Chapter 10

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"Nothing," I muttered; I hated lying to her but I can't tell her the truth she'll hate me.
"Bullshit! Jax, I know you and you don't just go around fighting people. So tell me?" She choked out, breaking my heart.
I looked me directly in the eye regretting every word, "no you don't. Alright Emily!? You don't know a damn thing about me or what I go through!"
"Fine. I won't bother you, but don't you ever tell me who I can and can't flirt with its none of your dann business!"
She slammed the door shut and I put my face in my hands; I did something I haven't done in a long time, I cried.
I knew I had no right to be when I just talked to her like that but I couldn't help it I thought maybe she would turn around.
"Hey, what the fuck did I just do?" I questioned Xavier.
He laughed dryily, "something you regret, just like I did. When you and Emmy left that night I repeated her words in my head and how she'll never look at me the same again. I did it regret it a lot that day and I still ask myself what could've happened if I didn't do it but I wouldn't go back."
"Why the hell wouldn't you want to go back and fix all your fucking mistakes?!"
"I love Jaqueyln at least I think I do but I can't tell her yet because she will deny me."
I nodded in understandment, "do you think I should apologize?"
"You're damn right you should, I know you Jax and you would never go through all this trouble if you didn't care about her like hell."
"Yea, I care about her a lot, and heart keeps telling me I fucking love her but my head says I'm being irrational."
"Jax, get the hell off your ass and go apologize because I've seen the way she looks at you, no matter how many times she denies it she likes you."
I ran my hand through my hair, "I know I should but she won't fucking forgive me."
"Then grow some balls and make her."

I had to go talk to her at tell her that I'm sorry that I hurt her.
"Where's Emmy?!" I interrogated Landon.
"How the hell should I know?"
I pushed past the crowd and finally found a closed door.
"Hey, Emily are you in there? We need to talk."
No answer.
"Alright I'm gonna break down the fucking door if you don't open it!"
Still silence...
"What the fuck?!" I shouted at who I thought who was one of my best friends.
Emmy turned bright red, looked at me with sadness and regret.
Colton just smirked.

She stumbled down to where her friend was sitting. Is she fucking drunk?!
"Are you drunk?!" I asked her.
She shook her head, "no. I'm not!"
"Hell yes you are."
She stuck out her tongue, "I'm not, you meanie."
What the hell?!
I rolled my eyes at her, "seriously?"
"Yes, now shut up I want to play."
"Hell no you aren't!"
"Why?" She whined.
"Because you don't need to drown yourself in alcohol!"
She crossed her arms stubbornly, "you can't make me."
In all honesty I love when she's all stubborn, it makes her hot as hell.
"Get her a soda!" I yelled at some guy beside me.
"What? No."
I narrowed my eyes, "hmm? What was that?"
He gulped, "I said, be right up."
I grinned, "thanks."
"That was mean! You're mean!"
I chuckled, "princess, you haven't seen nothing."
What? She's drunk.
She raised an eyebrow, "no you're very nice to me."
"Yea to you....."
"Alright the rules are simple, you can pick truth or dare and if you pick truth you take a drink."
Oh shit....
"Who's first?" He asked us.
Catyiln raised her hand, "sure why not?"
"Ask someone either truth or dare."
"Cole, truth or dare?"
"I dare you to drink the whole bottle."
His eyes widened, "babe you realize I'm driving, right?"
She shook her head, "nah I'll get Claire she never gets drunk."
He grabbed the bottle and hesitantly chugged it.
"Who's next?"
Landon spoke up, "Jax, truth or dare?"
"Is that even a question? Dare."
He smirked, "I dare you to kiss Emmy."
"She's drunk as hell!" I protested but ha! I wasn't mad at all.
He shrugged, "even better."
At the moment she was humming some stupid song on the radio.
I cupped her face and kissed her lips, to my surprise she kissed me back.
She licked my lip but I kept it shut, we weren't ready for that.

