Chapter 1: First Day

I hate going to a new school! The people here don’t know me and I don’t know them! Talk about a bad head start!

I’m sitting in the back seat of Dad’s silver Volvo. I direct my thoughts to Dad. Why can’t I go to high school with you and Mom? I mean, we look the same age for crying out loud!

Dad turns around to face me. “Renesmee, we’ve been over this before. Your mother and I would prefer you went to different High School than us. I would be too awkward for everybody for you to pose as our new sister. First of all, you look too much like Bella and me. It would draw suspicion. Second, I’m afraid we would hover over you and be… we, you know, parents.”

I shudder at the thought of Mom or Dad standing over me while I’m trying to talk to my new friends, or trying to wipe of stray spaghetti sauce from my mouth at lunch.

Dad chuckles. “It would be way worse than that. Trust me.”

Mom looks at me in the rearview mirror. “Edward, you’re not helping. Look at her. You’re just making her more nervous about her first day.”

It is my first day of school. Ever. Mom and Dad wanted to make sure I stopped aging before sending me off to High School. Technically, I’m only 2 years old, but my vampire side sped up my aging and now, I’m forever 16. Every girl’s dream. I look at Mom and Dad and think back to all the time Grandma Esme told me I was lucky to have such beautiful parents: that I looked like them. Aunt Rosalie would tell me the same thing. She didn’t like Dad much, and Mom even less. Well, that I was pretty anyway, while she brushed my hair.

I’ll fit in just fine.

Dad says, “You’ll fit in more than fine. You’re guaranteed to be the best looking girl in school.”

I smile at the thought. “Naturally or vampirey.”


My smile broadens. “Thanks Daddy.”

He suddenly frowns as if thinking of something suddenly. “You better not bring home any boys.”

“Dad!” I shriek. “It’s only my first day!”

Mom laughs. “That’s your father. Always the obsessive caring time.” She leans over and gives him a kiss.

I stick out my tongue and make a gagging noise. “Eyes on the road please.”

Dad chuckles.

I roll my eyes. “Where am I going again?”

Mom turns to look at me, her eyes a soft golden color since she has hunted recently. “You’re going to La Push.”

“I know. I mean, why am I going?”

“Well, since Jacob imprinted on you,” I cringe at the word,” And he’s your protector now, we thought it would be best to send you to his school. To keep an eye on you.”

Uncle Jake “imprinted” on me as a baby. When they said the word, I thought it was just that. A word. Now that I know the meaning behind it… it freaks me out. Imprinting is kind of like love at first sight, only stronger. You instantly love that person. And don’t get me wrong, I do love Uncle Jake. Just not that way. I just love him like an uncle. That’s it. So instead, he became my uncle. But I still didn’t want to go to his school.

It’s like a giant babysitting scandal. I’m watched at home and now at school too.

Dad says, ”That’s exactly what it is. Since you’ve grown, you have decided that trouble making was more your style. I still blame it on Jacob’s kid. What’s his name…Michelle? Miguel…Michale! He’s a bad influence. Always was and always will be. But your mother insists that it’s not him.”

No. Your right. It’s him. It’s everybody. I mostly get my ideas from Uncle Emmett. But it’s all my decision to follow through with it. So don’t blame Michale.

Dad no looks smug but surprised. “I thought so. At least you have the decency to except responsibility. Unlike Michale. Why can’t he be like Jacob’s other kid, Jennifer? You two are friends aren’t you? Why can’t you be more like her?”

I roll my eyes. “Dad… They are practical jokes! Meant to be funny! Jennifer’s not as good with coming up with pranks as Michale. She believes that pranks are ‘idiotic’ and ‘barbaric’ and ‘so Michaleish.’”


“They’re funny to us,” I say quietly.

“UGGGHHH! That’s EXACTLY why Jacob’s watching you! You can’t be trusted!”

I can so be trusted. He doesn’t even know all the pranks I could have pulled, but didn’t.”


“MOM!” I was tired of Dad listening to my thoughts.

Mom laughs, then I feel her shield extend over me. In a way, Mom is the cure to Dad. He reads minds, and she cuts off Dad’s mind reading. It goes into more detail than that though. If there is any super natural ability that has to do with the mind, Mom can stop it. She was now granting me sweet relief from Dad’s spying on my PERSONAL thoughts.

