.☘︎ ݁˖Part 1.☘︎ ݁˖

I'm late again. Yesterday was a marathon, and today I have a math test. I spent the whole evening—scratch that, the whole night—at Junghwan's house. He's a terrible teacher, but I had no other options. At least his mom provided some excellent snacks.

Stuffing a pancake into my mouth, I dash towards the door, hopping on one foot as I desperately try to put on my other shoe.
My dad was outside dusting the floor. I saw Taek drinking milk. Pretty sure it was Sunwoo who just sprinted past me. Then Doek-sun sauntered over.

"Taek, when did you get back?" she asked.

"Yesterday," he replied, still drinking his milk while I finally managed to cram my foot into the shoe.

"My Taeki, drink milk and grow up fast so you can marry me," she teased. As I lunged to snatch the carton of milk but immediately lost my apetite.

"Ugh, never say that again!" I glared at her, while she just laughed. Dong young was faster than me,  he pulled in her hair.  'We only have one minute left move faster you idiots'I gave my dad a kiss on his cheek before rushing out
Somehow, we managed to reach on time—well, at least I did. Now, I was watching the girls do some percentage thing about love? Is that how it works? I thought math was just about numbers, not matchmaking algorithms.

Doek-sun and I aren't in the same classes. I was currently stuck in a computer class that barely held my interest. That's when I saw Noel rush past the corridor. Not long after, I saw Doek-sun sprinting in the same direction. It took a moment for the pieces to click, but then my eyes widened in realization.

The jacket.

Later on, we were on our way home. I was telling the boys about the whole jacket chaos. As we stood in front of Junghwan's house, we could clearly hear the sisters fighting. Guess she didn't make it in time. We all sighed in unison. 'I'll get fresh and I'll come back I say leaving the others.
Today, we all gathered at Junghwan's house to celebrate Taek's win. This time, he did really well and came back with a ton of gifts and stuff. No matter how many times I ask him not to, he still brings them.
Taek had gone to run some errands, so I arrived at Junghwan's house a bit later than the other boys. After greeting the elders, I headed into the room where everyone was hanging out and plopped down between Junghwan and Dongyoung.

"Ahhh, couldn't you all change after school? You smell like rotten food," I complained. This only prompted Dongyoung to raise his arms, unleashing the full power of his smelly armpits.

"Enjoying the aroma?" he teased, grinning.
And then Junghwan tried to give me a hug, which I did my best to dodge, but never mind. Sooner or later, Doek-sun joined us. I was in a chokehold under Junghwan when they all suddenly yelled, "5 million won?"
Later on, after Taek agreed to buy us tteokbokki, the conversation shifted to how they could con him into getting alcohol after his next win. Meanwhile, I was so full from the chicken that I sprawled out on Junghwan's bed, trying to survive my food coma.

"Guys, if I die, tell my dad I went out happy and full of chicken," I groaned.

"Sure, but if you survive, get ready to help us with the Taek alcohol heist," Dongyoung said with a grin.
Doek-sun had gone out to get some juice, and soon enough, I could hear the elders causing a ruckus outside — they must've been on a drinking spree again. I was comfortably lying against the wall side of the bed when Dongyoung suddenly yanked me by the legs and claimed my spot.

"Yaaa, you piece of crap!" I exclaimed, trying to kick him off, but he held firm. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, Junghwan decided to pile on by placing a pillow on Dongyoung's legs and sprawling across my legs.

"Seriously?" I grumbled, now sitting on the edge of the bed, thoroughly annoyed.

"Hey, it's called teamwork," Junghwan joked, while Dongyoung just smirked.
"Yeah, well, your teamwork is making me feel like a human cushion," I retorted, trying to find some space amidst the chaos on the bed.
As Doeksun opened the door, the commotion from outside became unmistakable.
"Who are today's singers?" I asked her.
"The usual," she replied with a knowing smile.
"My mom, my dad," Sunwoo and Junghwan chimed in unison, their voices carrying through the noise.
