Chapter 5

"Happy birthday, baby." Carrie greeted me by the door as I came home from work. Seeing her brighten ups my day no matter how tired I am.

"Thanks, gorgeous." I replied giving her a small peck on the lips.

She lead me up the stairs to the bedroom, making me sit on the bed and her looking through clothes in my closet.

"Don't tell me we're goig out for dinner, i'm too tired." I whined. "That is the last thing I wanted to do right now."

Carrie pulled the shirt over my head. "No silly, I just want you to be in a more comfortable clothes before we eat alone and watch movies together." She gave me peck on the lips before throwing the clean shirt on my face as she looked for sweatpants.

"Oooh, what movie are we watching?" I asked excitedly, hoping it isn't one of those chick-flick she likes watching but always ends up crying her eyes out. Don't get me wrong, I love that she clings to me when she's crying but the movies? I don't get them that much.

"I don't know yet." She laughed. She finally chose a black sweatpants and strode over back to me, making me stand up. "You know, I can dress myself. I'm not a baby." I said as she began unbuckling my belt and sliding down my jeans.

"You don't think I know that?" She chuckled. "I just don't want to see pieces of your clothes spread across the floor like you're some sort of a snake that changes skin and leaving the old skin behind." A smirk was plastered on her lips, making me want to jump her and kiss her.

I stepped out of my jeans as she handed me the sweatpants and new pair of boxers. "Okay, you don't have to go all Science-y on me." She went inside the bathroom to put the dirty clothes on the hamper.

"Ready?" She asked.

"As i'll ever be!" I laughed, trailing behind her. We went straight to the living room and she was already picking out a movie.

"Is Captain America alright?" She asked. She knew that is my favorite movie. And I almost leaped in excitement at the thought of her watching it with me.

"Babe," I called as she was too busy seeting the DVD player up. "Babe do you smell that?" I asked smelling something that is burning. "Are you cooking something?"

With that she jumped up. "Oh my goodness!" She exclaimed, sprinting to the kitchen wide-eyed.

I followed her and there she was, sitting on the floor, with her head on her hands, crying her eyes out. "Hey," I crouched down so we were on the same level. "What happened?"

"I burnt the cake!" She said almost choking on her words. I wanted to laugh at how silly she is for crying but of course that will upset her more so I didn't.

"Hey, look at me." I pulled her into my arms and rubbed her back comfortingly. "It's alright. There's no need to cry."

"But we were supposed to eat the cake while watching your favorite movie." Her head was resting on my chest and her smaller form was shaking as she cried.
"We can not eat anything while watching a movie nd it'll still be awesome." I tried consoling her. "Heck we can even not watch the movie and i'd still be happy as long as you're with me."

"Really?" She looked up at me, her blood-shot eyes were staring directly into mine.

"Of course, I don't need a cake for my birthday." I smiled. "Just the fact that you're with me already makes it the best birthday."

"I love you."

"I love you so much." I kissed her on the forehead. "Now stop crying, I hate seeing you cry." I wiped the tears on her cheeks with my thumbs. She nodded and I kissed her on the lips this time. "Now how about we make dinner before we watch the movie?"

"Dinner sounds better than burnt cake." She chuckled, finally.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked.

"I want a pasta, please?"

"Pasta it is, then."

I woke up to no one beside me. Not a note or something left for me from Carrie. I sat up, rubbing my eyes as the moments from last night flashed back on my mind. I scanned the quiet room, there's nothing except for an open space, the bed I was on, and two side-tables with picture frames containing photographs of Ace and Carrie, one was turned down, curiosity got to me so I grabbed it, revealing a picture of us. She played dress up with me one night and dressed me up in one of her dresses, put on make-up on me, after, we took a picture together. That was one of the most fun times with her, when she was in her perfect, playful mood.

I stood up, grabbed the pieces of clothing on the floor and wore them one by one. I went to the bathroom and washed my face and gurgled water. Nothing has changed in here, everything seems to be on their original places since I lived here with her. It has the same aura, the same everything and that made me realize how much I missed this place. How much I missed living here with Carrie.

This was the place where all of our 'firsts' happened. First kiss, first 'I love you', first night together, first dream we had for our future together. This is where we thought of names for our future children.

I decided to go downstairs, knowing that if I stayed here longer, all the memories will come rushing back to my mind and somehow, that would have me a tad bit emotional.

"Fuck fuck fuck." Carrie mumbled frowning as a plate crashed on the floor, she bent down and started picking up the huge pieces. Carrie never swore when we were still together, she kept saying that it sounded funny coming out of her mouth, and it was true. It sounded to me like she was speaking another language.

