01: We can't change what's done, we can only move on.

a/n: This is just the introductory scene so don't worry - the flirting will intensify and they will get to meet in person within the next couple of chapters I promise!!

I want to note that even though Wynonna is a supernatural detective, she isn't a demon hunter. This is still an AU, I just can't imagine Wynonna not being a badass supernatural hunter haha - the curse isn't a thing though, it's just a similar situation other than that.

This is also my first fanfic I've written haha so please be gentle, but obviously I'm happy for you to leave constructive feedback!

If you like this please leave a comment with ideas or feedback and if you want to message me personally hmu at my instagram @waverly_angel_earp I'd love to chat <3.


in this chapter...

Nicole is having a bad day, but then gets an unexpected message which turns her day around. Waverly finds herself drawn to a mysterious online stranger.


"Fuck off you fucking dickhead." Nicole huffed breathlessly, throwing her control onto the other couch. "Men," she growled. This was the third time today someone had destroyed her shipment and she wasn't the most patient, even on a good day. Just as she'd managed to get rid of the guy who'd been pestering her all day, a new guy had appeared out of nowhere. The redhead rose from the couch, making her way to the kitchen for her 5th coffee today when she noticed a message pop up on the screen.

"Sorry, I genuinely didn't mean to do that, I'm not really very good at this! I'm really sorry!"

Usually, Nicole would just ignore messages, but this one made her laugh a little, it wasn't very often you got an apology. Usually, the 16 year old boys knew exactly what they were doing and were loving every second of destroying someone else's fun. Quickly, she typed a reply 'no worries :)' - not wanting anyone to feel bad over an accident, especially after they reached out. Finishing making her coffee, Nicole sat back on the couch, surprised to see another message from the same guy as earlier.

"Do u think you could help me learn what I'm doing?" As she read the response, a laugh escaped her lips again - this guy really was something. Mostly, Nicole didn't really play online with others, especially not on microphone. As soon as guys saw a female avatar they just wanted to know if she really was a girl or not, but she wasn't having much luck on her own today, and plus the guy seemed innocent enough. It could be a laugh.

"Sure, why not?" Nicole replied quickly, inviting the account to a party chat, noticing the name 'Bacon_Doughnuts' she smirked some more - how old was this kid?

Once connected, Nicole could hear an upbeat pop song coming through the mic. Smiling, she boldly asked "is that Ariana Grande?" She stifled a laugh, wondering if the kid knew she could hear it.

"Yeah! Oh sorry, should I turn it off?" Came a high pitched woman's voice from the end of the line. Nicole stopped in shock, of all the things she was expecting she wasn't expecting a woman - or a girl? The high pitched nature of her voice, and its obvious shakiness from nerves, made it hard to determine her age. She silently cursed herself for asumming that it must be a guy, but then again she did have a male avatar.

"Hey! No it's fine!" Nicole reassured with a smile, knowing full well the girl couldnt see it, it was more for herself. "How old are you... bacon doughnut?" Nicole teased, hoping she wasn't about to teach a minor how to play such a violent and sexual video game.

She heard a giggle come from the other end before "22, and you can call me Waverly. I'm on my sisters account and I don't know how to change the name - I kind of like it though, even though I can't eat bacon, or doughnuts for the most part." The mysterious girl rambled, and Nicole sighed in relief. Okay, so she was old enough to be playing the game at least, she was just nervous because she'd never spoken to someone on mic before. The redhead understood; speaking to someone with no face is daunting, it can be super awkward, especially if it's some horny guy on the other end.

Maybe she could make her less nervous. "Nice to meet you Waverly, I'm Nicole and my username is - unfortunately - my own choice." She laughed softly. "I also can't change it." She winced at her old username: Haught_Damn - something she thought was funny when she was 15 years old.

"Why've you spelled Haught like that?" Waverly questioned genuinely curious.

"It's my surname." Nicole rolled her eyes at her own cringe joke from her youth.

"SHUT UP! That's so cool!" The squeaky voice replied, laughing. Nicole just laughed in reply, not really sure what else to say. She'd had people commenting on her surname her entire life so had kind of run out of responses. "So can you maybe show me what I'm supposed to do on this game?" Waverly asked casually.

Laughing gently, Nicole replied "yeah sure, I don't see why not, um you know the controls right?" She wasn't sure how basic the girls understanding of the game was, given her inability to control her gun.

"I think so." The younger girl dragged out the 'think' before continuing. "So 'A' is run, jump is 'B' and you hit the right bumper to shoot." Nicole laughed in response, unable to hold it in now. "What?" Came a defensive sharpness from the headset.

"No nothing, you're right they're all correct its just... do you know how to aim? Or just shoot?" She bit her lip trying not to embarrass Waverly by laughing again.

"I don't think so, I just kind of shoot when someone is near." Waverly replied matter of factly.

"Yeah, maybe that's your issue here." She paused taking a big sip of her coffee and continued. "So the opposite bumper to shoot, hit that one." She smiled as she watched the on screen cowboy lift the gun up like he was going to shoot her, and knew that Waverly had figured out how to aim. "See got it." As she said that a bullet flew into her, and half of her health went down. "Hey!" She yelled in defence, getting back up and pulling out her own gun.

