― But what is the name of this technology?

Past scenes passed through my head. It was last week.

― It's called an explosion! Isn't that cool?

― Yes, well....... Is this the name Kalish named himself?

I was so proud to talk to you and asked you that question. Kalish said it pleasantly as well.

― I don't remember, but I think so. All the old storm-god spears are lame. On the other hand, the spear in my memory is a very good one.

― What do you mean?

― I'm a newly created dancer, you bastard. Hahaha!

A very proud calish for a spear.

In fact, it was worth it. In fact, the explosive technology he taught me was just as great.

Dojun looks around. A rock in an oak maze. The nearby rocks, trees, and stone floors were all torn apart as if they were paddled in a big drill.

This isn't just a skill, it's just a skill made by managing and moving a spear.

― Obviously...... it was amazing.

― Yes, yes! Of course it's amazing!

At that time I came up with a question. When he first started his training, he was talking about the spear of the God of War and Storm Knox.

What do you mean, "spear of God"? You're not saying you were taught by a real god, are you?

― Of course not. Storm God's Spear is a spear based on the myth of Knox coming down to victory.

― Based on a myth?

― Yes, Bondi Martial Arts is built on something. There are so many martial arts as there are so many objects, such as the movement of animals or the flow of nature. Very few of them are practical.

― I see.

― A myth is a martial art created to reproduce the greatness of Knox in a myth. Storm Knox is the most ruthless and ruthless god among gods who slaughtered the Giants of Jesus in a rough and ruthless storm.

It was a more gloomy myth than I thought.

However, if you look at the myths of the earth here, there are many stories like that.....

― It is now the spear to capture the harsh wind. Explosive technology is as fierce as its name! Techniques to create swirling flow and pierce enemies.

― I think I'm getting a little more imagery when I hear something.

Is it because you heard the origin of the spear? I didn't realize anything specifically, but I felt like I could see the contours of the spear.

― It's a good thing! All you have to do is swing your weapon ignorantly and it's over. I have to think, think and think about it all the time, and I will be reborn as a first-class fighter. Images, in particular, are quite important laws.

― That's right.

Dojun nods. He empathized a hundred times that the image was important.

― So shout aloud every time you use the technology! Even if you hear the name of the explosion, your enemies will be scared to flee! Hahaha!

― No, that's a little...

She smiled more vaguely than Calyce, who seemed to be smiling well.

However, at this age, it is a bit difficult to fight with a technological name. No, it wasn't like that. I never hated it. It's embarrassing.

'Explosion..... '

The scene of the past was the end here.

The current dojo was very noisy, but on the other hand it was in the middle of a tranquil state.

The wind gathers around him. It was qualitatively different from the gentle but strong wind Eldora was brewing.

A harsh breeze rips through everything that crushes the enemy and blocks it.

And there was a dot in the nucleus of that storm.

― Son of a bitch! It's too much for you now!

The window in his hand vibrated on the roof. Is it because Kalish's screaming?

No, it was because he was deceiving himself with a magic operation that crossed the line.

Eleven strands...... twelve strands.......

It tears even more the river of magic when Bondi is one. It was like forcibly grabbing a nerve and tearing it.

It was easy to get used to the ten strands, but much more painful.


'You can do it! '

That's what Dojun said.

Confidence is not the only way to inject yourself with the image of success.

His concentration was climbing to its peak. All sorts of sounds are far away, and all they see is one enemy floating high above the sky.

Tear more magic power. The multiplication is clearly in progress. He's already been through thousands of magical powers through Kalish's demonstrations.

'Think of that sensation! '

Dojun grabs the vibrating spear hard. At this moment, the spear felt as though it was his arm.

My magic was torn to 20 pieces.

Dojun throws a spear at Eldora in the ceiling.


A raging vortex was shot. His spear was a sack, and the cannon was the wind. An ice storm that even flies through fine, sharp pieces of ice.

Eldora looks at it and screams with her lips bent.

"How dare you wind up in front of me? Scatter them all!"

He couldn't move, but Silape was different.

A transparent Spirit appeared before him, visible only to Eldora. On the other hand, contrary to Dojun's, there was a whirlpool that protected him.

'Stupid man! Know that no wind will kneel before Silape! '

The laughter passed through Eldora's eyes.

― There was a story of Gideon's daughter being kidnapped by a giant and trapped in a stormy castle.

Kalish, who sees it and talks about it.

― Knox saved her from the storm surrounding the island by himself.

There were two storms.

― The first anecdote in which Knox got the name of a storm god. That is the victory of Knox, captured by the explosion.

Dojun's breeze starts pushing Silape's vortex.

Kuku Gugu Gugu Bow ―!

"That's ridiculous! How did Silape...! "

Eldora is terrified when she sees her wind ripping apart.

It was extremely humiliating for him. For a higher spirit, I don't know, but you're pushing your own spirit against a man-made wind?

But he'll be back soon.

"Knock, knock! "

I couldn't care less about pride.

An ice storm pierced his winds and hit Eldora directly.

'If only I had been on the ground...... on the ground...! '

I could send any attack of this magnitude to the ground. It sends all the hits. Absolute power of one's own given to the world water.

But now floating in the air, the damage that could not flow anywhere completely swept through him.

If it wasn't for power, it was just a normal individual with fragile skin and flesh.


Eldora's body hit the ceiling. However, Dojun's wind did not lose any power at all. Rather, the ceiling is broken and his body continues to rise to the sky.

Quaguar overlight!

