Chapter #6

"And next time on Game Grumps!"

I managed to breathe out between giggles. Arin shot up from the couch and out of the room faster than I've ever seen. I managed to convince myself it was for no specific reason and I let him be while I tried to connect my phone to the crappy wifi this room has. In the midst of scrolling through my phone I caught a glimpse of myself in the screen. The self-criticism started pouring in as I studied my imperfections. I don't even actually know how much time I spent alone, staring at myself in the phone screen. But the sound of Arin ripping the door open and screaming shook me awake. I forgot about my session and started giggling again.

"Dan I hate Mario so much do you know that?" The next episode started, a smile grew on my face.

"Yeah Arin I know."

Author's note: not that anyone cares enough that you're even reading this but I'm sorry this one is incredibly short. I wanted to put something out there due to my absence being so long but I have no idea what to do with this story and Im also not in the best state of mind right now, so sorry if this chapter is a little sad or anything. So yes, I apologise. Maybe I'll update more? I don't know. Maybe.

Twitter: aquaiplier
Instagram: fischbach.exe
