Chapter 5- Competition (Round 1)

Hey my fellow jelsa fans!! I'm sorry that I didn't update. I wanted to but no ideas came to me.....anyways enjoy this cuz it will be awhile until I update next!!!

Elsa's P.O.V

DING DONG! I sat up in my bed. Who the hell would be here at....I looked at my clock....10:38am? Its a freaking Friday dude. I wanna sleep in!
DING DONG! Man, I thought, what does a girl have to do to get some beauty rest around here?

I got out of bed and put a robe on. I went down the stairs and yawned. DING DONG!

"Just a second please!" I yelled. Impatient much, I thought? I went to the front door and opened it. It was the girls. Of course.

"What the hell guys? Its a Friday and I wanna sleep in. You know I don't get that much sleep now a days." I said annoyed. I looked at them.

"Where's Anna?" I asked confused. I stepped aside to let them in. Rapunzel looked confused and so did Merida as they stepped in and I closed the door.

"We thought she was with you?" Rapunzel said. I shook my head. I haven't seen Anna since last night. I wonder where she is.

"She'll be fine guys. Anna's a big girl, she can handle herself. Just ask that (excuse the ugly language) fucking asshole that tried himself on you Punzie." Merida said taking a banana from my fruit basket. Rapunzel cringed.

"Could we not talk about...that?" She asked stepping back a few steps with her hands infront of her. I could understand why she felt that way. I mean, I wouldn't want to be forced on by a crack head/drunk dude in his late 50s. Yuck. Just the thought makes me wanna puke.

"Yeah, anyways, Anna is fine. I'm sure of it! Now come on, we have colors to pick." Merida said taking out a book out of a book bag I hadn't noticed before. I groaned. Ok, I know I should be excited, but how about you try and pick everything for your wedding without your fiancé there to help. It gets exhausting.

"Its a Friday Mer! Could we not talk about the damn wedding for at least 24 hours?" I asked getting a bowl and cereal out.

"How Your wedding is in a month. You still have things to do." Rapunzel said. I sighed. Then all of a sudden yelling could be heard outside. I looked out my window and saw..... Anna and Jack.
Shit. I ran out with Rapunzel and Merida on my heels. I opened the door to find Anna sitting on Jack hitting and yelling at him. He had his arms infront of his face and his bag was a few feet away. Still in my robe, I pulled Anna off of him and stood infront of him protectively.

"Anna, chill out!" I yelled at her. Merida had a hold of her arms and Rapunzel was blocking her from me and Jack.

"What the (sorry for the bad language) fuck is he doing here?" She yelled trying to get out of Merida's grip. I turned around and helped Jack up. He didn't have any cuts or anything. He wasn't bleeding which made me feel better. He picked up his bag.

"You better go Frost. Before I beat the hell out of you!" Anna yelled finally getting out of Merida's grip. Luckily Rapunzel caught her. I got pissed then. I told her that I didn't want Jack to get hurt.

"Shut up Anna!" I yelled. Anna froze. I was as surprised as she was. I was usually a very quiet person. I never raised my voice at her. Never.

"Just be quiet. Please. Anna what the hell were you doing? I told you I didn't want Jack to be hurt. No matter how much I got hurt, I don't want him hurt. The past is in the past, let it go! Plus, me and him were going out for coffee. I want him as my photographer, but its his choice if he wants to take the job." I yelled at her again. After a few moments I hear someone shut a car door. I look back to see a man with bright orange hair, a white suit, a suitcase at his side, and those powerful green eyes.

"H-hans?" I said surprised. He's here? He's home? What the hell?

"Anna came and got me and when we got here, she saw him- (he pointed at Jack) -and attacked. Not what I was expecting to hear from you Elsa. Especially since he's your ex." Hans said roughly. I rolled my eyes. Of course he would think that.

"Um, maybe I should go?" Jack said. I looked at Hans.

"No. Come on in and wait downstairs while I get dressed. Anna, leave him alone. Hans, come." I said before leaving.

I went upstairs with Hans close behind. I shut the door behind him and took off my robe to reveal a light blue crop top and dark blue pajama shorts. I saw him eyeing me and glared at him. I went to our walk in closet and found a dark blue shirt with a see through back and found blue torn skinny jeans to match. When I came out he just had on his pants and white shirt.

"You should really be nice to Jack. What did he ever do to you?" I asked annoyed at how he reacted outside.