"Step aside." I said, noticing that she was barefoot. When she didn't say anything nor did she bother looking at me, I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the living room and set her down on the couch, that's when I noticed blood on her foot. "Damn it." I scanned her foot for a cut where the blood was coming from. "Just stay here, okay?" I wanted to yell at her for not listening to me and now she got hurt. Only if she wasn't so stubborn. "Do you have any first-aid kit?"

She nodded slowly and then pointed to the hallway where a small cabinet was on the wall. I rushed to it and looked for a band-aid, cotton, betadine or alcohol, a gauze, anything that I know would stop the bleeding.

When I came back, Carrie was nowhere to be found on the living room area, I looked around and found her sweeping the floor where the plate landed. There were trickles of blood on the floor. "I told you to stay there!" I grabbed the broom and the dustpan from her hands, putting them aside before carrying her back on the couch. "You are so hardheaded sometimes."

"Why do you even care?" Carrie shot back, shooting daggers at me, hissing when I started damping the alcohol-soaked cotton on her cut, cleaning out the blood.

"I just do." The cut was bit long that the band-aid wouldn't be enough to cover it all so I used the gauze, putting betadine on it first before placing it on top of the open wound and sticking it with a micropor tape. "Now please, just stay here and i'll take care of the mess."

"Thanks." She whispered.

I strode over to the storage  cabinet looking for a rug to clean the blood smudges on the floor. After, I threw the pieces of glass on the dustpan outside, assuring that there were no more bits of it left on the floor. "Everything's clear." I said getting back to Carrie who seems to be on the deep thought.

"Listen," She said, looking up at me. "Last night was a huge mistake, and i'm sorry but it absolutely meant nothing at all."

Disappointment came crashing over me because it meant everything to me. I was hurt. I nodded, not knowing what to respond exactly. "Sorry."

"We should just forget about it." She said. "Like it didn't happen at all, and once you step out of this house, you have to forget everything that happened from yesterday. No words to anyone anywhere." She continued on and on and on and I just stood there nodding. I don't even know what exactly she was saying at the moment until I heard the word 'engaged.'

"Come again?"

She looked down. "I'm engaged and you have a girlfriend. It wouldn't do us both any good if a word comes out."

"You're engaged?" I wanted to break down as she nodded. I wanted to punch a wall, I want to break somebody's face, I want to break the man's face she's engaged to. "You're kidding, right?" She should be.

She shook her head. "Just about two weeks ago." She whispered.

"To who?" Why wasn't this on the news? Or was it on the news and it was me who doesn't watch it. I couldn't wrap my mind around the idea of her being engaged to another man and not me.

"You don't know him."

"I want to know who!" I yelled. My blood is boiling.

"Derek Andrews."

By now I was pacing in front of her. I don't know what else to say. I was so frustrated. "You're engaged." I said, my hands were shaking, but I managed to place them on my hips firmly. "You're getting married." I let out a nervous chuckle. "And not with me." I couldn't help but laugh sarcastically. "Isn't it ironic?"

"Brad, you're making me dizzy."

"And you're breaking my heart again for the hundredth time!" She cringed as I yelled at her again. I have never yelled at her like this, not even if we have arguments, for if we do, I just give her her space and cool my mind off before talking to her again, but this subject is different. It is very different, first because we aren't together anymore and  second, this isn't just an argument, this is just me being in denial of her being engaged because my mind couldn't process that thought and I refuse to believe that in any aspect.

"I'm sorry."

I laughed sarcastically. "Sorry... right." I stopped pacing, but still I couldn't fix my head just looking at her. "'Cause that word can change everything. Your sorry can make you unengaged to that Derek guy and bring back the past two years and make you say yes to my proposal instead."

"Brad, would you stop, please." There was a crack on her voice at the end of her sentence and I knew that a few more words from me would have her crying.

"No I won't stop." But then I couldn't stop my mouth from speaking and it seems as if I have no control on the words that were rolling off my mouth. "Do you love him?" I stared at her, but she didn't answer. "Just tell me that you love him and you don't love me anymore." I demanded. "Then i'll leave and never bother you anymore."

Carrie opened her mouth but dared not to say anything. Tears were pooling on the brim of her eyes and I just wanted to hug her and comfort her. Tell her that i'm always here for her and I will never ever leave no matter what the odds are.

"But if you tell me that you love me, I would break things up with Kim right now and we'll start over again and I promise you, you will never regret any single thing for that." I said, but more of a plead.
