•Coming home• Part 1

I just came back home and already miss him. I miss our friendship. I miss the love between us. I just miss it...

"So how was New York?" My mom asked me glaring at me

" It is beautiful, so much to do there." I told her looking out the window

"Hmm well I am very happy you are back, so is your brothers and sister."

"Oh really? I haven't seen them in forever." I said feeling happy

"Yea, they really missed you when you left." She said
over to me and faintly smiling

We pulled up to my mom house ( which was bigger then my childhood one!)

"Man it looks better in person oh my!" I exclaimed
while looking at the details of the house

"Well, I but my heart into this house."She explained to me as I continued to be amazed at the house

When I was 17 I went to go live with my dad in New York because I just wanted to leave San Francisco for reasons I rather not speak of. Pretty much lost all contacts of my mom and siblings. I felt like it was the best at the time of my situation, But That's where I met Yousef...then at 20 I got engaged, the worst thing I could have done..

"Before we walk in ,I forgot to tell you that your sister found a stray cat the other day ; I know you how you are with cats." She told me then I got my bags out the back seat and walked behind her to the door.
"Mom I was so little when I was scared of cats! I done out grown that fear now." I said laughing

"I'm sorry baby, I forgot how grown you have gotten forgive me now." She expressed

"I'm home!" Mom said walking in then I saw big mourns of me and my siblings on the walls.

The house was amazing beautiful. Something I was not used to.

"So where is the room I will stay in?" I asked my mom as I stepped in the living area. I looked on the other walls and I saw my school pictures and some new portrait my mom and siblings took.

"The stairs are pass the kitchen then you will take a right before you go into the dining room. Your room should be the first room on top of the stairs." My mom said putting some flowers in a vase.

"Okay.." I said following her orders and I ended up to the stairs.

I was walking up the stairs and had walked into the room I was staying in and saw that some of my things I left back at my old room was in this room. Half boxed and half unboxed.

I put my suitcases on my bed and unpack them and put some in the drawers.

"Mom you home?" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Chris?" I said out loud and heard foot steps come from down the hall to the room. Than I saw my older brother Chris smiling.

"Kali!" He said running to hug me.

"Chris! Oh my God! How are you?" I said smile from ear to ear. Chris was always my buddy through everything we went through.

"Kali! My little sister! You are actually here!" He said smiling hard.

"Man look at you! You look so old. I can't believe you're 23 now!" I told him pulling away from him and going back in for a hug.

"Yup! Now all I need to do his get the hell out of California" he said as we end our hug

"Boy, I tell you that may be your greatest choice." I said sitting on my sheet-less bed.

"I guess I been trying to grind so hard and hustle to get out!" He said laughing grabbing his wrists. Looking at his knuckles they look very bruised, like he been fighting or punching a wall.

It got quiet and I guess he noticed me staring at his knuckles and he quickly put them in his pockets.

"Umm do you have more bags me and g can get? Cause g can help me put them in your room." He said trying kill the silence.

"I got some more in the car but I got it." I said trying to put on a smile

"You sure because I can call G." He said raising his eyebrow. "G BRING YOUR NARROW ASS DOWM HERE"

"Dang, I'm in the middle of a game!" I heard him say and heard the door open then I saw him mid stop in front of my room

"Well,Hey G!" I said calling his name waving at him

"Hey Kali!" He said smiling "how long you been here? How was your flight?" He said speaking really fast

"G, breathe...okay? I just got here and the ride was alright." I said grabbing him into a hug.

"Man...I'm sorry just happy your here finally! Thought you was never coming." He said breaking our hug and looks at Chris.

"Why you called me again reject?" G said with attitude.

"Lucky we are having a great family reunion, go get the rest of her things, now" Chris said with authority in his voice.
G rolls his eyes and walks out

"Uh where Kelsey?" I asked looking at Chris trying to ignore that negative interaction.

" I think she is in her room." Chris said walking out with an cold tone to his voice "I'll show you." He said down the hall and taking a left as I followed him close.

"Mother fucker get out my room." She said rolling her eyes.

"Wow I can't believe my baby sister cuss like this." I said laughing

"MY GOSH KALI!" She said running to me then she hugged me.

"So you been holding the house down, being the second oldest at the moment ." I said sitting on her bed.

"Yeah..." She said grabbing her MacBook.

"Aye Kelsey I'm about slide to D.eve, tell Ma I'm gone shopping with my babymomma" Chris said walking pass her room

"D.Eve? they still run that?" I asked looking at Kelsey

"Yeah they still run it, him and king ." She said "I wanna come doe chrissss, they may be brawling tonight." She said giggling and grabbing her bag and putting on her shoes

"Dang..You say king?" I asked her and she nodded her head and walked down the hallway.

"Yeah,King is head honcho of everything and a boy name Xavier or Zay is his right hand man." G said walking back from getting my bags

"Really now..it used to be just Rob and Dre..damn Chris." I said shaking my head

The D.eve or devil eve is the spot my brother and his hang. Last time I spoke to him he stopped the gang talk.

"Yeah I'm like the only girl that be there." She said putting on her Nike jacket.

"I was too...I'm going to go, so you won't be alone." I said grabbing my wrist.

"Aight let me call Chris to make sure he haven't left yet." She said grabbing her phone

Wow already back into things..even though the boys don't live in South central they still act like it.

D.Eve, was the place for us to act wild and hang.

"Damn there go Taki!" G said hopping out and running to the boys who was playing basketball.

I got out and saw some boys siting on the porch and others playing basketball.

"Long time no see." King said walking up to me.

"Hey King.." I said looking down.

Me and King have the most deepest history ever. He was my first...in everything.

"Wassup with you? Since you left the hood and went to the big city you don't think you could have called me or some shit?" He said smirking

"King you know dang well I didn't and still don't have your number.." I said putting my hand on my hip.

"You could have ask Chris for it.." He said putting his hand on his hip to copy me.

"Is that who I think it is?" A boy yelled. I turned around and it was my childhood friend darell.

"OMG BITCH!" I said and ran and hugged him hard.

"My god you been gone gurl for a loooong time! But anyways I have a lot of things to tell you!" He said

"What? You got a new boo?" I said smirking.

"Yes! He is fine asf bitch!" He said and showed me a picture of him.

"He is fine damn!" I said to him and he looked at me.

"It was hard to hold him down." He said putting his hands on his hips

"Aye get in the house need to talk business for real." King said clapping his hands and everyone was walking in.

When I walked in I saw a brown skin boy sitting on the sofa playing a game with a other boy.

"Aight, we need to talk business for real, because we been short on money but selling a lot of dime bags of weed." King said sitting on the edge of the sofa.

"Well I do my part..so." The brown skinned boy said.

"We know damn Zay.." g said rolling his eyes

"Boy was that a roll in yo eye?" Zay said rising his voice

"No." G said clutching his jaw.

"Put a sir on the damn end. Y'all need to respect me for real, King not the only who watching over y'all dumbasses." He said hitting his chest. "Tired of this shit now"

"Xavier, chill." King said shaking his head

"Well he don't know me to pop off at me like that with a damn attitude." He said

"But I didn't get a attitude, talk what you fucking know." G said rising his voice.

"AYE STOP damn!" I yelled before I know it. "I know my brother have a damn attitude sometimes but that time he didn't so get off your damn high horse and stop talking to these boys like they damn worthless" I said getting in his face.

He have no place to talk to my brother like that...and I don't even know why Chris wouldn't say anything. He is less attractive when he open his mouth for real.

"Who are you?." He said looking in my eyes.

"Non of your business.Come on g lets go out side." I said and walked away.