"He made my fiancé cry." He said.

"That was a long while ago. Plus, you should be grateful that he did because then me and you wouldn't be together today." I said smugly.

"That doesn't mean I have to like him Elsa." He said going into the closet to change.

"Jeez Hans. I'm not telling you to fuck the guy! Just don't be so rude towards him that's all." I exclaimed.

He stepped out in blue jeans, bright ass orange T-shirt, and a orange coat. I mentally gagged. To be honest, I never EVER liked the color orange. Except on sunsets and sunrises. Those are the only exceptions. And to think I'm going to marry someone who loves orange too much for my liking. Yuck.

"Fine. But if he steps out of line--" He started.

"Anna will be there to kick his ass. I know." I said cutting him off. I then took my purse and went downstairs with Hans on my tail. The girls surrounded Jack on the couch and kept watching every move he made. I could tell he was super uncomfortable. Poor thing.

"I'm glad you guys made him feel at home." Hans said suppressing a laugh. I elbowed him.

"Jack, come on." I said tiredly. I hadn't gotten the sleep I wanted and I was very cranky this morning.

"Where do you think you guys are going?" Hans said as Jack went to the door.

"Coffee." I said simply. I grabbed my keys and kissed Hans on the cheek before motioning Jack to go. We were about to get into my car until Jack told me to give him the keys.

"Why?" I asked superstitious.

"Because where we're going for coffee is a surprise. Duh." He said as if it was the obvious thing.

"Ugh, fine. Your lucky that I'm too tired to argue." I said handing him my keys. He just chuckled.

We got in and drove to the south side of town. After about 20 minutes we stopped at a place I haven't thought about in years.

"Pop's karaoke café?!" I asked stunned. But something was nagging at the back of my mind that I couldn't shake off. I've been here before with someone. But who?

"Remember this place? It was the place I took you for our first date." He said smiling at the place. I looked at him to see a small blush on his cheeks. I remember now. But why would he bring me here of all places?

"Oh." Was all I could say. We went in and was immediately surrounded by singers singing the songs. Some good some worse.
(Super bad at descriptions so imma show you what it looks like inside)

Zee stage

Zee lounging area

Zee bar

I looked around in awe. I forgot how much I loved this place. It was so pretty and purple mixed in with blue. Jack took me to a little booth and we ordered some coffee. I kind of cringed when some of the singers tried to hit a high note and failed. So horribly failed. I remember the time we went here.....on our date and he made me sing a song with him. I kept on laughing and blushing and stuttering that when the song was finally over I almost passed out of embarrassment. It was nice though that those people cheered and clapped when we were done. It made me happy to just think about it.

"Wanna sing a song with me? Like the old times?" He suddenly asked. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"And me just make a complete fool out of myself? No thanks. Especially after what happened last time." I exclaimed horrified at the idea. He laughed and smiled his signature smirk. Fuck.

"One song and I won't ask for anything else." Jack said.

"Promise?" I asked warily. He crossed his fingers over his heart and made me a pinky promise. I laughed at that.

"Fine. I'll do it." I said.

"Yes! Okay stay here and I'll be right back. I gotta pee." He said getting up and walked towards the door. Then I realized, only later, that the bathrooms were the other way.

About 10 minutes later he came back.

"Okay. What songs do you wanna sing," He asked getting a sheet of paper and a pencil ready. "remember, only duets."

"Um. Hallelujah, Maps, Heart Attack, Shut up and Dance, Paris, Drag Me Down, and If I were A Boy." I said without a pause. He looked at me shocked which quickly turned to a big smile. He wrote all of it down and gave it to a lady who was collecting songs for the DJ. After a few more people went up it was our turn. He took my hand and we got up on the stage. I stood infront of a microphone and so did he.

"Alright contestants. Are you ready to compete for the $1000?" The DJ asked.

"Competition?!" I screeched.

"Oh, guess I forgot to mention that part doesn't I? Whoops." He said laughing. I made a mental note to kill him when this was over.

"First song! Hallelujah. Good luck." Then he started the music.

Jack, you are so fucking dead.


Omg what have I done?!?! You guys hate me huh? IM SORRY!!!! Please come back!!!!!!
Look, I had a an aunt die this pass week so I didn't feel like writing or I would have but, like I said, it may be a long while....maybe. I don't know if I'm gonna post another one tonight or not....I have no clue yet. Anyways, tell me what you thought about it! Love all y'all
