this as I have played dodgeball before, although not as good I was. I took concentration as I waited the dodgeball getting closer and closer...

"Here we go..." I took a deep breath.

And then... I felt something from my hand as I felt sheer impact of the speedy dodgeball as it caught on my hand, pushing me back a lot, and then I threw back the dodgeball at Sen more faster than that, which caught him slacking for a couple seconds and dodge it.

"Woah! That was close....?" Sen took some time to think. "HOW THE HELL DID YOU THREW IT BACK?!!? THAT SPEED COULD'VE KNOCKED YOU OUT!"

I then hold my sword with both of my hands as I readied myself grinning.

"Just like you said.. Prepare yourself.." I said as the 4 Masters prepared for themselves, now grinning the same.

The first battle...

... has already begun..

(Battle Song) NightHawk22 - Corrosion is now playing.

POV: 3rd Person

The battle has now commence. Between Noir and the 4 Masters.

To the perspective of Noir, he was quite surprised about how he managed to dodge or block a lot of the attacks from the 4 Masters. To him it felt all that impossible, considering if he wasn't that too good, he would've been hit right now, and probably the battle would've become over by now.

"But how? Did I seriously managed to evade a lot of their attacks because of those powers that God and Satan given me? Or was this just all calculated too well?" Noir thought as he was confused about what just happened, or how it happened...

"How he managed to evade the speed of my dodgeball is beyond me..." Sen also thought with confusion about his attack almost working..

"Well this outta be fun..." As Zyr smirked while thinking about it.

"Heh, time to show the real deal now. No more playing!" Xai also thought while he looked at Noir as he posed himself to be ready.

"Considering this is already his first day in the academy... I can see a lot of potential in him to become a Master like us..." Tyrus looked at Noir while also smiling considering how he managed to dodge his hammer.

Then, Noir started to charge at them as he started swinging his sword at Zyr first, who then was blocked by Xai's sword as they clashed again, only for this time he managed to get the upper hand and swung at Noir.

However Noir took the notice of his attack and started to hit his sword, parrying it as Xai was suddenly pushed back.

"Tch! Oh no you don't!" Xai gritted as he kept charging.

Then, Tyrus also joined in along side Sen, who were teaming up to make a distraction by one of them baiting Noir to let the other attack him.

This did suddenly work for the moment when Tyrus took the charge first with his hammer to swung it at Noir, only for Noir to evade at swung his sword at the hammer user as he was able to hit him and Tyrus was eventually hurt, only to miss Noir.

"AGH!" Now we can see Tyrus now hurt a bit as it put a scar on his chest.

"Close on-" Unfortunately for Noir, he did not realize about Sen's dodgeball, which he got too distracted by Tyrus's attack which eventually hit him in the chest, pushing him back as he skidded the rough terrain. "UGH! Damn that hurts one bit..."

Fate also ended up very unlucky for him, as he realized he was being shot by arrows at it hit him.

"ARGH!" Noir yelled in pain. "Alright! No more playing this time!"

He then pulls out both of his submachine gun, which he fired a lot of shots at Sen who managed to dodge 15 of them but 2.. Sen winced in pain. Although Noir and Xai kept clashing sword at each other while both Tyrus and Zyr kept using their weapons to try make Noir more even exhausted.

"Ngh! Damn it!" Sen heavily breathes as he looked at Noir, who is still clashing against Xai while shooting his gun against all the odds. He smirks as he thought. "Heh... You are one strong fighter... Noir. This next move surely will surprise you the next time...."

Noir kept swinging his sword at Xai, which he managed to get hit by the side of the stomach which flew him away as he landed on the ground, which made his side of stomach bleed a bit before it's wound was sealed by the green healing aura.

Then Tyrus took the swing of his hammer as he managed to get a hit on Noir as the white haired boy was hit flying as his back hit by the tree.

"AAAAH!" He winced in agony after that hit, but did not give up yet as he kept shooting his gun, aiming at Zyr who took lots of the hits as he fell down on his knees.

