Chapter 9

The moment ended more abruptly than she hoped. It was only when lorin had finally found peace in paelen's arms that the peace was broken by a harsh tug on her neck. Her neck strained as eyes watered as the hand clutches her small vulnerable neck and yanked her head back as she screamed in pure agony. Paelen reacted almost immediately he tore away from lorin's grasp to get rid of the attacker but it was too late. For the last few seconds lorin turned around to see her destroyer. In the arms of another and slowly oozing out droplets of scarlet blood was a metal tag, loose wires dangling from the socket and an angry face to match the horror story. Tentatively she reached behind to the small area of neck beneath her silky smooth golden locks and felt a gaping hole with a warm liquid dripping onto her stone fingers as she dropped to the ground unconscious.

10 minuted earlier
Emily rushed back inside to see lorin wrapped up in paelen'a arms. She was slowly being eased back into Olympians life and although she had vowed to put their past behind them Emily still felt a small tinge of anger and resentment towards lorin. Most of the problems that herself and paelen were dealing with had come from her. Now she expected to walk back in and be cherished? How could...

She lost her train of though

A sharp glint of metal reflecting off of the moon's released gaze as it watched the world now that the storm had passed caught the attention of Emily. She stared again at the lovely couple and tried to gaze again at the glint that caught her eye.
"Joel" Emily exclaimed. The handsome teen smoothed off his slick hair and came closer to Emily's side whilst watching the area she was pointing to with an inquisitive expression
" did you see that ?" She enquirers as Joel give Emily a confused look
" See what ?"
" That glimmer off of lorin's neck !" She shouted louder and then dragged Joel by his large silver arm to get a clearer view.
" Em, I think you are mistaken. There is nothin' there and if you think you saw something it was probably a necklace that paelen gave her"  muttered Joel as he tried his best to look away from the embracing arms of his best friend smothering his lover in warmth and joy.
He was happy for paelen. He truly was. Joel hated to see the closest friend that he ever had reduced to sulking in back doors and shadows on the streets of Titus. It was painful enough to see him almost slave to lorin but on the inside their bond seemed to grow so deep that when she died it seemed to shatter the foundations that paelen had. Growing tired of seeing his friend suffer so much he stared to yearn for lorin to return. But now he is not so sure. Unsure about her trust ability or authenticity. Yet the one thing that he is sure of is the fact that it was not his place to judge now.
" em, stop." He whispered as he grabs her hand and pulls on her waist with his metal limb so that they are face to face - nose to nose
" We cannot let Paelen fall into that abyss of depression again" he hissed.
His strong grip on her waist and hand loosened slightly
" As much as we all suspect her we must help them"

Shaking her head Emily pulled herself away from Joel's grasp.
"You!" She muttered with aggression as she lifted her arm to point directly at his chest
"You don't understand what i saw"
Joel stared at Emily and muttered words underneath his breath as he circled her in the corridor they stood in. To distract him from his thoughts he watched the smooth black and white marble that lined the walls and floor twist and turn as poisonous ink does in milk - only solidifying death once they stare too much and consume the worst of it.
" What an odd thought" he muttered to himself " it doesn't make any sense"
"Yes it does!" Said Emily in a calm and controlled manner. She peered into the perplexed expression of Joel to realise that she had broken his trail of thought
"Sorry .. I shouldn't have...
Emily broken her sentence with a sudden thought so tantalisingly good and evil that she used all her can power to resist doing it immediately.
" Whatever happens Joel, promise me you love me"
"W.. what -why ii"
"Promise!" She repeated with added urgency. Her window was closing. Emily sighed a short sigh of defeat and stormed off despite the calls and cries that Joel used to bring her back
Would they hate me if I did this? - she thought as she walked to their room to see an image of complete love
Paelen's head leaned gently on lorin's delicately exposes shoulder as she leaned in the same way on him. Her back heaved gently as she sighed and sobbed paelen's name again and again into his neck. Their posture was uncomfortable yet they endured the pain for each other. Around the room was a war zone of shards of glass and splatters of blood on the smooth sand coloured marble floor. Plush purple throws covered the bed but the one noticed was the way that the moonlight explored every nook and cranny of the room. It bounced off each mirror shard and dives into the depths of the oaken closet and the pristine pure white bathroom and the way they all gathered to surround paelen and lorin in a halo of love and beauty

How low Emily would have to go

To ruin the crystalline moment by shattering it into a thousand pieces. She saw the glint of moonlight from lorin's neck -which confirmed her suspicions and set to work. Emily confidently stride into the room and forcefully grabbed the scratched metallic surface on the back of lorin's neck
The next few seconds were a blur. A whirl wind of anger and regret
She dug her nails into her neck and yanked on the piece of metal only a few centimetres wide. Harder and harder she tugged until the entire device was in her hands. Paelen reacted as soon as Emily set hands on lorin. Shouting and cursing at Emily all the while he grasps at Emily - trying to move her away and reduce lorin's pain. He failed though. The device came out quickly enough but not without considerable pain to lorin and Emily. They both screamed . Lorin timidly felt for the gaping wound and collapsed in shock. Emily felt regret building up inside her  - awash were her sense of anger and distrust and in their place was a feeling of regret and guilt filling her up from the inside and overflowing her body and mind. Tears soon followed

As Emily stood among the chaos - paelen screaming words of hate that battered her body to the bone. A stampede of Olympians charged into the room - all with a yearn to see what has happened. Joel comes rushing in with a disapproving look tainting his fine features. All through the tears Emily turns to the mess of metal and wires in her hand to look closer at the engraving on the metal plate.
It reads ...

Hello ...
before I get attacked by you and myself for not updating I would like to thank all who commented and encouraged me to update as you make this worthwhile and this is for you
I will try to update soon
