A farewell that won't last forever

It's been couple of days since we've figured out this place, at least partially.
Time here is confusing but I honestly believe it's been almost a week since that night we spent in the inn. I haven't been able to meet Val nor Melanie this entire time, I simply can't find them.
I believe they're just stressed out and need some time to think, and frankly, so do I. But I can't help it, I feel like a horrible friend.
Val got absolutely wasted that night. She left eventually without a word. Melanie left right after. I got to chat with the bartender a bit further. I tried to persuade him that if he's been hurting his wife, the immediate love they felt as soon as they've met here would have been filled with suspicion from the very beginning.
But to no avail. Some people are beyond stubborn.
Though, in his situation, I would probably feel the same.
The bitterness of his ale and the entire atmosphere around us made me leave rather soon, too, and with immense deja vu I found myself wandering the streets all by myself yet again. But it's impossible to be outside for me. The overwhelming melodies. With my last memory they started leaving an unpleasant taste in my mouth. I wish I could figure everything out, remember more and just leave. Move on to whatever awaits me.
But I can't.
Eventually I stumbled upon a small building with multiple apartments. I walked in and to my surprise, most of said apartments were actually empty. I basically begged on my knees to get an apartment on the last floor, far away from everyone else, and my wish has been fulfilled.
Just walking up the stairs gave me chills. All this music crawling towards me like dark shadows from behind these paper thin walls, forcing themselves on me like a virus.
Thankfully, my apartment of choice was dead silent. This was the first time I felt peace.
I layed down on the bed, one thought screaming over the other in a non stop cycle.
But I couldn't hear anything. No music.


I find myself humming a melody. Alas, even when I find peace, I can hardly bear with the complete silence.
Perhaps it is to keep the thoughts away.
Val, I wonder where could you be...
But, Nocturnes, what a lovely melody. At least now I find peace in its melancholic, slow pase. Perhaps the most wonderful thing about having no melody of my own is that I can choose whatever I want it to be, and just hum. Not only does that make me difficult to read, but perhaps then I can change who I am... To something better.
Ah! The bittersweet piano... I find myself almost singing, and immediately stop.
I lost my voice, my passion... And it's hard to get over. It feels almost illegal to use my voice now.
But then I proceed anyway, taking Chopin's masterpiece, making it into my own. Adding some higher tones here and there.
I close my eyes and imagine myself dancing to this melody, dressed in a beautiful dark red dress.
With everyone else gone.
No one to interrupt my song.

Alas, I begin wondering... Perhaps this is the time to say goodbye to her.
She found out who she is. And she, out of all people, deserves nothing less than to rest.
I believe a couple of days have passed, well, at least technically. I have hardly left my room until now.
Nocturnes, Love's Sorrow, Swan Lake... All bugging my mind to near insanity, though this illegal feeling is somehow freeing, I pray no one got to hear my voice.
Nevertheless, once I left my room and the entire building, I found what was hidden to me up until now.
"Val, dear," I spoke softly seeing her beautiful, long curly hair from the back, recognizing her at an instant.
She immediately turns around. It's difficult to say, but I feel like her melody has changed now. Instead of melancholic, it reminds me of the skies getting light, sun making its way upwards, gently awaking all those heavily shut eyes. A lazy, but beautiful morning...
"Uhm, Aya?" She smiles. Her soft voice lifts a heavy rock off of my chest.
"I apologize, I got lost in thought...," not allowing me to finish my sentence, she puts a finger in front of her lips, signaling me to let her speak.
"I feel like your voice has gotten softer. I like that."
I'd like to tell her that her melody has changed, but something else has caught my attention entirely. Instead of that boring white cloth we were all brought here in, she is wearing a princess-like dark red dress. I'm taken aback by how beautiful she is, but also by the fact that that's exactly the dress I imagined myself in not long ago.
I almost get lost in thoughts once again, but she gently presses her lips against my cheek, giving me a cold but loving kiss. And yet again, I'm simply taken aback, though she's likely done it just to get my attention again.

"Aya," she speaks again softly, as if she didn't want anyone else to hear us.
"I decided my time has come," her lips curl into a bittersweet smile.
"Finding my memories, I wish for nothing else but peace. If this place is to give us a second chance at life, I've gotten everything I need. I met you again. You, the most precious person I've ever had..."
I stop her, covering her mouth gently with my hand.
I do not need to ask any further questions to know what has happened. She found out everything. Who she was, and who we were... Together.
But I do not wish to find out. Not yet.

"Val, my dearest... I wish not to know," I look into her deep, brown eyes, noticing a single tear forming itself on the edge of her eyelid. Her smile, however, still as bittersweet as before, suggests she understands.

"When my time comes, I will find out who we were before we came here. But for now, I want nothing more than to guide these lost souls to the true afterlife. I've figured out how to do it, and that it's not at all bad, but everyone else will simply choose to stay here until this place bursts with lost souls... Once I guide them all, then I will allow myself to find peace. For now, I already know you're the dearest person I've ever had. I need not to find out more for now. I already know I will love you forever."
She nods understandingly."Then, follow me, Aya."
She grabs my hand. Feeling her cold skin touch mine is somehow reassuring.
She drags me without a word towards the cliff where I first jumped off, and I realize what's about to happen. Back then, she did not jump after me...

Leading me to the top, she turns around for the last time and kisses my lips. She's crying heavily, but I choose to push my tears back.
She waves me a goodbye, then turns her back to me, making one step after another, until
Her music box goes silent.
I love you, Aya. We will meet again!
Suddenly, I find myself in silence again. I look down from the cliff, and all I find at the bottom is her beautiful dress. Val and her solemn melody are nowhere to be found.
Finally, I can allow myself to cry.
I know the time I'll have to spend here without her is going to be difficult, but... I always knew. I only came here to be her guardian angel.
And whether it's heaven or any other place she went to, I know for sure, we'll meet again.

I jump after her, this time a bit more carefully, landing next to her dress. I sit down and take it into my arms as my vision gets blurry with tears.

Valeria, thank you...
Once I help everyone find their way, we will meet again.
This might be a farewell, but trust me, it won't last forever.