"GAAAAH!" Zyr placed his hand on his stomach as blood starts flowing slowly before the wounds closed again by the healing aura.

"He's too good..." He thought as his bow left the grip of his hand as he kept smiling. "You know, he already has the potentional with his skill. Although the only thing for him to become a Master is by having magic..."

Noir kept fighting and fighting as Xai managed to swung his sword at Noir as his weapon managed to slice a bit on Noir's stomach. Making a scar in it.

"GRH!" Noir back away as he felt the pain.

Now all of them, Noir and the Masters, now filled with scars and some bits of blood as the fighting was intense.

Up until this happened....

"Hey Noir! Catch this!" Sen jumped and yelled as Noir and the other 3 saw the dodgeball in flames, which he then throws it.

"Oh no..... Not this again..." Tyrus looks at the flaming ball coming towards them. "Noir! Get out of here!"

Now noticing the fiery ball, Noir knew he had to act fast, he had to get out of the way as far as possible.

Although when the ball soon touched the ground, he did not expect to what he thought. The first time it bounce, it sets off an explosion, creating a crater on the ground. Then bounced off to a tree which the explosion happened again, only this time destroying the tree. Last but not least, is the wall that is close the entrance of the castle which unfortunately did explode as it made a hole in a wall, with smoked ash and burning rubble. The ball did eventually died down and the fiery effect died down.

(Battle Song) Song ends.

The 3 other Masters and Noir, although still have scars and small covers of blood, looked at Sen, who froze for a moment, and resumed as he looked around on what he did, he looked back at the others.

"Oh....... Oops...." Sen looked down embarrassingly at what he just did.

Although, Xai took it literally. Facepalming at quite the stupidity.

"God fucking damnit Sen!" Now he approaches to him as he shook him a lot of times. "I told you to not use your Fireball! This is eitherthe 10th time you made a hole in the wall on the castle you dork!"

"AYE! LITTLE BRO! STOP SHAKING ME VICIOUSLY AGAIN!" Sen, now being viciously shaken is starting to get annoyed. "I DIDN'T EVEN MEAN IT THE 10TH TIME! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!"

"I think that's enough training for today...." Noir looked at the other 2 as they nodded in agreement.

"Yeah.... We should need to recover first..." Zyr looked back at him.

Although in the castle, King Azar, sitting on his throne, chuckled as he smiled after what just happened. Beside Noir's father, Kael, who in his armor and holding his gun standing a guard for the king, looking at him.

"Er.... Do you want us to go outside to see what's going on?" Kael questioned the king.

"No need to," the king answered back as he raised up his hand, "I've had to deal it over 50 times when Sen had to use it during his training. It's a tradition at this rate."

Back outside, both Xai and Sen, well you know, are arguing each other as mages came to heal the wounds of the 4 Masters and Noir, as it left no scars or blood left on their clothes.

"Sorry about that. That should've not happened," Tyrus passed on water to both Noir and Zyr, where the 3 sat down on one of the tables.

Noir just looked at him as he shrugged and kept drinking his water as he then looked at the dodgeball and sword user still arguing each other.

"I said I was sorry!" Sen still being 'violated' from his younger brother.

"But can't believe you were able to put some damage on us," Zyr then fist bumped Noir's shoulder. "Nobody, not even us, would've even damage ourselves during our first time of training in the academy."

Noir looked back at him quite surprise.


"Indeed," Tyrus nodded as he started explaining. "None of us, even our first training would've hurt each other, Master or not, from King Azar himself. It was quite a shocker that he's also a Master, considering the trials we have to get through..."

"I see..." Noir said as said was interested.

"As much we are quite the challenge to give you, we put-" Zyr was cut off as soon they heard a landing. As 2 figures, one a mage, and one with a knight armor with a sword, looked at us.

(Just imagine in their human form)

"Dezadon? Arcane Warlock?" Zyr spoke to the two as they arrived here which is quite a shocker for him. Although for Noir, he was confused to see them here.