Sometimes I’m not sure whether or not coming from a family of vampires is a blessing or a curse. My family is quite unique. We are one of the two groups to go “vegetarian.” We hunt animals instead of people. But we are also the biggest coven in the world. I mean, besides the Volturi, the equivalent to royalty among vampires.

There is Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper, Carlisle, Esme, Edward (Dad), Bella (Mom) and me. But we each have super different personalities.

Uncle Emmett is the care-free, happy, super strong kind of guy. He’s tall and muscular with short black hair and a continuous grin. He is with my Aunt Rosalie, the self-absorbed, tell me I’m the prettiest or I’ll die types. She has soft-looking golden hair that falls down and settles on the middle of her back. She the regular height and is slim, as if she works out. Many people do envy her, but that shape comes with what she is, and most wouldn’t be willing to give that much up.  Then there’s Aunt Alice, the fashionable, kind, perky, fairy-like, bubbly, easy-going (for the most part) one. She’s tiny and pixy-looking. She has a gentle face with short spikey hair. She’s with Uncle Jasper, the creepy, big eyed, “you can’t see me but I see you” kind of guy with the look on his face that screams “I WANT TO KILL YOU!”  He is tall and thin with crazy-looking bronze hair. After that, there’s Grandpa Carlisle, the kind, non-violent, corner crawling one.  He is also tall but with golden hair instead of bronze. He’s with Grandma Esme, the motherly, cooking kind of person. Not that I object. She does make some good meals. Esme is tall and slim with a heart-shaped face. She has black hair that falls to just below her shoulder and a soft, caring expression. Then there’s Dad. He’s the “obsessive but caring one.” I hear what everybody tells me about Dad before I was born. He sounds like a control freak to me. I mean, who watches people in their sleep… without them knowing! He’s tall too. He’s slightly muscular with out-of-control bronze hair, like Jasper. He, obviously, is with Mom. She’s the self-conscious one who doesn’t believe she’s “worthy of Dad.” As if! She has brown hair that turns red in the sunlight. She’s slim and has a very protective, sacrificing personality. Finally, there’s me. I have long brown hair that’s naturally crinkled and comes to the middle of my back. I guess I’m short. But I’m just right for my age. I have my mom’s chocolate eyes before she turned vampire. I’m the only half-vampire in the family. Mom was gave birth to me while she was human. Great going Dad!

But… we also have “super abilities” within our group. Aunt Alice can see the future. Uncle Jasper can manipulate the emotions around him. Dad can read minds and Mom can do that…thing she does. A shield or whatever. I don’t know the name for what I do. I mentally show you what I want you to see, exactly how I want to show you. I just touch you, and it comes to you like movie. Or a word document. It also tells you every word that I want you to know, too.

I put my headphone in my ears. And hook them up to my IPod. I drown out everything, even my surroundings and the fact that I’m going to a new school with new people. I focus on learning the lyrics to Taylor Swift’s new song, Never Getting Back Together. By the time I have listened to the first and second verse and the chorus, we come to a stop. Trust Dad to drive like a reckless maniac. I get out the car and sling my book bag over my shoulder. Mom rolls down her window and I give her a hug.

“I’ll miss you. Have a great day. Make new friends!” she says.

I laugh. “I’ll try. Bye Dad. Sorry about before.”

Dad gave a half-hearted smile. “It’s okay, honey.”

I flit across the car and open his door, moving so fast the human eye couldn’t see it. I know I’m too big, but I sit in his lap and lay my head on his chest. “I’m sorry, Daddy,” I say in my most repentant voice.

He looks shocked. “Renesmee! You can’t do that in public!”

Opps. My bad. Sorry, sorry, sorry! It won’t happen again.

“It better not.” He hesitates, then pulls my in and hugs me. “Have a nice day, sweetheart. You can stay at Jacob’s after school. We’ll pick you up later.”

I nod and hop out of the car once again. I shut the door and walk to the side walk. Dad puts the car in drive and the speed off. But I can still hear them. Again, a good part to being a half vampire hybrid.

“You’re too soft on her. She has you wrapped around her little finger,” Mom says.

Dad laughs. “Well, she has you the same way she has me…” And then they were gone. I laugh and turn to face my new school. I take a deep breath and start towards the school. While I had been talking to my dad, the school had become populated. I looked at people and people looked at me. I saw awe and curiosity mixed into the boys’ gazes, and excitement and envy in the girls’. I wave to as many people as possible and most wave back. Other’s didn’t. She walked up the steps and into the office.

