
Thunder. Lightning. Fear. 

A smear of everyone running.

Getting pushed back towards the enemy.

Terrified. Howling. 


"Rein! REIN!" Suddenly I lost control of my alpha. Rein and her spouse were our alphas, our leaders, I had to protect them. "Rein? Capricorn?" Being trampled to the ground I looked up to find the leader of the Canorroid's pack. "Narcissa." I said gravely. "Narcissa you have twenty seconds to return the alphas, twenty seconds to leave." 


"Or you and your pack will soon plead for mercy at my pack."

"Look at you, such a beautiful, loving she-wolf." 

I Growled. 

"And your eyes, they're wonderous. dark purple, with shining stars, like our universe."

"Narcissa. Now."

"Because like our universe, you will someday die out. And that may happen sooner than you think." 

I remember being tossed around that night. Tossed around by Narcissa and her sick wolves. I remember falling, and not getting up. 


"Novae." A sound whispered in my ears. "Novae." It echoed through my brain. "Novae." It was unique yet familiar. "Novae." Almost like...

"Cross!" I said, leaping up to her. A second later pain stabbed my head. I winced but Cross didn't see. She was the healer. 

I was in the den, the larger one, with moisture seeping through the walls. I looked at the black wolf. "Cross." I noticed her eyes. Intense yellow, and amber flecked. "Where are they?" Like a fire, dancing memories of her past. 

"Who? the alphas?" I nodded. "Novae, they're gone." She came closer to me, snuggling me against the cold air. 

"No." I pushed away from her. "They-Narcissa-"

"sh, calm down Novae, everything's fine!" Her whispers somehow soothed me, but I still wanted to know more. 

"No, no it's not fine. The alphas are dead, they're dead!"

"And I know you'll be a great leader."

"What? no, not me, not me."

"Novae, you're the beta, you vowed to take over their position if something bad happened to them."

"But this is different Cross, this is permanent."

"I'm sure if you'd like someone will take your pla-

"No!" I shouted, fear luminous in my voice. "They'll fight me for my place, they'll fight me to become alpha, they'll fight me-I'LL BE DEAD!"

"Novae, calm down. It'll be alright!"

"No, no it won't it won't and you know that!" My breaths were becoming rapid. I knew the other wolves hated me and I definitely knew they weren't going to accept me as their alpha! 

After a few minutes of deep breaths and calming words, I was alright. My head still hurt, but not to its fullest. "I think you're ready now." Her soft voice almost rocked my back to sleep, "Let's go outside, together." I inhaled deeply as we stepped out of the den as one. worry still flooding in my eyes, and calm fierceness flooding in hers. It would be hard for the other wolves to trust me, and even harder for me to trust myself. 