"Ah, I heard you must be the one who survived The Darkins return and his attack," Arcane Warlock looked at Noir as he is holding his staff on his hand.

Noir nodded as he said his name. "Noir Vortex. That's my name."

Although Tyrus asked something to the two as he also was questioning with their presence here. "What are you two doing here? We were just about to recover from our recent battles with him."

"And I supposed that recent battle with Noir ended in a stalemate I suppose?" Dezadon looked at the 3 as Tyrus nodded.

Although for the Arcane Warlock, he looked at both Xai and Sen who are still arguing with each other as they exchange jabs at each other.



Arcane Warlock sighed as he looked back at the 3. "Still hasn't changed with these two children, haven't they?"

Although Sen and Xai yelled back.


"But anyways," Arcane Warlock starts explaining why both of them are here, "we're here because we had felt some sort of presence of a meteor coming towards by at the Arena of Korbloxus. The presence shows that there's some sort of robot and a hooded mask with red goggles, identifying himself as Nevadian.."

Everyone looked at the mage as some of them were confused or surprised.

"That's... Odd..." Tyrus looked at the mage. "Surely there is some more information between the two.."

"That's what the both of us actually theorize.. But it seems like they are arriving here, getting away from something," Dezadon answers back.

"I felt it too."

Everyone turned around to see King Azar, and Noir's father, Kael, who is the king's guard as the king looked at everyone.

"And that's why I want the 4 Masters and Noir to investigate in the area of the arena. And of course, why not test Noir to become a Master?"

Everyone looked shocked as they looked at Noir, who is quite confused about the faces he saw by the others.


"You can't be serious..." Sen looked at the king.

"It would be a great showcase for him to see the arena, and possibly get his potential as he continues to train," King Azar replied to the concerns of Sen.

"But he doesn't have any powers! Well yet... It's been a first day for him!" Xai answers back.

"He'll eventually get it soon. But I want you 5 to go investigate with Arcane Warlock and Dezadon. Return to the castle once you guys retrieve the both of them, but not without any violence." The king ordered to the ones he wanted him to go.

"As you wish king," the 7 of them replied as they started to go adventure out to the arena.

"Wait, son," Kael stopped Noir as he approached to the white haired boy. "Here, you'll need it for more defense. Just don't want you become more vulnerable by being the weakest."

He then gave Noir, two guns, that looked like blasters. One black and one white.

"Well thanks, dad," Noir smiled back at him as he started walking with the 4 Masters, including both Dezadon and Arcane Warlock.


Time skip 25 minutes later, brought you by... Sen's speedy dodgeball coming towards you.


They've finally arrived at the arena after 25 minutes of walking and mostly chatting with each other. Although for Noir though, he has never seen an arena so huge he has never seen before..

"Woah! T-This is awesome!" Noir looked at amazed the the arena around him. "So this is the Arena of Korbloxus."

Dezadon nodded as he explained the details of the arena. "The Arena of Korbloxus, is one of the most well known founding arena in Robloxia, and the Kingdom of Draco for over 2 centuries and a half now. One of the greatest arena's to this day, giving the best fights and shows anyone can ever face. Spectators will always love to see this!"

"Speaking of spectator..." Tyrus starts to look around as everyone quieted down, hearing nothing but the sheer silence.

Steve Jablonsky - Arrival To Earth (Transformers) is now playing.

"The quietness is not the best thing you can ever hear... Even when it comes to an arena like this..." Sen turns around all over of the empty seats. "It's atmosphere like this gives me the creeps all around here..."

"Yeah..." Zyr nodded in agreement.

"But the question is," Xai looked at the others, "where's the meteor?"

What surprised them was the sound of something like a fire, or more so sparkling. They looked up above the skies as they see something in the distance.

Play at 0:48 for the most iconic part if the music.

They see a meteor, arriving at the scenes. Dezadon and Arcane Warlock were right. The meteor is definitely coming to the arena.

"I see it!" Noir pointed at the sky where the meteor is getting closer and closer as it got closer to the arena.

