Chapter 1: Reincarnation

<Reincarnating in 3...2...1>


I open my eyes and I see a woman holding me in her arms and a man patting my head. I look around and it looks like I'm in a hospital room. I then realised that these people were my parents. When I looked at them they seemed confused. They looked at each other in a confused expression and I then realised why. It is because I'm not acting like how a baby usually acts.

I then started crying and I used water manipulation to make tears drip down from my eyes. "WAHHHHH", I cried out loud. Then I faintly said "Mama, Papa". They seemed more relaxed after I did that.

1 year and a half later

I ~learned~ how to walk and talk. I have a little sister named Suguha. She was just born and I play with her a lot. I also just got another family member. His name is Kazuto. He was adopted by my parents because his parents died in a car accident. He seems gloomy and depressed but I understand. I've been through that kind of situation before. I do hope he gets better though.

5 years later

I am now 6 years old and going to school like a normal person.

My sister, Suguha is taking kendo lessons. She is making good progress and getting a lot stronger which is always a good thing unless you're like me. I think I'm starting to get a little too overprotective of her. I can't help it though she just too cute.

10 years later

I'm 16, Suguha is 15 and Kazuto is 14. Kazuto has changed a lot mentally. He is now slightly more energetic and he's no longer depressed. Although he is still a shut-in but he also practices kendo with Suguha. He also idolises me now and calls me nii-san which makes me kind of uncomfortable but I never said anything so this is how it is now.

One day, when I was coming back from school, I heard Kazuto shouting really loudly so I quickly teleported outside his room and went in. I thought something bad had happened but it just turns out that he was very excited to play beta test the game Sword Art Online with his newly bought nervegear. When I entered his room he was very embarrassed.

Kirito: "N-Nii-san?! W-Why are you h-here? Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

Rimuru: "I just got back from school and I heard you screaming really loudly. Of course I would check out what happened"

Kirito: "W-Well nothing happened so there is no need to worry about anything"

Rimuru: "If you say so"

Kirito: (THAT WAS SO EMBARRASSING. WAS I REALLY SHOUTING THAT LOUD? ok calm down I need to beta test this game first. I'll think about this later.)

'Puts on nervegear'


ENTER NAME: ____________

Kirito: (Hm, what name should I pick. Argh I can't think of one. I'll just use my parts of my name, Kirigaya Kazuto. Kirizuto? No. Kagaya? No. Oh, what about Kirito. That sounds nice, I'll pick that.)




Sword Art Online is officially out with 10000 copies

Kirito: "Hey nii-san, wanna play Sword Art Online with me? I bought an extra nervegear so we can both play.

Rimuru: "Oh sure. Wait, isn't that the game you were beta testing and screaming for?

Kirito: "Stop bringing that up. I hate you" pouts

Rimuru: "Ok, ok I'm sorry I was just teasing you a bit. Let's play."

<I highly suggest that you exercise caution>

<Why would I do that? It's just a virtual game. Nothing bad is going to happen>


We both head to our bedroom that we share and put on our nervegears.


ENTER NAME:________



I entered the game and opened my eyes. It was beautiful. Everything around me is so well detailed it's almost like it's real life. I was amazed that technology has come this far. Wait can I still use my skills even though I am in a virtual world? Let's try, Hell fl- wait no that would destroy everything. Let's try STEEL THREAD.

thread noises

Oh? It worked? How, why? Even though this is a virtual world?

<Yes, this world is not a virtual world but not a real world either. It is in the middle of the two. This world is real but it is made out of binary code. That is why you can use your skills>

<This world is a real world? But how can that be? How did I get transported into another world by putting on the nervegear?>

<It is speculated that teleportation magic has been set up in the nervegear>

<But who would- don't tell me it's...>

<Yes, it seems that the culprit is Yuuki Kagurazaka. It is a mystery how he survived being eaten but he is definitely the one who did this>

<Damn Yuuki. Did he track me down all the way here to get revenge? Well doesn't matter now, it makes no difference because no matter how long he trains he can never be as strong as me. I just have to make sure he doesn't target Kazuto>

Well whatever I guess I'll just enjoy the game.

Hello amazing readers! This chapter was kind of a long one but I hope you enjoyed it. I will try to keep the chapters short for you but if you want me to continue writing long chapters or separate the chapter into separate parts I'll do that. I can't control my habit of writing a lot and adding a lot of detail. Well that aside, if you enjoyed the chapter please leave a vote and comment it will greatly improve my motivation to continue. See you in the next chapter!
