(A/N: Why does Hyuck look so small? 😫❤)

"You fucking what?" Donghyuck's eyes widened as he stared at the male sitting on his couch. "Im sorry Jeno but I hope I heard you wrong."

"I...I told Jaemin I...he asked if I had a crush on anyone," Jeno said again letting his head drop into his hands. "I didn't wanna tell him because I got nervous so I said yes and that I wasn't gonna tell him who. Then he asked if it was him and I said gross. I meant it as a joke but then he went home crying and i-"

"Jeno, shut up for a second," Donghyuck pinched the bridge of his nose. "You broke Nana's heart and now you have the audacity to ask me for help?"

"I didn't mean to," Jeno eyes flickered down sadly. "I...I was scared-"

"He is too Jeno," Donghyuck snapped at him, placing a hand on his hip. "He didn't wanna go to the hockey game at first because he thought you didn't like him back-"

"But I do! I thought I made that clear afterwards-" Jeno's brows came together.

"Well clearly not because apparently liking him is gross," Donghyuck crossed his arms over his chest and closing his eyes. "Jeno, out of all people you could've asked...I dont think I'm the right person to help you."

"You're the only one that can," Jeno pleaded up at him from his seat. His puppy dog eyes sparkling with sadness. "Please."

Donghyuck would've given in right there but quickly remembered the fact that Jaemin was probably balling his eyes out on his living room floor, wrapped up in his comforter and listening to every sad song in existence.

"Give me one reason," Donghyuck raised his chin. "One reason, why I should help you instead of kicking you out and going to comfort Jaemin, telling him about why you're not worth his time."

It was harsh.

It really was.

But Donghyuck has never been one to soften his words.

"I love him," Jeno's eyes pooled with unshed tears. He didnt dare let them slip though. "I love him so much. More than anything I've ever loved before. He makes me so happy that I could just burst. I would burn oceans just to see him smile. He...I knew when you came to the hockey game. I woke up and he was crying on top of me, calling me an idiot and all other profanities. He was crying FOR me. I didn't ever wanna see him cry again and I fucked that up because I was scared that an angel like him would never love me back-"

"Jeno," Donghyucks voice was low, almost gravelly. "I'm not the one you should be telling this to."

Jeno let out a shakey breath before letting his head down in defeat, his hands holding onto the coffee table with white knuckles.

Jeno felt worse than he's ever felt before.

He lost the love of his life.

His head shot up when there was a loud metal clang on the table.

Jeno's eyes widened when he saw a set of keys sitting on the table. A pink Keychain holding onto them along with a pink fluff ball attached to them.

"Go tell him instead," Donghyuck's voice seemed shallow but he could tell it sounded strained. "That's his house key."

"I..." Jeno was speechless as he stared at the keys and then back to Donghyuck.

"What?" Donghyucks voice sounded like he was on the verge of tears. "You had so much to say and now-"

"Are you crying?" Jeno stood up from his seat.

"NO!" Donghyuck looked up, his eyes were glassy but no tears had fallen down from his face. "Now go on Romeo. Before I change my mind and let you go Jaemin-less for the rest of your life."

"Ok," Jeno smiled a bit before heading towards the door. "Thank you."

"Whatever," Donghyuck sniffled and waved him off, almost melting when he heard the door close.

He was never-

"Uhm," Jeno's voice traveled back through the room and Donghyuck turned around.

"The fuck are you still doing here?" Donghyuck glared at him, so ready for his night to be over.

"I...don't know where Jaemin lives," Jeno said sheepishly, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.

"You gotta be kidding me," Donghyuck tilted his head back.

"Well uhm..I know someone with a car but..you'd have to come too since we don't know the way," Jeno nuzzled the toe of his shoe against Donghyucks floor.

Donghyuck was about to decline and tell him to just talk to Jaemin tomorrow.

But his whole being dropped when he thought of poor Nana crying his eyes out  because Jeno was stupid.

You're heart is too damn weak.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes to himself.

"Fine. Let's go."

How the fuck did he end up in Mark Lee's car?

It's been only an hour and a half since he left the damn silver jeep but now his ass was sitting right back in the passenger seat.

"You told him what?!" Mark spared wide eyes towards Jeno through the rearview mirror.

"I didn't mean it hyung," Jeno pouted, playing with the pink fluffball on the spare keys Jaemin gave to Donghyuck.

Donghyuck watched with a raised brow when the speedometer of the car raised just a bit.

"You shouldn't have said something you don't mean," Mark's grip got a bit tighter on the wheel as he spoke.

Donghyuck winced a bit at the words.

He definitely meant it then...

"You alright?" Mark spared a glance at Donghyuck.

Donghyuck didnt respond.

"I just hope he'll forgive me," Jeno's voice was soft and quiet.

"He will," Donghyuck whispered back just as quietly. His eyes focused out his window, away from both of the boys.

"How-" Jeno started.

"He looks at you like you're holding the world in your hands," Donghyuck's tone sounded bored but it was more hurt than anything else. "He'd let you break him a 100 times before even thinking about moving on....you mean a whole lot more to him than you know."

