십 (10):

Jihoon's POV:

It's been 3 days after the accident happened.

Junkyu is still confined to the hospital and he still hasn't woken up until now.

It makes me worry more even though the doctor told me that he's not in a coma and he only had a head injury because he hit his head from the accident..

Thinking of it makes me mad and confused about what happened.

Why did junkyu saved haruto when he's mad at him?

He risked his life just to save him.

Haruto was nowhere to be found not until he walked inside the room..

I walked towards him and punched him on the face as he stumbled on the ground.

"Jihoon!"Hyunsuk called as he walked towards us and stopping me to grab haruto.

"Junkyu is in the hospital for 3 days already and it's your fault why he's there!He risked his own life just to save you!"I shouted..

He touched his cheeks as he just lowered his head.

"Jihoon,calm down!"Hyunsuk said.

"How can i calm down when junkyu is mad at him but he still risk his life just to save him?!"Jihoon added.

"I-im sorry.."Haruto mumbled.

"Sorry? Is that all you can say after what happened to Junkyu?"I shouted.

"I-i wish that i was the one who got accident,not junkyu hyung."He said as he stands up,tears in his face.."I feel very guilty because he was the one who had the accident and not me."

Haruto turned around and left the room.

"Look what you just did,Ji.."Hyunsuk said as he hit my shoulder not that hard."He feel guilty and he didn't want that to happen to Junkyu."

I just ignored hyunsuk hyung and walked to my seat..


Haruto's POV:

I walked to the garden and sat down one of the bench there..

My face is kinda swollen from Jihoon hyung's punch earlier.. I don't want to go to the clinic..

I stayed at the garden until our classes are over..

I was about to leave the garden when Hyunsuk hyung appeared..

"I've been looking for you,ruto."Hyunsuk said as he walks towards me..

"Leave me alone,hyung..I want to be alone.."I added..

"I know.. I just want to tell you that what hospital junkyu confined if you want to visit him.."Hyunsuk said..

Hyunsuk hyung told me the name of the hospital..

"Why are you telling me this,hyung? you're supposed to be mad at me just like jihoon hyung.."I added, looking away..

"I'm not mad at you,ruto..I don't have the rights to be mad.."He said.

"I-i hurted him..If I was more careful with what i said,he won't be there at the hospital.."I mumbled.

"hey, it's not your fault.. We all make mistakes."Hyunsuk said.

"Stop telling me that it's not my fault when it clearly is!"I added as tears falls down on my cheek..

I left him alone and left the school..

I walked home, feeling guilty of what i did earlier..


Hey! I hope you like this chapter 😅

Sorry for the late update ^^"

Thank you for reading!
