SCP-239: The "Witch" Children

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-239-2's loyalty to the foundation it is permitted for SCP-239-2 to continue working for the foundation under the pretense that its loyalty stays firmly on the foundation's side. SCP-239-2 has been, until further notice, put in charge of SCP-239-1 and all SCP-239 related activities. It is the job of SCP-239-2 to contain not only its own anomalous abilities but the anomalous abilities of SCP-239-1 as well. 

SCP-239-2 is permitted to move around whichever site it currently resides in but is to be returned to the Japanese site once its services are no longer needed. SCP-239-1 is to be kept with SCP-239-2 at all times unless in the event SCP-239-2 is doing research or on a mission in which SCP-239-1, due to the object's age, would be better off not participating in. Which missions SCP-239-1 is not allowed to participate in is to be determined by SCP-239-2. During these times the object is to be in a locked containment cell that SCP-239-1 is not allowed to leave. SCP-239-2 is to know the location of this containment cell at all times. During this time SCP-239-1 is allowed to use their omnikinetic abilities as they wish as long as it does not breach containment and SCP-239-2 later reverses them. In the event, SCP-239-1 breaches containment SCP-239-2 is to return to the cell immediately through teleportation. During the times SCP-239-2 is away and SCP-239-1 is under containment, Dr. Shimura is to be in charge of containment. 

Description: SCP-239 is the title given to two omnikinetic entities cataloged as SCP-239-1 and SCP-239-2. SCP-239-1 is a young 8-year-old girl with green hair and eyes. Originally the object had blond hair and grey/green eyes until the event detailed in addendum 239-B. SCP-239-1's main anomalous property is in its ability to manipulate reality around itself. When SCP-239-1 imagines something, willingly or not, reality changes to match. This reality-altering ability is shared by her "older brother" SCP-239-2, better known in the foundation as Senior Researcher Izuku. It is with mentioning that SCP-239-1 and SCP-239-2 are not actually related despite DNA graphing showing the opposite. See addendum 239-B for more details. 

SCP-239-2 is a quirkless male of Japanese descent. It shares the same green hair and eyes as SCP-239-1 along with the same anomalous abilities. SCP-239-2 joined the SCP Foundation in [Data Redacted] at the age of 12 by the recommendation of O5-13 and slowly claimed the ranks through a combination of lessons from SCP-5094 and his impressive analysis skills. SCP-239-2 remained as a non-anomalous researcher of the SCP Foundation for 2 years until [Data Redacted] during an attack by the Chaos Insurgency recorded in addendum 239-B. 

Note from Dr. Alex: SCP-239-2 is to be referred to as SCP-239-2 or Dr. Izuku and never Dr. Yagi. See addendum 239-C for more details. 

Addendum 239-A: On [Data Redacted] SCP-239-1 was told by Dr. ███████ of Santa Clause before being told he was fictional. In a childish fit SCP-239-1 manifested an entity with an appearance resembling that of an old man with a Caucasian skin tone, a white beard, a red and white coat, and a similarly colored hat resembling the typical description of Santa Clause. The entity quickly fled containment. All attempts to capture the entity have failed as of yet due to it being "magical" as described by SCP-239-1.

Addendum 239-B: On [Data Redacted] Senior Researcher Izuku is interrupted on his way to a scheduled interview with SCP-073 when the site went into lockdown. Researcher Izuku then hid, unknowingly, in SCP-239-1's cell. It is important to note that at this time SCP-239-1 was simply referred to as SCP-239 and was currently held in a medically induced coma and fed the false pretense it was a witch. This lie was made to combat her anomalous capabilities. When Researcher Izuku heard over the radio that the invading Chaos Insurgency was looking for SCP-239-1 he unplugged her from the medical equipment and made a run for it. Later interviews tell that SCP-239-2 ran with SCP-239-1 because it read SCP-239-1's file and understood the danger the object presented if taken by the Chaos Insurgency. 

Upon being cornered by approaching Insurgency members Researcher Izuku ran into a known dead-end hallway in the attempt to buy himself more time for the approaching MTF squad. It is at this point SCP-239-2 gained their anomalous properties. From interviews with SCP-239-1, it told researchers that it saw SCP-239-2 as an "older brother." This is likely due to SCP- 239-2's protective nature. SCP-239-1 was recorded gaining their green hair and eyes at this moment in an attempt to make themselves more like their "older brother." It is to be noted that SCP-239-1's DNA also shifted to more match SCP-239-2. After unknowingly gaining their anomalous capabilities SCP-239-2 yelled "Just leave us ALONE!" and simply wished the approaching Chaos Insurgency members away. Where exactly they went is unknown and it is undetermined if they still exist in this reality or even at all. SCP-239-2 then consoled SCP-239-1 until they fell asleep. SCP-239-2 then began experimenting with their newfound anomalous abilities and created a handheld radio and called the approaching MTF squad and later briefed Dr. Alex on all events recorded here. 

 Addendum 239-C: Dr. ████, agitated at SCP-239-2's refusal to be referred to by their last name which he believed proper, refused to call SCP-239-2 by anything other than Dr. Yagi. SCP-239-2 grew agitated at this repeated use of its last name and incidentally caused a storm cloud to appear inside the building. SCP-239-2 quickly teleported to their containment cell, taking the rain cloud with them, and rolled into a ball at an apparent panic attack. At this time audio devices in SCP-239-2's containment cell recorded SCP-239-2 saying repeated variations of the phrase "I don't want to be a Yagi." The storm cloud above SCP-239-2 grew in both size and power to a point where audio could no longer be picked up over the storm at this point. SCP-239-1, through unknown means, sensed SCP-239-2's turmoil and teleported next to them and consoled them. In a later interview, SCP-239-2 reported saying it was focusing on the storm as to not cause any unwanted changes to reality outside the foundation where it would cause unknown damage and possibly break the mascarade. Dr. ████ has been severely reprimanded for causing the emotional turmoil that almost resulted in a breach of secrecy. 
