Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Warning/s: None that I can think of.

Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin (but is that a surprise to anyone?)

A/N: *cowers in a corner* I'm so sorry for the long gap! I basically wrote this, and then for some reason thought I'd updated it, but obviously I hadn't. *facepalm* So that's my excuse, feel free to abuse me all you want ;) and hope you enjoy this!

Merlin knocked and waited for confirmation before opening the door. He had walked in before without knocking, a few mornings ago, and it hadn't been pretty. He never wanted to see Gwen and Arthur doing that again.

"Morning," Gwen greeted, her back to them. She must have recognised Merlin by his knock, he guessed, and she was tidying up the table that stood next to her side of the bed.

"I need a favour," Merlin said, shutting the door behind him and Freya. Freya looked terrified at being in the same room as the Queen, and slightly awed. Or maybe it was just the fact that she was a new person, regardless of status.

"Certainly," Gwen said brightly. "What is it?" She turned around and blinked when she saw Freya. "Oh, who's this?"

"This is Freya," Merlin introduced. Freya smiled nervously and took Gwen's arm, shaking it firmly.

"Nice to meet you, Freya. Are you a friend of Merlin's?" Gwen asked, looking between the two of them.

Freya looked stuck for words. Merlin took pity and rescued her. "More than friends," he said hastily. "It's complicated."

Gwen nodded, a small smile growing on her face. "So what's the favour?" she asked.

"Freya needs some clothes," Merlin explained. "It's a very long story, but all she has to wear is what she's wearing now. I was – we were - wondering if you had anything suitable for her?"

Freya bit her lip. She didn't like asking favours – she always felt bad for requesting something without giving something back. Gwen, though, was happy to comply and exclaimed, "Of course!"

Three hours, a trip to the lower town and Gwen's old house, and some sewing later, Freya had been gifted with twelve new dresses suitable for a woman of her status. "Thank you," she breathed, admiring the old dresses of the queen.

Gwen smiled. "It's nothing. They weren't going to do anything just sitting in there, were they?" She gestured towards the wardrobe. Then she looked thoughtful suddenly: "Would you like the wardrobe as well?"

Merlin paused. Like Freya, he was admiring the dresses. True, he didn't really have any space in his wardrobe for Freya's new clothes...but did he have any space for a wardrobe either? "It would be useful," he said slowly.

"But would it fit?" Freya pointed out, thinking the same as him. "What about the wall opposite the window?"

"There's space there," Merlin agreed. "Thanks, Gwen!"

"So you're sharing your chambers?" Gwen asked, a slightly mischievous look in her eyes.

"Yes," Merlin answered, shooting a warning look at the queen. Freya had a tendency to be easily embarrassed by discussing such things.

Gwen nodded. "I'll go and ask a few of the knights to collect the wardrobe," she said. "IS there anything you need?"

"No, this is plenty," Freya beamed, stroking the dresses. "I'm sure Merlin can show me round the castle and where the market is, and other things like that."

"Yeah, I'll do it later today," Merlin agreed, helping Freya gather the dresses together.

Gwen came over to help. "Have you got a job, Freya? I mean, Merlin and Gaius are only too happy to provide for you I'm sure, but I don't know whether you'd be bored, or want to contribute at all?"

Freya paused. "I hadn't really thought of that," she admitted. "I'll have to ask around and find out what jobs are available."

Merlin frowned. "There are usually jobs in the kitchen."

"Or you could be my maid," Gwen offered. "I really need one but everyone who's applied hasn't quite been right."

Freya looked delighted at the suggestion, but then her face fell. "I've never worked as a maid before, I wouldn't know how to do it."

"You could learn," Gwen suggested. "I like you, that's what I really want. And it's good pay...and you'd be working with Merlin a lot of the time."

Freya considered for a moment. Merlin watched her hopefully: this would be a good opportunity for her, but she had to make the choice herself.

"Yes," she said finally. "Thank you very much, I'll do it."

"And this is the Great Hall," Merlin finished. They had finally ended their tour around the castle, and both of them were exhausted. There were too many steps in that castle, Merlin had always maintained.

"It's massive," Freya gaped. "I could fit my entire village in here!" At the mention of her old home, she faltered slightly and her smile drooped.

Merlin wrapped his arms around her waist as they gazed from the doorway of the Great Hall. "This is your home now," he murmured, "and I'll keep you safe from harm, sweetheart."

"Thank you," Freya whispered back, leaning against Merlin's chest.

A/N: Aw, it's so nice writing true love when I have no idea what it feels like!