The meteor starts splitting in some bits of pieces as it passed starts breaking one of the top parts of the arena.

"OH FUCK! EVERYONE GET OUT OF THE WAY OF THE METEOR!" Xai yelled realizing what is going on. The others did eventually find a cover.

As soon the meteor got there, it started to crash land at the ground, making a lot of the scrapes as it was a hard hit, sending a massive of blast like a shockwave in the area. Filling the arena with smokes and dust all over it.

As soon the meteor stopped moving, everyone else got out from their little protection as they started to see the meteor from their sights.

Sen started coughing at the amount of dust and smoke as he covered his mouth with his arm. Now checking on the meteor, he starts to question.

"Ugh.... What is that?"

Everyone else kept looking at the meteor, now realizing it's starting to fall off into bits of pieces.

"We gotta go there now!" Dezadon reminded them as they started running towards it.

As soon they arrived towards the meteor, the smoke and dust is starting to clear as they looked at the now broken meteor inside the arena. Although they heard something somewhere towards the other parts of the dust inside.

The music ends.

"Ugh.... That was a hard hit... My head..." A voice started to speak.

"Identifying the location," another one starts to speak in a more robotic voice. "It seems like we are in some sort arena, called the Arena of Korbloxus.."

"Yeah.... It does seem look like an arena with the recognizable size... But where are we?"

"Robloxia. Although that's what my navigation says..."

"Robloxia... Well at least we gotten away from that beast somehow..."

When the dust and smoke is starting to get clearer and clearer, they can see a silhouette of a giant robot, and a humanoid form, with both having glowing eyes on it. They started walking towards to Noir and the group as they started preparing their weapons. When the 2 figures arrived, they revealed themselves.

"Stand down!" The giant robot looked at the Noir, the Masters, Dezadon, and Arcane Warlock who prepared to pose with their weapons as they looked it the two. "We are not here to fight!"

"Who are you?!" Zyr pulled the string of the bow with the arrow waiting for it to be released.

Although, the giant robot looked at Noir, who then uses him to scan with the blue glowing scanner, confusing Noir with it.

"I can't believe it..." He points at Noir. "You, come over here."

Everyone looked at Noir, as he put away his weapon.

"Leave it to me," Noir looked at the 6.

"Y-You might fall into a trick!" Arcane Warlock looked at him, thinking he is serious about it.

"This is a discussion between me and the 2," Noir looked at this, now being a bit hesitant about it. "They might know something..."

Although the Arcane Warlock didn't want him to go, he bowed his head as he looked back at him. "Very well."

Noir started walking towards the two as the others are ready still to make an attack, just incase something goes wrong with it. As soon he got to them, the hooded and masked figure with red goggles and the giant robot who kelt down, both of them looked at the white eyes person.

"Are you, Noir Vortex, the descendant of the single adoptive father, Kael Vortex, and the survivor of the attack from The Darkins?" The giant robot starts to speak with him.

"They know about him?" The 4 Masters, Dezadon, and Arcane Warlock thought as they heard their discussion and lowered their weapons.

"Y-Yeah," Noir nervously replied as he looked at the giant robot. "I am actually.."

The robot starts to stand up as he looked at him down.

"My name's Optimus Prime. And I am an Autonomous Robotic Organism, from the planet Cybertron. But you can call me an Autobot for short," Prime start's speaking as he starts looking at Noir, then the others.

Then it was the hooded figure with the mask and red goggles turn to speak. "And I am Hank J. Wimbleton, but call my Hank for short. I am a Nevadian, from the planet of Nevada."

"Nevadian and Autobot..." Noir whispered to himself.

"If you want to know, we do not come from this world. Not even you as well, Noir." Prime replying to Noir as he nodded and looked at the 6 behind him.

There were then chatters from the 4 Masters, Dezadon, and Arcane Warlock as Tyrus starts explaining themselves. "I am Tyrus Strong. And I am a human in the planet of Robloxia, alongside others. I am one of the Masters under King Azar's fellowship. Including, Sen Thrower, Xai Slasher, and Zyr Hunter. And these 2, are Dezadon and Arcane Warlock. Two of the greatest legends."

