Izuku X Wacilla (Lemon)

A/N: This story was requested by WacillaMoniz

Wacilla's POV

"Ms. Enhancer! Please can I have a moment of your time?" I turned around to speak with the interviewer. 

"Sure!" I smiled softly and began answering all of the questions that the interviewer needed from me. 

My name is Wacilla Midoriya, and no... I'm not his sister, I'm Izuku's wife.. We've been together ever since our third year in UA, but you see I had a slight issue.... I was insanely jealous. I hated when people talked to my Izuku, or made him laugh... I always felt like he could do so much better then someone like me... I was weak.. I couldn't fight like bakugou or disarm people like Jiro could. 

After the interview I went looking for my husband. He and I had just finish locking up one of the highest ranked villains in the area. It wasn't easy... well... for me at least, I sat back and watched Izuku do everything... He was so amazing... I came around the corner and froze, Izuku... was... laughing... with Uravity...

My heart sank before rage consumed me. I stormed over and grabbed Izuku's hand. He was so confused and stuttered out a small goodbye to Uravity. 

"Don't talk to her!" I pulled him along faster and brought him into an alley way. 

"Wacilla, love... what are you doing?" I pushed him forward and pinned him against one of the walls. He might have been taller... but I was the dominant one.. 

"You know how I feel about you talking with other girls."

"B-but she's my friend." He tried to reason. I looked up, my ice blue eyes piercing into his perfect green eyes.

"I don't care..." I growled and pulled him down for a kiss, Izuku kissed back producing a small moan. His hands went down to my waist and pulled me closer. The kiss becoming more passionate and I could feel his growing erection through his tights. I pulled from the kiss with a smirk. "No baby cakes... you get to suffer." I tapped his shoulder activating my quirk on him, heightening his sense of touch and hearing. He hated it when I made him sensitive. 

"Baby... please... don't." He whined and was already squirming, this was the one time he hated his costume.

"This is a punishment lovely..." I purred into his ear, my hand palming at his groin through his pants. His breath hitched and he choked on a loud moan. "You've been very naughty Izzy... I can't wait to tie up my strong hero... kiss him till he's begging for air. Sucking on his cock as he nearly screams from over stimulation." 

Izuku was panting, his face flushed and there was a small wet patch growing on his pants. I smirked and pulled away, taking my finger and sticking it in his mouth. he sucked on it locking eyes with me. 

"Good boy... Let's get home." I turned and started walking. he pulled at his tights and followed, staying insanely close trying to gain friction desperately. the pants would only tease him and draw him to the edge.

When we got home he was begging for some relief. I chuckled and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, forcing him into a hunched position and dragged him upstairs. When we got upstairs I threw him forward and towards the bed. 

"Strip down Izzy... lay down and get ready." He nodded eagerly and stripped down, I had put my white hair up in a bun and slid off my hero costume. Izuku had already laid down and was tying up one of his wrists. He loved our sessions...

I walked over and straddled his hips. He relaxed and got himself spread out the way he needed to be. I grabbed the rope and leaned down to his ear nibbling on it as I tightened the rope on his wrist, he shuttered, his hot cock sitting against my behind. 

"So hard already... such a dirty slut." He whined and felt the strain in his arms as I tightened him up more to the bed posts. 

"Fuck... Baby, please." 

"No, I want you to suffer." I growled and slid down him purposefully going over his member. he bucked his hips. "Such an attention whore." I got his legs tied up and slid my hands up to his thighs teasingly. 

"W-what are you talking about?"

"You... Always talking with other women... laughing like there isn't a care in the world. Just being a giant man whore."

"Wacilla... I would never... I love you." I glared a little. 

"Oh really? the way you acted with Uravity earlier told me differently." I grabbed his shaft and started stroking him. The effects of my quirk hitting Izuku harder making him scream in bliss. 

"S-she told me a joke Wacilla! I would never look at another woman mistress!" I stopped and looked up to him. 

"W-what?" I was stunned to say the least. my hand pulled away so he could talk.

"I c-can tell your insecure about us Wacilla... You don't have to tell me... but baby.. trust me, I love you and I could never look at another woman the same way I look at you. Your my wife Wacilla... I chose you for the rest of my life because you are the only woman I want."

I looked down and was tearing up. Why was he so perfect!? I leaned down and kissed him, I was never good at describing feelings, or showing them. Izuku moaned before pulling away and looking at me.

"I love you Izuku..." I kissed his neck and whispered sultury things into his ear making him whine. "Let me show you..." I kissed him down to his thighs and nipped him there a couple of times making him flinch. I licked up his shaft and sucked on his tip swallowing all of the pre cum that had developed there. He tasted so sweet... I took him into my mouth slipping all the way down to his base with ease. 

Izuku gasped and bucked his hips up as I bobbed my head. By now his mind was fogged with the feelings. making it all he could think about. after a couple of bobs I felt him twitch and his hot seed seeped into my mouth. I swallowed it all with a satisfied hum. 

"F-fuck... mistress... let me pleasure you..." I nodded and crawled up, my hand grasping his hair and pulled his face to my slicked up cunt. he moaned happily and leaned eagerly. He loved this part the most... 

I got myself positioned over his face, his tongue slipping deep into my core. His nose rubbing against my clit as he worked wonders with his tongue. The only thing that could be heard in the room was both of our moans. 

"I-Izzy... I-I'm close." I mewled and trembled as I came on his tongue. He happily lapped it all up with a groan of satisfaction. I chuckled happily and looked down to him locking eyes. he was sooo sexy. I crawled off of his face and went down to his waist. 

"I love you baby..." His voice turned gruff from all the groaning and stressed moaning.

"I love you more." Izuku groaned as I slid down on his member. His eyes where shut tight as I rode him. He bucked his hips up hard making me gasp and quiver. "Fuck baby... you're so big... I can feel you pressing against my womb."

He blushed and tried to pull against the rope, but he knew better. He moved his hips faster as I came down harder. I was already edging, my walls pulsating against him. 

"S-shit.. Wacilla... I-I'm going to cum.. please... let me cum inside you." 

"Beg... Beg me to let you." I growled and wrapped my hand around his throat. He whined and held it. he knew better then to sum before he was allowed to.

"Mistress please, let me cum... I'll promise to be a good boy!" I smirked and rode him harder making him tense and his toes curl. "I want you to have my children... let me cum in you. please mistress." I blushed softly and chocked him a little harder.

"Cum baby... Cum for your mistress." The second that sentence left my body he bucked his hips up one last time, burying himself deep as he shot his load into my womb. I would be so happy to finally have his children. 

I pulled the ropes to free him up. he flipped us over and started rubbing my clit while grinding his hips. I moaned and arched my back as I came. I smiled as he kissed me and we laid there in a comfortable silence.

"Izzy... do you really want to be a dad?" He smiled lazily, half asleep as my quirk started to wear off. 

"I do... I've been wanting for a couple years.." I smiled and hugged him as we fell asleep, i was happily cock warming him through the night... 

- A couple weeks later- 

"Izzy!" I ran downstairs and jumped into his arms happily catching him by surprise. 

"What where the results?" I showed him the results, We where going to have a baby! He spun me around and littered my face with kisses. 

"I love you so much Wacilla... thank you for everything." I teared up and hugged him close. 

"I love you to Izuku...."