"Having fun?" I chuckled; we were dancing in the middle of the dance floor.
She giggled drunkily, "yea you're hot as hell."
I laughed, "okay, Emmy."
"I mean it."
"You're also drunk."
She layed her head on my chest and we just stayed there for a while.

Just then I got a text.
Asher: we're ready.
Asher: be there in five?
Sure. But um Emmys drunk as hell.
Asher: what?! You got her drunk?! Were u that desperate?
No I didn't get her drunk she did it herself.
Asher: wow! Well we're here, does he have what we planned?
Yep, leather jacket and Challenger.
Asher: great. Man.
"Come on, Emily, we gotta go."
She was half asleep she just wouldn't admit it to herself.
"Because the guys are here."
"Ok, do they have food?"
I laughed, "we'll get you some. Ok?"
She nodded, "yea," she reached up to wrap her arms around my neck, "take me."
I felt like a dad at this point putting his daughter to bed.
I carried her bridal style out the back entrance to Caden's Lexus, his parents were loaded.
I sat her in the back seat and hopped in, "we got to hurry up. She's drunk, tired, and hungry as fuck."
Caden gave a nod, "we'll pull around and all jump out and do the plan expect maybe Emmy."
We pulled around to the side of the building where Xavier's Challenger was and hopped out the car.
"Hurry up!" Asher shouted.
I slashed the tires with my knife; a smirk on my face.
Caden threw the leather jacket in a mud puddle and smeared it all over his truck.
Asher dented the doors and all the other guys decorated the truck with grafiti.
I wish I could do this with Emmy she was the one who came up the idea in the first.

Once I took my seat next to Emmy, she fell asleep on my lap. I chuckled, she was so hungry.
"Wake her up and she can go back to sleep when we get her some food?" Alex suggested.
I kissed her forehead softly, "hey, are you still hungry?"
She nodded sleepily, "yea."
"Alright then, let's get you food."
I was a hundred percent sure I couldn't talk to her like this when she's sober so fuck I was gonna take advantage of it.
"Seven cheeseburger meals with four Dr Pepper and three cokes," Caden explained to the girl in the box that gets on everyone's fucking nerves.
"30 dollars."
We pulled up to the next window and he payed the person.
"There's your food, sir."

"Eat your food, Emily."
And boy did she ever, I have seen squirrels eat slower. Shit.
Like that she was out like a damn light. When she's sober I should really apologize because hell I couldn't live without her.
"Dude you really need to get your shit together," Asher pointed out.
"Lord how many people are gonna tell me that today?"
Asher shrugged, "its obvious you love her,hell. Why don't you tell her?"
"I can't give everything she deserves."
"Bullshit, you are so dertmined I'd like to see someone that could give her more."
"She hates me, I've said somethings I regret."
"You just need to fucking apologize."
If only I could bring myself to do it but me and my damn pride.
"I know."
"The correct words are 'I will'."
I rolled my eyes, "fuck, why do you always have to be right?"
He laughed, "because I'm Asher Stone."
Like that she was out like a damn light. When she's sober I should really apologize because hell I couldn't live without her.

"Take her inside."
I gave Asher a nod and picked her up slowly; throwing her over my shoulder.
The door swung open, "what the fucking hell?!"
I froze at first, but hell we all know I don't back down, "get the fuck out of my way I need to put her to bed."
"Is she fucking drunk?!" Her father's eyes darkened.
I sat her on the couch, "you can't fucking tell me what to do, you're not my damn father!"
He crossed his arms, "I'm the damn president."
Oh fuck! I forget about that.
"Right, um"
"I don't want you to be near my damn daughter ever again!"
My eyes widened, "what the hell??"
"You fucking heard me! I don't want you near her again. You're clearly a bad influence on her and I'd rather rot in hell than let her hang out with you."
I growled, "fuck that! I'll hang out with whoever the hell I want!"
"Let me make myself clearer for you because obviously I'm not to your damn level. If you ever go near my daughter again I'll have you sued for everything you fucking got!"
My heart broke at the sight of her in pain and I'll be damned if I can't see her again.
I glared at him and led myself out; I'll find some way to prove that I can be good enough for her.