"It is good to see you two, Optimus Prime and Hank J. Wimbleton." Arcane Warlock says as he tapped the ground with the bottom of his staff while bowing his head.

Noir looked at the two again as he questioned them with their presence.

"Why are you here?"

"We are here to remind you about our own exile of our own planets to meet you here."

Noir is confused again. "What do you mean?"

It was then that Prime now did something with his eyes, now making some sort of two scenes that felt real all around him as he was near with the 4 Masters, Dezadon, and Arcane Warlock.

"These places, Nevada and Cybetron, was once their peaceful planets as their allies and enemies from their world, can now coexist with each other after many years. One from my planet, which includes Autobots, Decepticons, Predacons, and Maximals. And Hank's world, consisting of Nevadians." Prime started explaining about the 2 planets as there are cities around them.

"But then came with that fateful day of an event, where the army of The Darkins arrived here, and start rampaging the planets we've once lived on. From my new enemies, named the Hexacores, and Hank's new enemies, named the Revengus, all in command of The Darkins, where the planets have been under attacked for many days until we prevailed. However, this caused both of us, putting ourselves of an undetermined exile, to find you where you are now at. To know the existence of the Realitinium Verseium."

The scene ends as it reverts back to the arena as Noir was shocked about the object he mention.

"That's the one that my father found before we got here..."

"It wasn't an accident," Prime starts explaining again. "The Darkins managed to find an exact version, found at their planet named Zelus. Where they finally used it's power, to build an army and start an expedition of invasions. But the other one, has been sent somewhere where it isn't recognizable, which then came to your planet."

"With the other Realitinium Verseium in our hands now. We can build our own army to stop the threat of The Darkins once as for all again." Dezadon made a fist on his right hand as everyone else nodded at him.

Although, they heard something else now... Something that sounded like a roar as the ground rumbled.

"W-Woah! What is going on?" Sen almost lost his balance as Tyrus manage to get him to put back on his feet.

"Noir, can you hear me?" It was from King Azar, who telepathically called him.

"Huh? How can you-" Noir was cut off as King Azar explained the rumble.

"You gotta get out of the way! I sense some sort of unstable energy coming by!"

As soon as the rumble gets more vicious. Zyr saw something above the sky. It was anything he has not seen before.


Everyone else got in the way as a loud stomp arrived in the arena, revealing a giant beast that Noir and and the others were shocked to see about.

"ROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAR!" The beast yelled in rage.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?" Noir yelled, seeing a giant beast that is almost the size of inside the arena.

"FUCK! IT'S TRIHEXA! OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE 666 BEAST!" Hank yelled back as he pulled out his weapon alongside Prime.

Everyone else readied their weapon as Dezadon and Arcane Warlock turned into their new forms. Now being red as ever.

"LETS DO THIS!" The both of them in unison said as they started charging towards Trihexa.

Trihexa on the other hand, starts to attempt scratching the knight, although Dezadon managed to swing back as he backed away and used a move that made orbs rain from the sky, dealing damage to the beast. "ORB RAIN!"

Prime on the side, starts shooting his weapons as it managed to land hits on the giant beast. Hank also managed to land shots on the beast as it hurt it a bit.

"ROOAAR!" Hearing the small pained sound of Trihexa, the beast used it's tail to hit both Prime and Hank as they skidded towards the ground to Noir and the 4 Masters.

"Ugh!" Hank stood up as he looked at the beast firing something. "WATCH OUT!"

Everyone got in the way in the nick of time as the beasts blast a laser from the mouth, completely missing them. Arcane Warlock managed to use its power to damage Trihexa even more, but the beast managed to made a swing with its claws, making the mage flying backwards and then towards the ground.

"URRG!" Arcane Warlock could not move as Trihexa was about to blast another laser from it's mouth.