Somehow the words felt more personal than intended.

Like he wasn't even talking about Jaemin.

He didnt know if he was talking about Jeno and Jaemin or if he was talking about him and Mark.

It didnt matter anyway.

It was all truth.

Jeno's mouth was wide open and Donghyuck saw Mark look at him again through the side mirror.

"That's Minnie's house," Donghyuck pointed towards a small white cottage looking house.

"It looks small," Mark comments as he pulls into the driveway.

"He's always liked cozy things," Donghyuck shrugs as he unclicks his seat belt before turning to Jeno. "You ready lover boy?"

Jeno clutched the keys in his hand but only stared at the house.

"Why aren't the lights on? Are you sure he's home?" Jeno spoke in a nervous tone, his knee bouncing up and down.

"He's home," Donghyuck confirmed with a head nod. "He's sitting on the floor in the living room with his bed comforter around him. Probably crying with his knees pulled up to his chest in the dark because he feels like he doesn't deserve any light."


That fucking hurt.

Jeno felt his heart clench at that thought of Jaemin.

Jeno clutched the keys tighter before climbing out of the car.

Donghyuck and Mark quickly followed behind as Jeno unlocked the door and slowly walked in.

Donghyuck was right.

Jaemin was in the middle of his living room, arms wrapped around his shins and his cheek resting on his knees. The boy's face looked like a mix of numb and more crying.

"Jaemin," Jeno whispered out and the said boy jolted and screeched.

"W-what are you-"" Jaemin looked with wide eyes between the three people now standing in his doorway.

"Jaemin, I need to talk to you," Jeno's eyes pleaded towards the younger, slowly inching towards him.

Jaemin's breath hitched when Jeno got closer and soon he was on his feet.

"Jaem-" Jeno yelled out before the younger dashed towards the doorway behind him, crouching down behind Donghyuck.

"Tell him I dont wanna see him," Jaemin's small and squeaky voice whispered from behind Donghyuck.

"I can't do that min," Donghyuck sympathized when Jaemin's fists got tighter on the back of his shirt.

"Hyuckie...please," Jaemins voice was now wobbly and it tugged at Donghyucks heart strings.

"Jeno, just...start speaking," Donghyuck nodded at him, his hand coming up to rub soothing circles on Jaemins hand.

"Jaemin...I lied to you," Jeno started, trying to peer at Jaemin but the younger kept himself well hidden. "Liking you isn't gross. I lied because I didn't want to tell you how I felt."

Jaemin's head peeped over Donghyucks shoulder. "...how do you fee-"

"Jaemin-ah, I love you," Jeno's teary eyes caught Jaemin's own. "I really do. I love you more than you know."

Jaemin's hands loosened on Donghyucks shirt. Donghyuck took this moment to switch their positions, pushing Jaemin towards Jeno.

Jeno quickly grasped Jaemins hand and pulled him forward.

"Im so so sorry, love," Jeno's eyes switched between each of Jaemins own. "I love you, Nana....please say you love me too."

"...I do," Jaemin cracked a wet smile. "I love you too."

Jeno smiled and the next thing they saw was Jeno lift Jaemin and spin him around in circles and then kissing him.

That was awfully familiar.

Donghyuck watched the scene before quickly spinning on his heels and walking out the front door.

He let his forearms land on the hood of Marks car, his head buried on top of them.

Yuta was right...

I'll never get a love like that...

ill never deserve true love like they do....

...like Mark does.

Donghyuck let his heart clench harder and harder.

He doesn't know why he is taking all of this so hard.

Mark won't ever like him and that's not only the expectation...

It's the reality.

Nomin is sweeter than sweet could be and Donghyuck couldn't help the jealousy, the envy...the wishing that flowed through his veins.

"Hey...are you crying?" It was Marks voice in his ear this time.

"No," Donghyuck said for the second time that night.

But this time...

His head lifted up and there were tears streaming quickly down his cheeks. Hiis nose a little bit runny and his lips wet with tears.

Marks eyes scanned over his face before pulling Donghyuck softly into his arms.

Letting his arms wrap around Donghyucks shoulders in order to tuck the crying boy under his chin.

"What are you crying for?" Mark let a small airy laugh out before Donghyucks crying got worse.

"T-they a-are j-just so cute-" Donghyucks voice cracked as he hiccuped the words out.

Mark let out another chuckle, pulling Donghyuck further into him. "I know, I know."


Mark didnt know.

He never would.

Mark saw a cute couple.

Donghyuck saw something he will never deserve.


They stayed like that for a while as Donghyuck balled his eyes out.

Mark didn't speak again, he just rocked them back and forth with a soft smile on his face. Sometimes his chin would tap the top of Donghyucks head, in a small attempt to get the boy to laugh. It never worked but he did it periodically anyway.

Nothing could stop Donghyucks tears.

Crying out all of the hope he gained.

All of the love he wished for.

All of the happiness he didnt deserve to have.

He cried all of it out in Marks arms.
