=_=CHAPTER 31=_=

The shadow men keep on trying to find their lady. They even caught the black rabbit and put it in their lady's tent.

Melody's grandfather was so angry that he kept ordering his men to find his granddaughter or else they will severely be punished.

Princess Ethalia and Lady Merliya were also very worried about their friend. They also want to look for her but they know that the forest is dangerous since there are still lurking enemies out there. They can't do anything but trust Melody's grandfather.

10 minutes passed and finally, Prince Trayvon found the cave where he's been hiding and staying. It's a well-hidden cave since there are a lot of vines around the mountain. The cave is unnoticeable and it's the best place to hide. The prince found this by chance when he was hiding from the shadow men of the lord of this land and the grandfather of the woman in his arms.

Melody keeps on glaring at him but he ignored her. He put her down and turn on the fire.

"Now, can I speak?" Melody asked coldly.

"Go on, speak," the prince answered as he put small branches on the fire.

"First, why are you here?"

"Isn't it obvious? To find you," he answered casually like it was normal.

"To find me? Why bother finding me?"

"Because it's interesting?" he looks at her with a grin. Melody rolled her eyes.

"Interesting? What's so interesting about this?"

"You are the one who is interesting," he said smiling at her, making Melody roll her eyes again.

"Second, why did you bring me here? And why did you kidnap me?" another question of hers.

"I didn't kidnap you," the prince stood up and wiped his hand with his handkerchief.

"*Chuckle* You didn't kidnap me? Then what do you call this? Bringing me here?"

"I'm protecting you. There are so many enemies out there and if they discovered that you're the granddaughter of the man they are trying to capture, they will surely catch you and turn you into a hostage to use you to threaten your grandfather."

"Protect me? Have you seen those men who are trying to find me? That was my grandfather's subordinate. You don't have to protect me, they can protect me and I bet they are stronger than you," Melody sarcastically said. " And also I know this is all your scheme, you even used my pet to lure me out. I'm not that stupid, your highness."

The prince laughed, "You're smart..."

"I'm going back," Melody tried to walk away but suddenly the ground start shaking. 


Nice timing! -_-

Prince Trayvon quickly hugged her and protected her from the falling rocks. 

Melody was so scared of the large impact of the falling rocks which made her hug prince Trayvon tightly. She didn't even notice how close they were. Prince Trayvon hugged her tightly and tried his best to avoid the falling rocks some small rocks hit him but it was not too strong for him to get wounded.

After 5 minutes, the strong shaking finally stopped.

Melody sighed, a breath of relief.

"Are you ok, your highness?" Melody asked since she knows that he protected her and she also knows the rock fall towards the prince and she couldn't help but be worried.

"Are you worried for me?" the prince asked, obviously teasing her.

"Hmpf! I'm not that heartless. Anyways," I pushed him away and looked around the rocks.

"Why earthquake suddenly appeared?"

"I heard there's a near volcano here on the island," the prince answered as he walk towards the rock.

I faced palm when I thought that I'm stuck here with him. We don't even know how we will get out of here.

"*Sigh* Volcano, yeah I heard it's active too. Anyways, the question is, how can we get out of here in this cave?"

"Let's wait for your grandfather to come. That's the only choice we have. It's not like we can move these rocks."

I sighed again and sit beside the fire which was already turned off by the falling powder from the rock. Luckily, the rock is kind of not falling directly to them.

He used rocks to light the fire. I quickly went near the fire since I'm feeling cold.

"Here..." he suddenly drapes a blanket on me. I gladly use it.

"Thank you."

I stayed silent and he also stayed silent.

He gave me bread that I can eat and water to drink.

I thanked him and gladly eat what he gives me but I eat a little since I don't know when we will get out of this cave, I must save food and water.

"Why not eat it all?" he asked.

"To save for later since we don't know when will they find us."

"I'm sorry," he apologized sincerely. I looked at him.

"You should be since you brought me here, you should really be sorry," I said not even looking at him, I keep on looking around the cave, maybe there was a way out of here.

"Uhmm... I've been wanting to ask this," he suddenly talked again after a few minutes of silence. "Do you *pause* hate me?" he asked which made me look at him.

"I don't, why did you ask?"

"Then if you don't hate me, why don't you want to be my girlfriend?"

"*Chuckle* What a foolish question.  Girlfriend? Nah, you just want me to be one of your collections so you can boast to everyone that every noblewoman in this kingdom became your girlfriend," I said then I rolled my eyes at him.

"No! That's not my intention!" he quickly denied.

"Then what is it?"

I already know but his actions are still unacceptable. No one can accept his excuse for what he did to those women who really fall in love with him. He still hurt them and made them cry. This prince is still a jerk through and through. What's the most annoying to him right now is he actually changed his interest to another woman like a lightning only passing through for a second.

I thought he already fall in love with her but here he is, chasing me. I suddenly start hating him.

"At first, I only want to use those three women who are involved in embezzlement. I used their daughter so I can investigate properly without them noticing anything. After I'm done taking care off their family's crime, I broke up with those three women but suddenly some noblewoman heard of what I did playing with those three women. They're not even suspecting that I'm the one who took down those corrupt families but they still threw their daughters at me. At first, I want to refuse but they will be suspicious of me that I'm involved in why those three women's family was thrown in jail. I don't want my brothers to be suspicious of me. After all, we are still having a throne war. I don't want them to assassinate me so I used those women for me to get out of that predicament. Being a jerk made me less suspicious of my brother. After their throne wars, my father kicked them out and stripped them from being princes since they are involved in a lot of crimes. I actually discovered all of their crimes and I became the crown prince," he said as he cooked the fish he maybe has gotten in the river a while ago.

Well, I didn't notice that there's actually a dead fish being hanged up around the cave.

My gash, is that even important? What I want to ask is, he has brothers.? Who? What? When? Why I can't remember in the novel that he has brothers? Why it wasn't mentioned in the novel?

Have I read the wrong story?

And he played with those women because he doesn't have a choice? It's because he needs to be a jerk so they will be less suspicious of him?

Well, nice strategy! Uggh! That's not the point Melody! The point is why I can't remember that part?

Then suddenly a flash memory suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Melody! Melody!" my friend called as she run towards me.

"What? What? Did something happen?" I asked.

"Do you know the author changed some of the false plots in the story? The author said, someone played with her story making some of the plot wrong and questionable. So, she changed some parts and the story is more clear and more interesting! I already read the changes and the story became more fantastic! You should read it again since you love this novel a lot," my friend excitedly said as she shake her phone in front of me.

"Really? Some plot changed? I should read it again! I want to see the real complete plot! I want to go home quickly!" I said, slightly pouting.

"Hahahaha! We have class today so you can only read it later," she said, obviously boasting that she already finish reading the new complete story.

I pinched her cheeks really hard, "Ha! Don't be so smug! I will not let you read the new volume of '****'!" I said to her before running away.

"You! You! Let me borrow it! Yah! Let me borrow it! I want to read that today! Melody!" then she keeps on chasing me until we're late to our class. 

I was so excited to read it but before I can go home, I died just like that.

So, these are the changes of the plot. Well, quite interesting and yeah this story is more clearer than the last plot of the story.