There was a lady there. She looked about 45 and dressed like she was 30. She smiles at me and says, “Hello. My name is Ms. Ronda. How may I help you?”

I put on my most polite smile and tell her, “My name is Renesmee Cullen. I’m the new student. I need my schedule for the school year.”

“Oh,” she says, and shuffles around some papers. A few minutes later, she hands me a sheet. She smiles and says, “Have a nice day.”

I nod and turn to leave. “Thanks. You too.” When I leave the office, I take the time to look at my schedule. It says:

1st: Biology

2nd: Algebra

3rd: Family Life

4th: English

5th: French

6th: World History

7th: PE/ Health

I read my new schedule and grow irritated. My schedule is boring. I’m in the middle of planning on how to change my schedule when I run straight into a boy who was walking in the hallway. “Oh! I am so sorry! I didn’t see you there! I wasn’t paying attention!”

The boy gathers himself and bends down to help me gather my papers. “No. It’s fine. I just- it’s fine.” He hands me my papers and for the first time, I get a good look at him, and he gets a good look at me. He’s obviously the football, jock type. He’s tall and heavily built with blue eyes and short, spiky black hair that reminded me of Aunt Alice’s. Overall, he was very good-looking. He seemed to think the same about me. I feel his heart pick up speed and he blinks repeatedly. Eventually he speaks, saying, “I, um. Are you… are you new here? I haven’t seen you before.”

I smile and look down to the floor. ”Yeah. I was uh, home schooled? My parents finally “trust me enough” to go to a public school.” I roll my eyes.

He laughs and hands me the rest of the papers. “Parents. Never trust you enough to do what you gotta do. But they love you the same.”

I shrug. “I give them plenty of enough reasons not to trust me. My name’s Renesmee, by the way.” I stick out my hand.

He grabs my hand and shakes it. “Shane. Do you… need any help getting to class, or anything?”

I smile and nod. “That would be great.”

He stands up and offers me his hand. I take it and he pulls me to my feet. He looks at me and holds out his hand. “I need your schedule.”

I rummage through the papers in my hand until I find my schedule. I quickly hand it to him and he reads it. “Ah! We have the same Biology and PE class together. So, I guess you can just follow me to our class.” He turns and waits for me to join him before he takes off for class. While we walk, several of his friends give him high fives and “what’s ups.” Some girls say hi to me, but no more. When we get to class, he shows me a seat right next to his in the back. I sit down, and last thing I think is maybe I don’t have to change my schedule after all.

At the end of the day, I leave PE class with Shane. He’s laughing at the butt whippin’ I just gave the other class in dodge ball. Neither of us had to go for a while. He was 3rd bus load and Jacob wouldn’t be picking me up for another 15 minutes. Some of his friends come over and a few of my new friends as well. One of Shane’s friends, Henry, walks up to me. “Hey! So, Shane tells me a lot about you. I mean, he said you were beautiful, but… wow!”

My friend Daniela grabs me by the arm and faces me away from Henry. She puts her hands on her hips. “Don’t you have anybody else to bother?”

Henry laughs. “Yeah. But I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out later or something.”

I smile uncomfortably. “Um, Henry, I-“

Shane grabs Henry and puts him in a headlock playfully. Henry forgets all about me and works to free himself. I let out a relieved breath and my friends and I watch the boys rough house with each other. Somehow, Henry frees himself and now has Shane in a head lock. Shane looks to me and winks. I blush and go back to talking with my friends.

Later, before Shane’s bus gets to the school, he comes to sit by me. He’s sweating and grinning. I laugh and Shane lightly shoves me.

“Hey! Oh, thanks for before. You know, with Henry. You saved me from having to give a major let down.”

He’s grin disappears to a smile. “Naw. I was just being selfish. I wanted you all to myself.” He turns and faces me. “Renesmee, would you wanna maybe go to a movie or something this weekend?”

My smile drops. “Shane, I really, really would like to go with you. But I can’t. My dad wouldn’t allow it. And let me tell you, there is no keeping secrets from my dad.”

“It’s alright. I understand. So, would you want to go out with the group this weekend?”

