Question #1

Question #1!

Okay, this is a tricky one.

I can get bored of a book pretty easily if I read it too much, so I'm very glad that I have access to lots of books.

But if I have to choose just one? Hmmm... not one of my favorites, probably, since I've read them literally so many times... What if I said my hardcover copy of Dragonslayer to smack people with-

Heh, just kidding. Okay, soooo... since I'm Christian, I feel like I'm supposed to say the Bible, but let's just pick another for now, okay? I think I'd have to go with Crookedstar's Promise or Moth Flight's Vision. Let's ignore the fact that both make me cry every time I read them. I'd choose a WoF book, but I've read them so many times I think I might die. This was a really good question, TC_Hollyleaf_TC ! Made me think about something I've never really considered before!
