Roadrunner to the Edge of the World

Mauricio Peña

Carlos Jaime Nava Muñoz

Standing in a scalding road in the middle of an arid desert there was a roadrunner. This roadrunner had just escaped his hiding hole and did not plan to come back. Running as fast as he could the roadrunner was restless and planned to road run forever. Leaving all things behind the road runner did not have a destination, he just wanted to go away forever. He wanted to forget the wrongs and rights he had done in his life. This bird ran so fast it made contrails out of dust and sand. The trails caught the attention of a familiar horned lizard that was once crossed by this particular roadrunner. His nest, destroyed and his babies, mauled by the seemingly timid roadrunner. Filled with hatred the horned lizard started running as fast as he could trying to keep up with the roadrunner. The roadrunner noticed the enraged lizard and made an effort to run even faster, and with this the contrail was more noticeable than before. A desert kingsnake was alarmed by the cloud of dust and looked at a familiar lizard in the eyes. This familiar lizard just so happened to have devoured a full nest of snake eggs with his lizard pals. Infuriated, the snake joined the trail. Not surprisingly the animals in this trail had other enemies that noticed the ruckus the snake, the horned lizard and the roadrunner were making. Out of sudden all known desert animals were running alongside each other with hatred as their motivators to never stop running until they caught their individual nemesis. After days of running the landscape wasn't all shades of white and yellow, some green started sprouting in the ground. Not all bushes and trees were dead anymore. The weather started getting colder and more humid. Vines and wet leaves brushed alongside the roadrunner and all the desert creature's faces and bodies. No one had the intention of stopping. A group of monkeys got knocked out of their tree thanks to all the vibrations the stampede caused, and of course, extremely furious, they started chasing the desert animals. Before you knew it all jungle animals were in on the marathon. Actually all animals in the world were involved at this point, with the roadrunner as the leader. All flowers and bushes completely trampled, and trees, knocked down, there was no more vegetation. After seemingly infinite hours of running the world came to an end. There was no more road, just an endless waterfall leading to a dark void. Before the roadrunner could warn the other animals of the fact, the horned lizard knocked him into the void with all the animals of the world following. This was the end of all living things in the world.