I wink. “Now you got it. I would love to go with you guys this weekend.”


I turn to the direction that my name was called from. Sitting there on his motorcycle is Uncle Jake. “Hurry up! I got a patrol to run later!” You see, Uncle Jake is a werewolf. He has his own pack. He’s alpha. When he says he has a patrol, he has to run his territory’s perimeter and check for any stray or evil creatures on his land. My life is so complicated.

I turn back to Shane. His face looks skeptical. “Who’s that?”

“My uncle. More of my god-father. We aren’t related.” I twist my head to shout over my shoulder. “I’m coming Uncle Jake!”

I turn back to Shane. “Bye.” Then a smile creeps slowly onto my face.

I look at Shane and he looks confused. “What?”

“You know when I ran into you this morning? I told you that my parents had plenty of reasons not to trust me.”

Shane still looks confused. “Yeah.”

“Well. I haven’t had a real teenage life.”

“Yeah. I figured. You being home schooled and all. But what does this have to do why your parents don’t trust you?”

“Well, I want to live the life of a teen.”


I look over my shoulder again to see that Uncle Jake wasn’t looking. “And… I’m about to give them another reason not to trust me.” I stand up on my tippy-toes and pull Shane down to my level. I look him in the eyes. “After this, we are just friends.” I press my lips to his. After he gets over the shock, Shane kisses me back. We stay that way for a while, and then I finally pull away. “Bye.” I run to Uncle Jake and hop on the back of his motorcycle.

When I’m pulling the helmet over my head Uncle Jake turns to me. “I’m gonna pretend I did not just see you kissing Shane Simons.” Dang it! He catches everything!

I smile. “And that’s why I love you, Uncle Jake.” I wrap my arms around his waist and he starts the motorcycle. We speed of towards his house and when we get there, he tells me that my dad will come by to get me at around 6:00. That gives me three hours to talk to Jennifer and Michale.

I enter the house as Uncle Jake wolfs out and runs into the forest to do his patrol.

Jennifer meets at the door. “So! How was your first day of school?”

I walk to her kitchen and grab a Dr. Pepper before I reply. “Well, I got my schedule, ran into a boy named Shane, breezed through my classes, got asked out twice and kissed Shane Simons.” I say his name all fancy to imply a certain amount of false awe. I tell her every bit of useful information, like my teachers’ names, friends, and schedule.

When I finish, Jennifer is staring at me. “Are you sure this is you first day? You’re talking about these people like you’ve been there all your life?”

I shrug. “You know me. I am a people person. But enough about me. Let’s hear about your day.

Chapter 4: Monster High

Jennifer meets me at the front of the school, just as planned. I am rocking a cute red shirt that has fangs on it and says Come closer. I don’t bite. Dad thought the shirt was insulting, but I just had to get it. My skirt is black and I’m wearing the matching black shawl. And of course, I’m wearing matching jewelry. It’s a red necklace that loops around my neck about seven times, connected by a black chain and red earrings. We come to a stop at the front of the door.

“Get ready,” Jennifer asks.

“Jen, I was born ready.”

We walk into the building and the first thing I notice is that there are more students here than at any other school I’ve ever been to. That would be only one, but still! I frown slightly.

“Hey Jen, how come I can’t smell anybody? You know, vampires smell like me and werewolves smell like… no offense, but you smell like a wet dog.”

Jennifer rolls her eyes. “Just because you say no offense, doesn’t mean none is taken. And no, you wouldn’t smell anybody else. That would be thanks to Vanessa and her… species, I guess. She brings this lotion that’s supposed to mask everybody’s scent so nobody is complaining about stenches all day. Yours included.”

“Oh. Where does she get it? The Volturi?”

“Renesmee, there are more than just vampires and werewolves.”

“What do you mean?”

The bell rings and Jennifer looks at me. “Sorry. We’ve got to get to class.” She grabs me by the arm and pulls me after her towards… wherever she’s going. We make it to the class room just as the second tardy bell rings. I follow Jennifer to the back of the class and take a seat next to her. The teacher begins calling roll.








“Here,” me and another girl in the back of the room call at the same time.

The girl turns and looks at me. “Um, honey, I’m pretty sure she meant me.” Then she faces the front, rolls her eyes and starts laughing at me with her two friends that are sitting on either side of her.

“Um, babe,” I say, mimicking her tone, “I’m pretty sure she didn’t.”