"NOT THIS TIME YOU BEAST!" Sen managed to throw one of his Supersonic Arc that is 3x the size than it's original very quickly. "MEGA SPHERE!"

He threw the Mega Sphere as it was so quick, it managed to deal heavy damage to Trihexa as it backed away before it could blast the laser at Arcane Warlock.

"Thanks Sen!" Arcane Warlock thanked him.

"No worries! We can keep fighting that thing!" Sen replied as he keeps running.

Xai right now is on the back of Trihexa, which the beast did not notice as Xai makes a charge with his sword, with the tip of it facing forward. "TIME TO FACE MY BRANDISH!"

He managed to pierce his sword through the back of the neck of the beast, which Trihexa roared loudly as it started moving, making Xai lose his balance as he starts falling.

"AAAAH!" Xai yelled as he was caught by Prime.

"I got you!" Prime says as he starts to turn into a semi truck as he got away as quick as possibly before Trihexa smacks the ground to get to safe place.

Prime transformed back to his robotic form with Xai out of it as Hank starts charging again with his sword, and his gun as he starts shooting and slicing more on Trihexa, giving much more sound of a pain.

"You like this huh?!"

But the beast was having none of it as it smacked its claws towards the ground, sending Hank back again from the blast towards the group as he stood up yet again. "ERGH! This beasts never gives up doesn't it?!"

"No.." Xai replied and looked at the beast who roared loudly as it look at both Dezadon and Arcane Warlock keep fighting it.

Though said for Dezadon, he keeps hitting back incoming swings of the claws while using it's Sawblades to hurt Trihexa. But got unlucky as he attempted using his Orb Rain as he tried going up to the sky, ended up getting hit by Trihexa's next swing, sending him back and hitting the ground hardly.

"GAH!" Dezadon tried to stand up, but could not move for a moment. That eventually was prevented as Xai helped him up as they got to the safest location.

"SPIRIT BOMB!" Arcane Warlock fires a giant orb overhead of Trihexa, which then streams of smaller orbs came raining down on the beast as it took many hits.

"ROOOOOOAAAR!" Trihexa yelled in pain again is it looked

Though in pain, it managed to use it's tail as it whipped at the mage, who was then send back flying as Prime manage to catch hum before he could hit the wall.

"No way... How powerful is this thing?" Arcane Warlock asked Prime.

"Very." Prime replied.

Both Tyrus and Zyr used their weapons to damage the beast, as it used one of their moves.

"BREAAAAAKER!" Tyrus yelled as he is in the sky, using his hammer as it charged up, hitting the back of Trihexa as it pushed it down to the ground, making a big crater, although was suddenly thrown back by Trihexa as he skidded the ground with his foot towards his group. "AAARGH!"

For Zyr, he shot his arrows a lot of times, piercing some skins of the beast, and then shot an arrow.


As the arrow starts to disappear, rain of arrows starts aiming towards Trihexa's head, but manage to block it with it's arm of the claws, and then hits Zyr with it's claw swinging as he scraped from the ground. "GUUUH! It's hurts... Urg...

Prime, at a far distance running, kept shooting his weapon as the beast starts to fire a small laser towards him, which Prime manages to dodge.

Though looked back and see Sen, with his dodgeball on fire as he threw it very quickly with his hands. "FIREBALL!"

Unfortunately for his move, Trihexa managed to back hand the flaming dodgeball, as it the swung it's claws towards Sen's chest which he got hit from, and then happened the same thing that Zyr was put into before. Only this time his chest had a scar and slowly bleeding. Xai rushed to him holding his head. Soon after, everyone came.

"No... I can't beat it..." Sen weakly starts to speak slowly as he bleeds a little too much. Thankfully Arcane Warlock managed to do some healing, but all of them felt bruised and scarred with some tattered clothes. As well as Prime who seems a bit damaged.

"Wait a minute..." Hank turned around as he realize something. "Where's Noir?!"

"There!" Dezadon pointed to where Noir is, who is far away using his weapons as he shoot his guns and then switched to his sword as he manage to block many of the swings.

