Takuma's Party part 1

A/N: I added an extra paragraph to the last chapter incase anyone is confused with following chapter. 

Today's class was an extra curriculum that only the rich could afford, riding horses. Now, I don't mind horses from a distance at least. I can pet them on their noses but the idea of riding them is a big no for me. Yuki enjoyed riding horses except for one which we all grown to hate. Zero's damn horse, Lily, was a personality that can only be described as the spawn of the devil. Any chance we  looked at Zeros path, Lily would actually glare at us like a possessive girlfriend from hell. I knew better to keep my distance from that horse and cut up slices of apples for only one particular pony that I was actually comfortable with. 

"These three are yours and these are mine" I said negotiating with chocolate brown horse that I conveniently had named Apple. Apple was the pony that all the horses picked on. I enjoyed Apples company because he was the only one that hasn't tried to kick me. The only thing about Apple that I really didn't enjoy was his stinginess. No matter how divided the apples, he would find a way to eat mine.

"Okay, can we at least try to share-" Apple quickly push up from the ground with his hooves and turn to run off in the opposite direction. I was startled by the sudden fear that came over Apple.  At first I was curious on what had frightened him so much until I remembered of the short scene that Takuma had opened the window. You just had to be  a vampire that loved sunlight...

"Hey! Watch out!" someone from the distance had screamed only for me to have realize it was directed towards me. Lily was racing towards me her hooves ripping the grass from underneath. I could hear the students screaming I was going to get ran over until as quick as Lily came running so did Zero. Everything happened so fast from how Zero managed to sweep me up from  the ground and having me sitting on horse. 

"Great catch Zero! That would have been deadly!" said a student who shouted from the other side of the field. 

"Why are you just as dense as Yuki when it comes to paying attention to your surroundings" Zero said unimpressed on how late I was in noticing Lily coming at me. 

"And I can't believe how dense you are not noticing Lily 's clear weird obsession over you" I retort with a glare knowing that Lily would have booted me off in seconds if it wasn't for Zero riding with me.  

"Akira! Are you okay" Yuki had made her way over to us with a mixture of worry and relief seeing that I was unharmed. "Sorry Zero, White lily is normally quick tempered but she never run away before. I wonder why she suddenly-" 

"She probably sensed something she didn't like" Zero finished narrowing his eyes towards the moon dorms. 

"I'm going to seal that sparkling vampire's windows shut" I muttered. If I die early in this world it's going to be by Takuma's stupidity and love for the sun. 

Meanwhile at the boys Moon dormitory :

Takuma  couldn't resist curly the curtains open to see the sun beaming on the green field. Normally, humans wouldn't be able to distinguish the students from how far the moon dorms were to the horses; however Takuma could see everyone from Yuki and her friend Yori riding on the horses together. And then his favorite human, Akira, feeding her favorite pony called Apples. Takuma didn't realize he opened windows wanting to feel the full sunlight experience. This had eventually  caused a domino effect of Yuki getting kicked in the butt and Akira almost getting ran over by the notorious White Lily.

"Well that surprised me.  That horse is too sensitive and so mean to try to run over my precious friend. As soon as I opened the window, Yuki got kicked." Takuma sighed trying to understand why animals hated him so much. "Do herbivores hate our smell that much" Takuma sniffed attempting to further investigate the matter. 

"Even though we have today off your r still working?" Takuma turn to look over his close friend Kaname who was sitting at his desk writing more letters to Senate who were worst than most vampire could imagined. 

"The senate is persistent in wanting reports" Kaname answered not looking up from his work. 

"Writing reports for these old men even though you don't want to. You're different from me I read too much manga and I'm sleepy during the day." Takuma responded not feeling that Kaname was really listening to him " Anyway Yuki is alright. The horse only kicked her in the butt " He added noticing a difference when he mentioned Yuki. 


"No way you must have been really worried about her."  Takuma said surprisingly causing his friend to give him a very cold side glare. Takuma was partially unfazed by his friends cold stare. "Well I'm off to read more manga. Oh I really hope Akira comes to my birthday! She hasn't talked to me in days!"


Takuma came to a stop knowing that tone was an official order from a pureblood and not his friend. 

"What would you like for me to do?"

Note: Wanted to give a light hearted chapter because the plot start getting sad and weird for Akira. My poor OC needed a break 😂