A collective gasp goes up in the classroom. I guess this girl wasn’t used to being talked to like that. Well, that’s obviously about to change.

She slowly turns her head back to me and slowly stands up.

I scowl at her and raise an eyebrow.

She places her hands on her hips. She has brown hair that’s cut short to just above her neck. Her brown eyes are glaring daggers at me.  She has on a pair of dark blue, almost black jeans with jet black tiger stripes. Her black shirt is worn under her fluffy, red shawl with tiger stripes on it. But the thing that caught my attention was the actual tiger tail lashing back and forth behind her. “And who do you think you are?”

I stand up as well. “The person that the teacher just called. Renesmee.”

“The teacher said Rezesmey.”

“No, she said Renesmee. As in Renesmee Cullen.”

The teacher stands up. “Actually, I did say Renesmee. Renesmee Cullen?”

“Exactly, I say with a smug smile. Rezesmey glares at me even more intensely, which I didn’t think was possible.

“Ladies, please take your seats.”

We both sit down and stay quiet for the rest of class. But I could fell Rezesmey’s stare on me the whole class period. As soon as the bell rings, I gather my things and wait for Jennifer to do the same. While she packs up, another girl comes up to me. “Um, hey.”


“My name is Jennet. What you did to Rezesmey… that was awesome.”

“Thanks. Being obnoxious is one of my many talents.”

Jennet laughs. “So, where’s your next class?”

“Um.” I take out my schedule. “Drama with Ms. Flutter?”

Jennet laughs. “Me too. So do my friends Jenae, Vanessa, Merian, and Jennifer.”

I laugh. “Great.”

Jennifer joins us and we walk down the hall laughing and talking about random stuff. Right outside of the door, Jennet stops me. “Ms. Flutter is a great teacher. She’s funny and gentle. She never yells and she is very nice. So don’t worry.”

I nod. “Great!” I open the door and step into the studio and I wish I hadn’t.

“YOU THINK THAT THAT PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A TEACHER IS BETTER ABLE TO TEACH YOU BUNCH OF LOW-LIFES THAN I AM!?!” The lady wearing a green snake print outfit with her brown hair pulled back in a tight pony tail is yelling at a student. He is kneeling in front of her on the floor.

“Um… no. I just asked where you wanted me to shine the light,” he said weakly.

I raise an eyebrow and turn to Jennet. Her mouth is hanging open. Then I turn to Jennifer. She’s no better. “That’s the kind, wonderful, nice Ms. Flutter?”

Jennet just shakes her head. When she finally pulls herself together, she says, “No. That would be Ms. Snake. An what she could possibly be doing here… I have no idea. She’s going to give poor Adam a heart attack!”


Everybody takes a seat. That kid named Adam sits down next to me and Jennet.


Just then the doors burst open and a lady rushes in with all of her papers. She has long blond hair that falls to her shoulders. Her face is smooth and soft and she has that look that makes you think you can tell her anything. The complete opposite of Ms. Snake. She has a coffee in one hand, her purse over her shoulder and a pretty flower dress on. She climbs onto the stage and sets her stuff down. She assumes center stage and Ms. Snake glares at her evilly.

“That,” says Jennet “would be Ms. Flutter.”

She takes a microphone from its stand, something Ms. Snake didn’t use, and speaks into it with a nice, calm voice.

“Hello, children! Sorry I’m late! Troubles with the organic coffee machine! It’s all fixed now, so we can move on!”

Ms. Snake continued to glare.

“I’m pretty sure that Ms. Snake has already told you that she will be the new co-teacher for drama?”

The students grumbled in protest.


Ms. Snake kept glaring.

“Any words Ms. Snake?”

“I hate you all.”

 “Okay! So then, have you told the kids about the play that we are going to be doing?”

Ms. Snake resumed her glaring at Ms. Flutter.

“No? Okay! So kids,” she said facing the front. “This month we will be doing the play labeled… wait for it… Twilight… but with a twist! It’s a four book series by Bethany Buyer about two seemingly different people; a vampire and a human. The vampire fall in love with the human, and the human loves the vampire instantly. They try to deny it, but they can’t. Soon they have secret meeting at night and secret dates. Their families don’t want them to date, but they two can’t resist the urge they have for each other. Then one day, when their families find out that their dating-“

Ms. Snake interrupts. “They all DIE!!!”