"YOU WANT A PIECE OF THIS?!" Noir yelled at Trihexa who roared in anger as the beast tried swinging its claws.

"NOIR! GET OUT OF HERE!" Tyrus yelled.

Unfortunately, he didn't listen as he kept fighting Trihexa, who the swung the claws and managed to put Noir down on the ground with his sword, now ruined and destroyed.

"No.... I couldn't stop it either.." Noir heavily breathed, realizing he has become outmatched by Trihexa.

But he saw something nearby him on the ground. It was an interesting looking sword, that look black and white, and quite different from his original and Xai's sword. He managed to grab it as he pointed the tip on the beast who got closer.

"Noir! Get out of here! Trihexa is too strong for you to handle!" Dezadon, now back on his original teal knight form yelled at him, but Noir couldn't move.

(Master Blacklight's Transformation Theme) Outlandr - Overcome [Arcade Release] is now playing.

"Well..." Noir starts speaking weakly as he looked at the beast. "I guess this is where death meets me on this end.. I'm sorry everyone... I failed..."

The beast looked at Noir, who smiled weakly as he held his sword, now uses it's claw, to slam the ground, waiting for the the time.

"Heh... Goodbye... It's over for me..." He closed his eyes.





"No, not yet it hasn't." The voices of both God and Satan has been heard on Noir's mind which he opens his eyes.

"H-Huh? God? Satan?" Noir weakly says as the 2 deities starts talking to him inside his head.

"You now hold the possession of the sword of the Monochrome Vanguard." God starts speaking about the sword. "A sword created millions of years ago, harnessing both the light and dark, the powers will be achieved in you when wielding it."

"Alongside your guns, Null and Blank, and Flash Void. Now.... It's time for you to face this beast.." Satan added.

And then both of the deities started to say in unison.

"Overcome... And you'll be awaken... Blacklight..."

Then the claw of Trihexa, slams the ground as Noir looked at it before he closed his eyes.

Meanwhile with the others, everyone looked in shock after what just happened. Trihexa crushed Noir with its claws. Leaving dust everywhere.

"No..." Arcane Warlock, now back in his regular form looked saddened after what happened. "He's such a young man..."

"Noir..." Tyrus, Sen, Xai, and Zyr, all said in unison after what Trihexa did.

Now the beast is looking at them, with it's hand still on top of Noir. Now charges up a laser as all of them are too weak to evade. Up until something abnormal happens..

A glowing light shined at Trihexa's claw as the beast looked at it as it cancels its charge. Although for the others, they looked at what's going on with the glowing light shining at Trihexa's claw.

"What's going on?" Dezadon looked at it, surprised seeing what's happening. "Why is the light glowing from Trihexa's claw?"

And then, auras of light statics and dark clouds went through under Trihexa's claw, as the light starts glowing brighter and brighter.


Go to 0:30.

Then, a blast of white and black energy blasted Trihexa away far back as the glowing energy aura starts to appear, making the others covering their eyes to prevent the blindness.

When the light starts becoming more dim and dim and as the energy aura starts to disappear, everyone was shocked to see who it was from their costume, as light statics and dark clouds surrounding the right arm of it. It was Noir Vortex, with his different outfit. Now has the Monochrome Vanguard.

"You thought killing me was going to happen? Who decides that?" Noir now in his new look, pointed the sword at Trihexa, who angrily roared as he turned his head to see his crew.

"Noir/Noir!" All of them yelled as they looked shocked seeing Noir, who they thought he was killed from being crushed by Trihexa's claw.

"Don't mind me. This is a fight between me and this son of a bitch." Noir replies as he grinned. "Go, take cover."

Everyone listened and they took cover from a rock that is high enough to prevent any blast.


Noir turned around as Trihexa yelled very loudly. Now charging towards at the newly looked Noir as he just stood there.

"Bring it on.... TRIHEXA!" He yelled as he also charged now.

Go to 1:03.

