Chapter 23 | London


After that heartbreak, the whole team returned to the hotel and the atmosphere on the team bus was dark and gloomy. Obviously nobody wanted to lose the game, but getting knocked out of the tournament on penalties was just annoying. We have worked so hard to get into the semi final but sadly the semi final was also the end of our tournament. As we arrived at the hotel, I headed back to my room not wanting to interact with anyone. I just wanted to cry and be alone. There were some fans waiting at the hotel lobby but I just ignored them and head straight into my room.

Entering my room, I was in no mood to talk to anyone. Even though Yeji was prepared to comfort me after my loss. 

Yeji: Hey, I was at the game. It was a tough one to take. Do you want a hug?

Y/N: Don't want to talk about it.

It was really a tough one to take, we did everything we could in that game and played our best but still got knocked out. I hated this feeling, I hated the feeling of losing and at that moment I just want to go bed in peace. I took a shower and laid in bed dozing off hoping that all of what just happened was a dream.

The Next Morning

I woke up the next morning, still feeling bad about the loss against Italy. However, because I haven't eaten for a very long time, I was also feeling very hungry. Luckily the smell of a ham and cheese toastie signalled that breakfast was prepared for me as I got out of bed and saw Yeji who was already eating her breakfast on the table.

Yeji: Morning sleepyhead, how was your sleep?

Y/N: Morning, I'm very hungry.

Yeji: Well lucky you, I bought some breakfast from a cafe nearby. Let's have breakfast and then we can explore London together.

Y/N: Do we really have to do that?

As I have said, I wasn't really in the mood of exploring the city and doing some sightseeing, I was still knackered from the 120 minutes I played yesterday and most importantly gutted about the loss. It was seriously a tough one to take and anyone who has been through the same situation will completely understand what I am going through right now.

Yeji: Yes let's go around and be tourists. Come on it'll be fun.

Y/N: Just let me stay in bed and cry.

Yeji: Oh come on don't be a big baby, you need a mini vacation to cheer yourself up and forget about the result. 

Y/N: I guess this could make up for whatever vacation we planned for this summer.

Maybe Yeji was right, I need something to get my head around what happened in the semi finals. Maybe a day out in London would cheer me up and make me forget what happened in the game. Reluctantly, I gave in and just went with what Yeji has planned for the day, enjoying the fact that we were here in London before we head back to Spain for pre season. 

After breakfast, I quickly got changed and went around London with Yeji. It was quite a fun experience, we both have been to London in the past but it was always because we have to play an away fixture against a team in London. We didn't really have time to be tourists and walk around London as tourists. 

Turns out Yeji already had everything planned, so all I need to do was to stick with her. We went to all the tourists attractions. London Bridge, Big Ben, British Museum and most importantly Buckingham Palace. You name it, we've been there. Given that both of us are footballers, we also briefly went to Stamford Bridge and the new Tottenham Hotspurs Stadium just to pay a visit. To top it all off, we went for a romantic walk along the River Thames because why not. 

London was really a nice city, and without thinking about football and the responsibility behind it, we were both finally able to enjoy the busy city of London as tourists. It has been a very long while since me and Yeji had spent a day like this together given how our schedules are with training and football. It was a very romantic day and I certainly enjoyed every bit of this day.

Coming to the end of the day, Yeji said that she had booked us a cubicle on the London Eye so we could overlook the city at night and that it would be a very beautiful spectacle. I knew Yeji was the person who doesn't like heights so I don't know why she was doing this. It was finally our turn to get onto the ferris wheel and Yeji was having second thoughts about getting onto it after seeing how high it would take us.

Yeji: Y/N, I don't want to get on that.

Y/N: Why? It's not that scary. This thing is safe. Right mate?

I asked the person in charge of the London Eye hoping that would calm Yeji down. However, that did not work.

Yeji: It's just so big and it takes you so high up. You know I never liked heights.

Y/N: Come on Yeji, once you get in there you will forget about it after seeing the view. Plus I'll be there by your side.

Reluctantly, Yeji got one. Partially because she had no choice given there was a massive queue behind us waiting for their turn and partially because she wanted to give me a day that will make me forget about the semi finals. 

Once we were on the ferris wheel, I had to hug Yeji very close to me to calm her down as we climbed up to the top. Whilst we were climbing up, I took my chances and looked out the glass windows and it was a true spectacle to look at.

London was a very beautiful city from up here. With the height we are at, it was almost a 360 degree view of the whole city. The lights from the offices at Canary Wharf lit up the city together with the lights shining at Westminster Abbey made the city look beautiful. Meanwhile, Yeji who is currently cuddling with me has also opened up a little bit and started to look out the window and admiring the city for herself. 

Y/N: It's beautiful isn't it?

Yeji: Yeah it's very beautiful, I'm glad I got into this box.

The beautiful night lights of London together with my girlfriend Yeji was a match made in heaven. Wanting to capture this moment, I took a photo and together with the other photos I took today, I could really cherish this day. 

As many people like to say, all good things come to an end, so did the ferris wheel ride. Very soon, we jumped off the London Eye and after having some dinner in a restaurant by the River Thames, we headed back to the hotel. Today was truly a magnificent day. I was really knackered given the hectic schedule that Yeji has planned. It wasn't very often that we get to be tourists when we travel and we really took this opportunity nicely. 

Y/N: Thanks Yeji, today really made me feel better.

Yeji: I'm glad I made you feel better after what happened.

Y/N: I love you Yeji, but I'm tired.

Yeji: I'm tired too. Let's go to bed. Goodnight babe.

Y/N: Goodnight Yeji.

I gave Yeji a goodnight kiss on her forehead as I watched her drifted to sleep.

Today certainly made me forget about everything that happened in the semi final. Obviously getting knocked out a major tournament when you are so close to the final was never a good feeling. Luckily, I had Yeji who is willing to do everything to cheer me up when I am at one of the low points of my life. When I am with Yeji, there was never a dull or sad moment, she would always try to make me feel better and after today, it certainly made me feel a lot better because I get to spend the whole day with my lovely girlfriend. Thinking how thankful I am to have Yeji, I drifted to sleep.

So a little bit of fluff on this chapter. Honestly, I'd like to say that I am completely back to writing frequently, but trust me I am not. However, I am once again finding motivation to continue writing, especially with finishing this book.

Please continue to support me throughout this story and make sure you vote along as you read this book. Thank you very much for your past support and also thank you very much for 100 followers on my wattpad profile. Your support have been immense and please keep this up.
