We Need School?

I woke up at 5 AM. No, I didn't wake up, I was forced to wake up. Momokuma was waking each of us up. As everyone slowly awoke, they were confused. He began to explain. "Sorry for waking you Cubs up, but I signed you guys up for school. I felt like you kinds needed it... Not saying your dumb! I just thought it be fun!"

"... Are you serious?" I spoke. Everyone looked at me, surprised. They never thought I'd speak like that. I mean, they know I talk to Monophanie, but that's because... Nevermind.

"What's wrong, Monodam?" Monokuma tilted his head.

"After the whole Monokuma issue, and everyone dying, you think it's a good idea to send us to school? Everyone will know your our dad! They'll make fun of us or just be scared of us! I don't want that!"

Monokid butted in.


I sighed, keeping all the words I wanna say to Monokid in my mouth. Monokuma just smiled.

"On that note! Go get ready, my Cubs! Breakfast is already done downstairs! You got a big day today!~"

I sighed, grabbing my clothes. I changed in the bathroom.