Woo Ji Ji Ji! Woo Ji Ji Ji!

Through the ceiling, through the ground, his body soared high above the ground.

A body that is already a dead horse. His body fell into the asphalt.

And the upward wind of Dojun rises, erasing all the rain in a moment.

Was it a coincidence?

At that moment, the black cloud began to walk. The sunlight, which had been obscured, lit up the ground.

The light flowed through the broken ceiling to the shelter.

"Hey, you win! "

"I really won! He's alive!"

"What the hell! You weren't an E! "

As the warm light began to shine, there began to be burns on people's faces.

Siwelyn's wall, which was blocking between him and the people, disappeared.

Everyone gathered to say a word to Dojun. Some wanted to express their gratitude, others wanted to express their hopes.

But the first one to run was his daughter, So-yun.

"Aaaaaah! Dad! Daddy!"

There's a little boy running around without a scratch on his body that's stained with hard blood, sweat and dust.

Dojun couldn't push the child this time.

Siwelyn approaches next to him and raises her hand on his back without a word. A warm healing light from his hand permeated the Dojun.

People gathered around Dojun in an instant. However, at this moment, no one interrupted Dojun and his family.

"Argh... Dad..... "

Dojun falls behind, carefully stroke the head of the crying cowboy.

You can take a little break now.

Siwelyn smiles and puts her hand on his forehead. Just like I told you to leave it behind.

Dojun's eyes closed.

Then one thing caught in his sights.

Whether it bounced off or not, Eldora's sword remained on the ground. No matter who picks it up, no one knows.

"Keep that..... "

Dojun said, pointing at the knife.

In the meantime, Siwelyn smiles as if it's absurd to do anything.


"Sorry....... Let me sleep a little... "

Finally, I fell asleep as if Dojun fainted, leaving only the words.

* * *


Giant's throat is slit.

It is composed of rain and wind, but there is substance everywhere. That's why it could have been Bell.

And to cut him off is to kill him.

"Karma took him down! "


It was Otazin of Karma.

When I cut him, the day began to heal. An unnaturally crowded black cloud retreats and sunlight begins to cover the battlefield.

"Where is he!? "

Yooseong rushed in and asked. It was he who fell into the rear of the latter, where senior hunters, including Otazin, gathered and devoted himself to treatment.

"I don't know. I think I ran away. "

"Oh, shit! "

As Otejin shakes his head and talks, Yooseong rolls his feet.


It was just a puddle, but the ground was shattered on a rolled foot.

Yooseong, who had been nagging for a while, asked as she looked at Tae Jin.

"Where are you hurt? "

"Is there any chance of getting hurt like this? "

In a way, it's arrogant.

But he's the one who cut the throat of the giant. You can't say that much.

Yooseong peered her lips and spoke.

"Then I'm going. There are still plenty of people to treat. "

"Take a look. "

He left a rather awkward fox behind.

Oh Tae-jin stood there and looked around.

There were many wounded there. Among them, there were many who cried with the corpse of a dead colleague.

Although there was a rapid response from Yooseong and Mir Guild, it did not stop at minimizing the damage, nor did it eliminate the damage.

Seeing that catastrophe, Otazin died.

'You've outperformed one. '

I was thinking about that.

In that perspective, the Ad Hoc Division for Disaster Response was established.

"They have finally defeated the Spirit! "

"Really!? "


It was the festive atmosphere that immediately followed the report of the Chairman. Spokespersons from each guild were hugging and liking it.

I was pleased that the disaster was over, at least at this moment, although I would be more depressed if I received reports of the damage.

"What happened to him? "

The chairman of the association, who was sitting seriously in the middle of it, asked the reporter questions.

Even if I said "he," I understood him like a fool. It was obvious that I was referring to the suspicious person who summoned the Spirit.

"They said they fled. I don't know where I went..... "

"Hmm..... "

The association's face darkened.

Once the situation itself calmed down. The monsters don't seem to be coming out any more, and I caught the most troublesome form of giant spirit.

However, I didn't feel comfortable because I missed the one who seemed to be the master. Because the case wasn't resolved in the real sense.

'You said you had long ears, right? '

What the hell? A special outfit?

Then why are you dressed like that? Is it for religious reasons or is it a sign of your organization?

The thought followed, biting the tail on the tail. First of all, I wonder what kind of terrorist organization he might be part of.

'But it happened simultaneously in foreign countries. '

It was all that was reported in brief, but the catastrophe erupted everywhere in my country as well as abroad.

Is this simply the power that one organization can generate? Even if you can afford it, there's no reason to do this.

'Especially not Seoul, and there is no reason to attack Mars. '

The more I thought about it, the more the terrorist group theory lost its power. The next thing that came to mind was also that suspicious pillar that had just appeared.

'Stem....... '

Beast appears at the root. Does that mean they're coming out of the trunk?

The president of the association who closes his eyes and submerges himself in a crowded meeting room.

At that time.


"President of the Association!"

The meeting room was silent as a result of a crowd coming in with the door open. A subordinate rushed to the association president to talk to him.

"The man who appears to be his companion has also appeared in Seoul! "


The head of the association's eyes grew like tears.



"Where did you show up in Seoul!? "

Sung Sung Sung Sung.

As the surroundings begin to become noisy, a man pulls the USB out of his arms and puts it down on his desk.

"This is an academy shelter. There must have been someone filming in that spot. I reported the video to our side. "

People's eyes were drawn to the small USB on their desks.

The association president spoke with sharp eyes.

"Play it now! "
