But then again not

I was drained it was difficult being with him, he was so needy and I was no longer attracted to him. He would always want to kiss me and would constantly push his boundaries, lifting my shirt a little higher, then taking it off. Edging my pants down and then my underwear. I made it clear that I wanted to keep my virginity but he insisted that in four months at least, he would have taken it.

I wanted to end things but each time I tried he would change the topic and tell me how much he loved me. I didn't believe him, I'm not that stupid. We had been together less than a month when he began using that word. But I still felt bad, I didn't want us to end on a bad note. I dint want him to hate me. So I postponed the break up, getting more and more frustrated as it prolonged. I came up with excuse after excuse not to spend so much time with him and eventually felt confined in a relationship that I was struggling to escape.

I felt disgust when I looked at myself in the mirror, and when I thought of him bile would rise in my throat. He had manipulated me into so much and I was sick of it. I finally broke it off and relief engulfed me as I said goodbye. However, he would not let go. He constantly texted asking if I was certain, and if we couldn't get back together. I said no. I had had enough and eventually he blocked me, refused to talk to me and tried turning my friends against me. I regret everything about that relationship, I regret getting into it in the first place and how fast it went. I regret kissing him and I regret wasting my time and letting it go so far.

If there's one thing I learnt it was to never feel pressurized into anything. Never do something because you think it's a normal thing that everyone does. I know these might seem obvious, they seemed obvious to me but people can manipulate lines and blur them making them less obvious.

Do not date someone until you are ready, and trust me if you think you are ready think twice. Think about the person on the other side. Looks can be deceiving and chances are he or she not as great as they seem. 
