Chapter 6 - Repentance In Christ

I wrote my letter to Caitlin as promised. I promised to write her a letter every few days.. and i told her about lovely things... i told her that I love her and my son and our daughter already, and that I was so proud of them, all that I wrote before but keeping my promise to the boy that his secrets were kept... I told her that I could see our baby girl in my mind and that she has the eyes of an Angel. I told her that I knew GOD was watching over them and loves them and that Jesus is walking by their side, that they all have Guardian Angels protecting them and speaking to them all the time, so listen carefully any you may hear the Angels.. I told her about my miracle of Archangel Azreil appear to me and I finally told her about my speaking to Christopher...
I told her I was following God's commands and refused to fight or kill, and I was doing Gods will and i am being called a rebellion incompliant person because of it... I said i was following the law and was arguing legislation to return home and if not as immediately as possible, i would be there for paternity leave and to tell me if there are any problems during the pregancy and i might be able to leave sooner to be her support and carer. I said IF i ever have to fight in two weeks time... to pray for me.. I told her about Jimmy and said I didn't know how i'd react or what I'd do but i would do anything to protect the child... I said Gods wrath be upon anyone who sends him into action, he is but a terrified boy. I told her about Jimmy seeing men surrounding us who nobody else could see and that I believed he was seeing Angels... I told her I have a secret idea for Jimmy, myself and everybody in the Army... and i would reveal it soon. I said I was now going to the library with the boy to search for a book and that I was searching for The Holy Bible - The New Testiment. Then I said I had to go, please send a video of my son and i await longing for her reply. I said i'd get a phone and a contract that worked in this country... and i would call her everyday. Then I said my goodbye and signed with love eternally and beyond an infinate internity more... and more.. and more... Yours, with all my heart and my entire being, Ezikuel.

I had spare money in my wallet and there was a reception where we could change the currency, so I bought myself some cigarettes, whisky and a small chromebook.
That night while I slept I had a nightmare... I had a vision... I saw Jimmy with two men standing next to him... I saw that he could see one as his Guardian Angel and the man standing behind his Guardian Angel the most evil and malicious of men with a bald head and black eyes and dead pale ghostly white skin and dirty hands and I overheard a conversation jimmy had heard where this man who I could see him leaning above on thee bunkbed was saying that he had plans to murder a lot of innocent men there... I saw jimmy grab his Guardian Angels sword and stab him in the heart, Praying he'd repent his sins soon and go to Heaven and Praying for GOD to take his life and Speak to him... I heard his guardian angel speak into his heart to do always as God commands and to always do Gods will, while the other man was telling him to kill..... Jimmy had ignored the other man. This wasn't why he was doing it.
There was an onlooker standing in the doorway - an ally of the very evil man, smiling an unnervingly malicious and disturbing smile and two soldiers walked past, another saw what had happened, but all they could take in was that they had seen Jimmy kill...
i cried in my sleep. In the back of my mind I could hear Christopher asking why I was crying but i couldn't wake myself up to answer him... my vision followed the two men leaving the army base while his Guardian Angel moved to back above Jimmy... I wateched Jimmy and he yelled out in a cry at what he had done and collapsed onto the floor in a heap and curled up, moaning...
and I watched where those two men went... to another base, a dark dark place... a metal room... with a table with a bloods head and weapons on it... I overheard the word "mafia" and saw them do the most terrifying thing i'd ever witnessed in my life... they took thier faces off... and I woke up in an uncontrollable fit of screaming in terror, petrified, and nobody could calm me but Jimmy stayed by my side trying to speak to me calmly and talk me around... I yelled out in horror for over 25 minutes, and then I collapsed myself and passed out. I woke up with a coat over me to keep me walk and Jimmy with a dark green coat over him... as i sturred to get up, Jimmy struggled to wake up and he asked me in a muffled voice, "What happened last night?" I put my hand on his arm and told him, "I had a nightmare, I think i saw the devil, but he was a MAN."
jimmy was confused. I refused to say more.
