


Ur Info



occupation:  Orphan

condition: insomnia




Description :

You are an 8 yr girl who was never bullied never abused or anything you were loved and healthy but not in your mind but you were smart and you had a few friends that came and left, your mother had no choice but to leave you here but you might have a new family?



You : I woke up to my alarm clock waking me up i lazily got up and walked to my hand built closet that me and the care takers worked on, i grabbed black skirt overalls and a long sleeved fav/c shirt and then a white tie for aesthetic,i looked into a hand mirror i had found laying around...' i  would look more cute if i done my hair and wore a hat' so i done what i was thinking i brushed my long/short curly/wavy/straight hair out and grabbed my white beanie and left my room..


Half an hour later


I was sitting at my aged table eating by my friends linzy , stoopy , and floof, i thought they were funny names at first but i liked them..

I saw one of our care takers walking in it was mr or ms jackie! they were my favourite care taker out of them all i call them either Mr. or Ms Jackie since he was This thing called Trans anyways enough of that he had already started talking "Good morning kids today is a special day for everyone does anyone know what day it is?" he asked in his tiny mlp voice, a kid answered with the  with the worst answer a 'comedian' could answer " Home work day!" all the kids ended up throwing they're plates of food at him  "its adoption day? " i asked and he smiled and answered with a "Yes thats right Y/N L/N" i think he tried to make me feel smart... "and on this day you all will find your loved family for life !" I never believed in loving family  though " So i wish you big luck" he said as he walked out "You think we will find 'the ones' today Y/N !" my friend loofy asked " No but i hope we will! " i said with a smile "how is it at the loser table? " Lily tilly and milly said laughing in unison " says the one whos sitting in the corner!" i said....



I was sitting outside the orphanage drawing in the side path with a stupid chalk it didn't even work so i went inside to go read a book none of my friends had anyone to talk to either but i guess i spoke to soon as a women was playing football with loofy and another family talking to linzy about romance so i was by myself.....



??? Pov

"Are we really doing this?" i said obviously realizing the dents it will take to take care of a kid when i can barely make sure these guys don't die!....



You : i was unaware of another family entering while i read my book/comic/magazine/por-(NO) while i was reading a shadow had lurked upon me it took me awhile to realize and looked up to see a women with a orange zip up hoodie with black short shorts long knee socks wearing boots with her hair wavy as the waves on the sea, the eyes of the mine caves coloured to take features into them an expression confused but steady "Hello?" i  asked clearly not aware of what i got myself into.....
