The farewell

Nope. Not crying at all at that picture. There's just a tree branch in my eye. Okay, I'm very emotional right now. All of this belongs to Marvel. Not me. Now excuse me while I bawl my eyes out.


"Here, just take them all."

Laura shoved all of the dresses in Wanda's arms.

"But... Zose are your grandmother's!"

Laura shrugged. "I notice how much you like that style, not to mention how much you like dresses... It only seems fair after all that you've done for me with the kids. They've had a blast."

Wanda frowned and pouted guiltily.


Laura shook her head. "Your brother... Brought my husband home. I'll never get to repay your brother for what he has done. So here's all of- this, and if you ever need anything, just call."

Wanda set the dresses down on the bed and hugged Laura tightly, Wanda jumped when she felt something hit her stomach. Laura laughed.

"That would be the baby kicking you. Either he like's you, or he doesn't like you squishing him."

Wanda sighed in relief and chuckled a bit. She smiled.

"What ees his name going to be again?" She asked, intrigued.

Laura smiled, "Well, since it is a boy, we've decided to name it Nathaniel, one of my favorites, and the middle name is... Pietro."

Wanda's mouth hung slightly open in astonishment as she whispered,

"Nathaniel pietro Barton..."

Laura brought up her finger and wiped away the tear that had made its way down Wanda's face.

"You will be a lovely mother someday, and if they turn out like you and Pietro... You did something right."

Wanda hugged the pregnant woman again, sniffing and crying silently. "He would of loved you guys, just as much as I love you now." Wanda then laughed as another bump hit her stomach.

She sniffed and wiped her nose, then used her telekinesis to pack her bags for her.

Laura smiled, and grabbed one of Wanda's bags. Wanda grabbed the bigger one, and they both went downstairs; both men and two children were waiting on them.

Wanda reached Cooper and ruffled his hair, he scrunched up his nose but smiled up at her, anyway.

Then Wanda leaned down besides Lila and hugged her.

"Goodbye starfish."

Lila beamed and watched as Wanda met up with Vision.

"You ready?" Wanda asked.

"Of course." He nodded politely towards the kids and then Laura.

She smiled and then waved at Laura, and the kids, as Clint led them to the truck. She sat in the front again, with Vision in the back, and Clint driving.

When Clint started to drive, his hand hovered over the country station, he then sighed.

"Okay, you can pick the music. This is one of my last time's seeing you, so I'll let you..."

Wanda smiled widely, and immediately changed the station to something else. the man in the mirror, I'm askin' him to change his ways...

Clint raised an eyebrow. "Michael Jackson?" He shrugged. "I can deal with that."

As four hours went by...

...don't stop, doin' watcha doin' cause every time you mov...

Clint twitched.

...carry on, give my the strength I need, to carry on. It's been a long day, with...

...Cause all of my kindness, is mistak...

He started to relax.

... naw naw honey I'm good, I could have another one but I probably should not, I got somebody at home-

"It's been a long night here, and a long night there, and these long, long legs..."

Wanda laughed as Clint got into the song.

"You look good, I will not lie, but if you ask, where I'm staying to night; gotta be like- aw baby, naw baby, you got me all wrong baby, my baby's already got all of my love..."

Wanda clapped softly along to the music as Clint sang. She laughed when he started to go off pitch. (On purpose.)

Vision watched as Wanda became happier and happier.

After the night where she had cried in his arms, she had been consistently happier during the last week, and he couldn't and help but notice, that, so was he.

Sixty song's later, they arrived at headquarter's. Wanda jumped out of the truck, and Clint made his way to the other side, to give her a big hug.

"Stay safe, kid."

Wanda let one tear slide down her face, as she hugged him back. "You and your family have been so kind. I vill never know how to repay you." 

Clint smiled, and pulled back. "There is, actually. Stay alive, and then you're always paying us back. Every minute, every hour, every day, every year."

She nodded concerning his thoughts, and smiled.

"Aren't you coming to say hello to everyone? Like Nat?" 

Clint shook his head. "It's best not to get involved. You learn that real quick kid, real quick. Especially if you know Stark."Clint gave her one last hug, before he got back in his truck. "I'll miss you, kid."

Wanda smiled and nodded. "I'll miss you too."

Clint looked behind her, and waved at Vision. "Thank's for saving our live's every night."

Vision smiled slightly, and nodded in a, 'your welcome' way.

Clint then started the engine, and left while Wanda and Vision watched. After they couldn't see him anymore, they started to walk to the main entrance... That is until two cops came out.

"Let me scan your eyes. New system." Said a security guard. 

Both Wanda and Vision, awkwardly of course, stood still as the armed men scanned their eyes. "Okay, now one question."

Wanda looked at Vision with questioning eyes. He had a small smile and shook his head in amusment, obviously as confused as her.

"What did you tell Steve Rodger's when he almost said a certain something to Natasha Romanoff?" The man look sternly at Wanda. Wanda tried not to smile, but failed completely. This was just all too unreal for her. She snorted.

"Vhat, is this Harry Potter or something? Vhat on earth do you-"

"Just answer the question." He cut in with annoyance.

She chuckled and threw her hands up in the air in defeat. "Sometime's it's vorse almost saying eet, then actually saying eet..." She frowned. "Among zee line's of zat." 

The officer nodded, "Good enough. You can go."

She walked past the officer, shoulder checking him on the way, and then looked at Vision with amused shock on her face.

"In...Credible. Zey're lucky I didn't rip off deir heads; which I very well could. Wait- deed zey even ask you anything?" She looked at him in realization. Vision shook his head in 'no', and then smiled.

Wanda bumped her shoulder into him while walking, "Vhat?" She laughed incredulously. "I don't understand why zey- Vhat?" She laughed incredulously, not understanding what was happening. "Vaht vas the hole point?"

Vision actually chuckled, and shook his head. She was a funny human. And for once, she was the one confused, not him. Wanda rolled her eye's at his thought's, and smiled because she made him laugh.

"Your so full of eet."
