Reneesme's Cullen diary- chapter 12

Chapter 12- I am done

As I entered in the my mom and dad was standing there, there face was in shock.

" baby whats wrong" my mom asked me. " Just let me go ok!" I shouted and run to my room.

I treid calling him for hours but he didn' t answer. I couldn't deel with it any more. It was to much.

My father still couldn't read my thoughts from befor. So I decided to go to a bar.

I wanted to drink until the pain go away. I went out the window took a cab and drove to the "PIKA".

"Hey you! Give me two shots of 'Jack Daniels'" I shouted to the bartender.

I dont remmeber how much I drank, but it was alot. I was tottaly wasted when some guy tried to tuch me.

I dont know what went trought my haid in that moment but I took his hand and led him ladies room.

We were kissing and he tried to take off my shirt. I stopped kissing him and looked at him.

"W-Whats wrong h-honey?" the guy said, he was totally waisted too. He called me honey!

Thats how Jacob is calling me!...oh fuck with Jacob I don't care about him any more! "Babe?" the guy asked again.

"I tought maybe we'll go to a more comfortable place" I said and giglled.

The guy smile and took my hand and led me to his car. When we got to the car we leand on it and makeout a bit.

"Nessie?!" I heard a voice behind me shouting. It was Jack! He brobbly wanted to get wasted as well, to make to pain go away."Jacky! Honey! How are you?!" I shouted and he was in shock.

"Meet... This guy, we are going to have sex in his car.. And maybe even marry! So we have to go... Nice seeing you again."

He came and took me home. I tried to resist but he was to storng and I as too wasted.

When I arrvied home my parents were in shock. My dad grabbed me and took me to bad.

I woke up in the morning afraid to open my eyes. "Rennesme I know that you are awake" my dad said in an agresive ton.

Slowly I opend my eyed. "Nessie you know, there is something more horrible to say to a person than 'I hate you' and thats'I'm disapointed from you' and Nessie I'm so disapointed from you, I can't even discirbe how much". I started crying. That's the most terrible wards someone has ever said to me. "I glad thats upset you! Maybe thats the way you'll learn your lesson"I looked at my dad and I couldn't belive it. I never seen him like that. "Cheating on Jacob?! Sneak out the house?! Going to a pab!? Get drunk?! Almost having sex with some rendom guy that could have been a pedofile?! This is not the girl that I raised!" I was crying hard! I wasn't so ashaimd my entire life!

"What the hell is wrong with you?! So Jacob is angry on you?! So?!...It's not the end of the world!" he yelled at my face. " Yes it is! He didn't want to talk to me again! You dont understand!"

I cant belive he was talking to me like that. "When I left your mom, and I told her that I dont love her! That she wasn't eanough for me! You think she and got drunk?! No! Because its the values that were given her at home and thats the same valuse that me and your mom gave to you! What you planned to do in one year from now, when you will be changed and you wont be able to see each other?! You will kill yourself?! Huh?!" I looked down, I couldnt say a ward. "Maybe its for the best that you broke up, and if you didn't guess yet you are grouned for the rest of your life" I wanted to yell at him! To tell him that he was worng! But he wasn't... Maybe he was right? Maybe its for the best that we'll broke up...

Ill write you soon...

Love, Nessie!

Im so sorry I didn't write for so long... I hope you'll enjoy it.