She disappeared and popped up next to some startled children. “The vampires kill the werewolf for corrupting their daughter.” She disappears again and pops up at the top of the steps.

“But stupidity corrupts the vampire and it tells the family that if they want the werewolf, they have to go through them first.”

She disappears again and pops up next to Adam. He muffles his scream. “And this doesn’t faze the family at all.”

She disappears and pops up at the bottom of the steps. “The vampire throws itself on top of their love, again, quite stupidly.”

She slowly walks up the steps on her hands and feet, like a predator stalking its prey. “And the family rips off its head and set it on FIRE!!!! They don’t even morn as they RIP the werewolf limb from LIMB! It howls in pain, but there is nothing it can do! When they finish, the vampire family rolls in the blood of the werewolf and laps his blood from the Earth!”

“Um, Ms. Snake,” Ms. Flutter tries to interrupt.

Ms. Snake acts like she didn’t even hear her. “Then they spread each of their remains so that they couldn’t even be together in the AFTERLIFE!!!!” She busted out laughing. Then she turned to Ms. Flutter. “Excellent choice! I didn’t think you had it in you!”

Ms. Flutter looks shocked and a little nauseated. “Um… why would you- wh-why- what in the name of monarch’s cocoon would give you that idea?”

Ms. Snake looks confused. “That’s not what you were going to do?”


Ms. Snake’s eyes narrow instantly. “I hate you.”

Ms. Flutter looks puzzled and then smiles. “See children? This is why Ms. Snake was chosen to help me with drama this year! If you didn’t know any better, you’d think that she actually hates us all!”

“I do,” Ms. Snake grumbles.

“The end of the play goes like this. Ms. Snake is right when she says that the families don’t want their children to date each other. That’s all Ms. Snake is right about. But against each of the families wishes, the two still meet. Then, a werewolf comes into the equation. The wolf tries to get the other wolf to fall in love with them instead of the vampire. But it doesn’t happen. Then- well, you’ll see when you get the scripts.”

“You mean, after I rewrite the scripts,” says Ms. Snake.

“No. I mean-. Ms. Snake? Can I speak with you please?”

Ms. Snake rolls her eyes, but follows Ms. Flutter behind the stage. Immediately, the students start talking. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn. Groaning, I look at the kid. He has black hair with brown eyes. His arms are crossed and he looks annoyed. But I smirk, finding amusement in his pain.

“Micheal. What are you doing here?”

“Hi. Can I, uh, speak to you for a sec?”

Janet turns and looks at Micheal. “Hey, Micheal. What’s up?”

“I need to speak to Renesmee.”

I roll my eyes. “Knowing you, it’s not import-.” Micheal grabs my arm and yanks me to my feet, dragging me to the back of the auditorium.

“Hey!” I say, snatching my arm away. “Don’t touch me, dog breath.”

Micheal narrows his eyes. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Um, learning?” I say sarcastically.

“Yeah. In my school! Who even told you about this school?”

“Um…that would be Jennifer. Your absolutely amazing sister. You know, you should take some lessons from her. On how to be tolerable.”

“Listen, Cullen. You can insult me all you want. You can even go to my school. But keep your mouth shut about me. I don’t want your loserness affecting my rep.”

“You mean the rep of your stupidity. I don’t think that will be affected by my being here.” I turn, looking over my shoulder. “But feel free to watch and learn, pretty boy. You may learn a thing or two.”

“Renesmee. Just… stay away from the cool kids. That’s my job.”

I laugh. “You say that like its possible. I don’t go to cool kids. They come to me. Cool kids attract cool kids. Which is why I’m surprised that you are…’cool’,” I shudder at the word. “Now, if you’re done asking for the impossible, I have friends to get back to.”

Chapter 5: Lunch

I walk into the cafeteria with my new friends. As soon as we get through the lunch line, I look around for a place to sit. I search through the café. My eyes rest on a table and I start toward it… until I realize that she-witch Rezesmey is sitting there. I stop dead in my tracks, but Janet and Janea and everyone else keeping walking in that direction. I steel myself, plaster a fake smile on my face, and continue toward the table. But, just my luck, the only other seat is across from Rezesmey and next to… Micheal. Yippee for me.

“Hey Micheal,” I say, sitting down next to him.
