Official Crimson Highschool




Ruby woke up with a small headache. It took a few seconds for her to realise that she wasn't home. The smell was different, the bedsheets didn't feel like silk, and the pillow was a little stiff. After about a minute of resting, she suddenly shot up, with a look of shock on her face.

"Ah shit! I need to go to school!"

In a flash, she pushed herself out of the bedsheets, violently brushed her teeth, dressed up so vigorously that she could have ripped her formal uniform, and ran outside with her bag, a Thermos full of coffee, and a mouth-full of cornflakes 

There is an absence of people on the streets, which worried Ruby. She quickly shot her arm up to her face, reading her watch. It was 8:45, she was late. Ruby ran fast, and she ran fast. Ruby ran the street within 20 seconds, and managed to get to school in 1 minute.

At the entrance, one of the hall monitors was checking attendance.

"You're late."

Saying nothing, Ruby sped past them and ran down the maze of hallways, finally reaching homeroom. With haste, Ruby put up her bag, got her items, then entered the classroom like nothing happened. An awkward silence was present in the classroom. The teacher then smiled, and simply told Ruby to sit down.


"You're a descendant of the first Republican Admiral?"

"Wasn't he the one that pushed the Euronians out of Alpha Centauri?"

"Tell me, have you commanded a warship?"

Ruby broke a sweat as she was bombarded with questions (and some simping) in the hallways. It was first break, and she was starving. No matter how many classmates she pushes away, they keep going to the front. People persisted to get her attention, and she couldn't get her mouth open to speak. It took a teacher to tell the others to leave her alone.

Finally free, Ruby went towards the cafeteria to grab some food. Still being hassled in the queue, Ruby managed to grab a meal from one of the robots, then looked for a spot to sit down. Even that was hard, people were asking her to join a group, and she got dizzy from just looking around.


"Hey Krill, you perving on the new girl?"

Krill Hagans was a pure human, meaning no Martian or Euronian DNA. Born into a wealthy family, he lived an average life. However, he had a knack for history, and is most interested within the Wrendivinian Resistance and the Revolution of Alpha Centauri. Many childhood heroes include people like sports stars, but Krill's hero was the famous admiral who fought off their Euronian occupiers, Carson Rubium. So it was no surprise that Krill was shocked about Ruby's enrollment.

"Well, I mean-"

"Oooh, I bet he likes her! Let's give him a hand, shall we?"

"Guys, please, I don't-"

It was too late, as Krill's 'friends' (with heavy quotation marks) threw him towards the direction of Ruby. Krill fell pretty hard onto the ground, with his tray under him, and caught quite a bit of attention.

"Dude are you ok?" Ruby asked with concern.

Krill managed to stand up and act cool, despite having grease and oil on his clothing. With a nervous smile, high shoulders, and arms behind his back, he managed to speak up.

"Yeah... I'm fine."

Ruby squinted her eyes, then looked behind him to find the Krill's 'friends' snickering and chatting to each other.

"Are.... those your friends?"

"Well, I do hang out with them."

Ruby's face showed confusion, as many questions were popping up in her head. The biggest one was 'Why is he friends with them when they are assholes?' So, she decided to help him, and might as well make a friend in the meantime.

Ruby invited Krill for a seat, and they managed to find a table, where the group of 'friends' joined them, as it was an empty table. Ruby let off a small sign, but in her head, that sigh was louder than a machine gun. 
