Right Now (excerpt)

This is an excerpt from Right Now, the sequel to Right Place, Right Time. I hope it gives a brief taste of what's to come...

I know this is not a proper chapter as such, but I would like to dedicate it to DeepAsHarrysDimple for all her wonderful support and great comments. You've been brilliant, and I hope you are not offended by the Irish references!

My phone vibrated and I looked down; it was a message from Harry.

Harry: What R U doing?

Me: In a lecture. U?

H: About 2 film a promo for this BBC thing we're doing.

Me: Much more exciting than what I'm up to.

H: Niall just walked past & farted in my face. Not that exciting.

Me: Lovely chap that Niall. Such nice manners. Not.

H: That's Irish for you.

Me: Oi, no Irish bashing.  My granny is Irish.

H: Not bashing the Irish as a whole, just Niall. I love the Irish. Lovely people, great jokes. How do you confuse an Irishman?

Me: idk

H: Put 2 shovels against a wall & tell him 2 take his pick.

Me: Groan.

H: How do you get a one-armed Irishman out of a tree?

Me: idk

H: Wave @ him

Me: Double groan.

H: When can I ring U? Would quite like to hear U groaning in person...

Me: Pervert. Lecture finishes in 20.

H: OK, speak soon. xxx

I switched my phone off - I could do without any more distraction - and tried to concentrate on what my lecturer was saying. It was hard, all I could think of were Harry's words about hearing me groan. I blushed as I recalled what he'd done to make me groan the last time we'd been together.

Twenty minutes later, as soon as the lecture ended, I packed up and switched my phone on. I had just walked out the lecture hall when Harry rang.

"Hey gorgeous, are you OK to talk?" he said.

"Yep, " I said, smiling at the sound of his voice.

"Sorry, it's a bit noisy in here. Can you hear me OK?"

"Yes, just," I said.

In the background I could hear a loud ripping noise and then peals of laughter.

"Oh my God, that's disgusting," Harry said. "Hang on a minute Em."

His voice was fainter as he called out to someone - he must have been holding the phone away from his mouth.

"For fuck's sake, stop it or we'll all need gas masks!" he snapped.

There was more loud laughter.

"And can you shut up, I'm on the phone to Emma."

There was a naughty boys'  chorus of "ooooh," in the background then a wolf whistle, and somebody, Niall, I think, yelling, "Hi Emma!"

"Sorry about that," Harry said, coming back to me.

"Niall's still farting then?" I asked him.

"Worse than that, he and Liam have been having a farting competition."

"Lovely - who's winning?"

"Well, despite Niall's uncanny ability to squeeze one out on demand, Liam has been judged the winner, mostly because he had a curry last night. According to Louis, who's appointed himself chief adjudicator, Liam won because his flatulence is more fragrant."

"So Niall and Liam have been farting and Louis's been sniffing them?"


"That is truly disgusting."

"See what I have to put up with, being stuck with this lot? I miss you."

"I miss you too," I said, before adding, "I fart too, you know Harry."

That was one thing I had managed not to do in front of him. So far.

"Yeah, but I bet yours smell of roses and freshly-baked cupcakes. Just like mine."

That made me laugh.  "I can't believe we're discussing farts."

"I can't believe I have a girlfriend I can discuss farts with," he replied.

Oh my God.

He said it.

The G word.

OK, so I couldn't help myself, I've added a couple of extra bonus chapters. Read on...