Noir charged very quickly as they both clashed each other with the sharpness. The claws of Trihexa now contacting with Noir's sword as it was very vicious.

"Tch! You though so?" Noir said as he ran through and slice some parts of the skin on Trihexa who roared very loudly.

Then the beast uses it's tail to whip, but Noir jumped very quickly and very high as he slice more through skin as he managed to cut of one of Trihexa's hand claw, which the beast yelled in pain again. The beast then tried to swing the other claw.

"CHAIN SPIKE!" Noir reaches out his left hand as small portals start to appear, which the a mix of black and white chained together charges through Trihexa, which pierced through the flesh, now yelling more in pain.

"ROOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!" Trihexa yelled in even more pain now.

"Well you do not give up huh?! WELL FACE THIS!" Noir says as he sent out a ball of energy, dark and light as it went towards Trihexa who then got hit, blasting the beast even further back.


"Had enough?" Noir switched to his guns as he starts shooting and looked at the beast as Trihexa charged up the laser from its mouth, and then fires it which Noir just stood there, waiting for it.

The laser manage to blast the ground, where the supposed Noir is. And when it disappears, it only leaves a crater.

"You've forgot one last thing Trihexa!" Trihexa starts to turn around as Noir is actually behind the beast all the time with his sword now on the back. "You forgotten about surprises!"

He then slashed forward of the beasts head which then he starts slicing the beast all the way to the neck of the head, which then splits in half as he went through the split. And then Noir landed on the ground, now looking back at Trihexa, who wasn't moving. Starts to fall down forward and then hit the ground hard with dust covering. Now that the beast dead as it could not move, which then Noir walked forward.

"I am Noir Vortex, you fucker. My Master Title is called Blacklight. And you have been defeated by my Monochrome Vanguard."

Song stops and ends.


Noir turned around to see his crew running towards them, as they looked at the fallen beast. Now glad they saw Noir and his new look.

"That. Was. AWESOME!" Sen looked at him excitedly as they watched about what happened to the battle, though still holding out his stomach.

"Man, you've really changed as well Noir," Xai crossed his arms, smiling at the new look.

"Noir Vortex, I knew you hold a key to defeating The Darkins now," Prime looked at Noir while smiling after that battle, which Hank also smiled.

Although, everyone looked at the beast which then starts turning into ashes as many bits of the skins starts to disintegrate one by one, and once everything is all cleared, they saw a girl kneeling as she looked at her hands, talking to herself very weakly.

"He... Finally did it... I have been defeated by him....."

Although Noir walked towards the girl as she looked back at him with the tip of his sword pointing at her neck.

"Why," starts Noir questioning now to the girl with the tone of his voice changing. "Why did you try to kill us?"

However, the girl started crying as she lowered Noir's sword to the ground and starts to fall forward, which Noir did manage to catch her, while putting his sword on his back. But she started hugging him as she started to cry.

"P-Please don't kill me. I didn't have a choice! They would kill me if I didn't end up destroying you and your friends! They would force me to do this even though I didn't want to!" The girl sobbed as Noir patted her on the back.

"By who?" Noir starts to ask.

"T-The..." The girls is starting to get very cold as he arms starts to slid down slowly from Noir's back, giving out her last words before she starts to fall down. "... Darkins..."

When Noir let go, she is becoming cold. When he checked her vitals. It shows signs that it's still functioning. He then looked at his crew, still bruised, scarred and bloodied.

"We gotta get back to the castle.. Now...."

"But how?" Sen kept holding stomach as it will slow the pain. "It's too far away to walk back here..."

"Hop in." Prime says as he starts to transform into a semi truck. "It can only have 2 seats, but I don't mind you taking a ride behind it. Give me the location of the castle, then we'll arrive here."

Everyone got on top of it as Prime starts to move the wheels and starts driving out of the arena. Although for Noir, he held the girl, still cold when he touched her face, now whispered to her.

"Hey don't worry..."






"We'll get you recovered... I promise..."

To be continued.....

Next Chapter: 3. Surprises