"Oh fudge nuggets, I didn't mean to shoot; I meant to put the gun down, sorry!' Nicole couldn't even be angry at her, it was too funny this grown woman trying to figure out how to aim on a game with Ariana Grande's side-to-side: 'I've been here all night, I've been here all day and boy you've got me walking side to side' blaring in the background.

"It's not a problem, you'll pick it up quickly it's not that hard. You can help me move this stuff if you want to make up for destroying the last shipment!" Nicole teased, but honestly it would be nice to play with someone online who wasn't an asshole for a change.

"Yeah sure!" The small voice eagerly replied.

"Awesome, climb on my horse then we can get you one before we start." Part of her was glad that the screen meant girl couldn't see her blush as she realised the innuendo in her comment, but Waverly didn't seem to notice as she jumped on the back of the horse and they started to head towards the town.


at the homestead...

"Waverly, what are you doing? Can you help me move these logs?"

"Wynonna, you said I could play your xbox! I'm still playing!"

"You've been on that game five hours babygirl! You're not even that good at it, how are you not bored yet?"

Waverly muted her mic, not wanting Nicole to hear anymore of the argument. "Someone is helping me learn, I'm moving shipments."

"You're moving shipments my ass! You can help me move these shipments of logs INSIDE!" Wynonna yelled the last part for emphasis.

"Fine, five minutes then I'm continuing the game." Waverly rolled her eyes before turning her mic back on quickly and letting her new friend know. "I'll be back in five minutes, I've just gotta help my sister move some wood."

She heard a muffled laugh and then a soft, raspy reply. "Sure, no rush. I'll still be here."

The small brunette rolled off the couch and hurried over to Wynonna eager to get back to the game. "What needs moving." She hastily asked fiddling with her hands.

"Those there." Wynonna pointed across the homestead to a pile by the gate and before she could even finish her sentence Waverly had darted out of the door towards the fence, grabbed as many logs as she could and stumbled back to the door, dumping them on the rug in the middle of the room.

"God I've never seen you exert such strength!" Wynonna laughed heartily. "Why are you so desperate to play this game? I've never seen you show this much interest in anything which wasn't even remotely academic." She gently punched Waverly's arm, teasingly.

"I've made a friend, and she's really fun to talk too! Plus I like her voice, its relaxing." Waverly shrugged heading back over to her chair, picking up her controller excitedly.

"Relaxing, huh?" Wynonna wiggled her eyebrows, tossing some of the wood into the fire. 'Relaxing or sexy." She did her best mocking voice, dragging out the 'sexy' and waggling her tongue a bit to deliberately annoy Waverly, who just rolled her eyes.

"Shut up! I'm turning my mic back on now, so leave me alone." Although she wished she hadn't said anything to Wynonna; she had a feeling leaving her alone was the last thing she would be doing.


"Hey Nicole, I'm back." She couldn't hide her smile at her excitement to speak with the mysterious woman she'd just met. There was something exhilarating about not being able to see her and to only hear her voice - which Waverly couldn't deny was sexy as hell - and Waverly cursed herself for never trying this before, now she understood why Wynonna could play these games for days on end.

"Hey Waves." Nicole nonchalantly replied whilst sitting at the bar ordering a drink. Waverly liked that Nicole had already given her a nickname, she felt like she'd known her forever even though they'd only been playing a few hours.

"Get anything done whilst I was gone?" She wondered.

"Nah I was just ordering drinks, want one?" Waverly could hear the flirty tone in the other girls voice so she decided to play along, why the hell not? It's not like she was seeing anyone or they'd ever meet outside of the game.

"Sure, if you're buying - I did just help you shift all your goods." The brunette teased back.

"How unconventional of you Waverly, I thought the man always payed?" Waverly was confused for a moment before remembering that Wynonna's avatar was male, because she didn't like constantly being messaged when people see your female avatar. Clever move Haught, she thought to herself before responding with a more playful tone in her voice.

"Yeah well we don't follow that heteronormative, patriarchy in this household ma'am." She didn't even know if Nicole liked girls in that way, but she figured after that confession she might get her answer.

"Good to know, so what are you drinking Waves?" Nicole replied, and Waverly noted that her voice had somehow gotten even sexier; it was softer and more playful, there was almost a lyricism to it, replacing the rougher tone before. Her mind wandered, wondering what the girl on the other end of the line might look like, and what she would drink if they had met at a bar and not online. Was she even Waverly's type? Did Waverly even have a type? She still wasn't 100% sure Nicole was even into girls, but none of it seemed to matter because they were playing make-believe in a fantasy world anyway and Waverly was loving every second of it.

"Rum, straight please." She stated matter of fact, pretending to be playing hard to get - something which she was awful at in real life, so was thankful to have a screen protecting her giddy smile.

"RUM STRAIGHT?" Waverly heard a scoff come from behind her. "Since when? She'll have a glass of Rosé and make it small because she's a lightweight!" Wynonna threw one of the pillows from the other room across the homestead at her - so she had been listening then. Waverly wasn't surprised, to be honest she was shocked she'd waited this long to intervene. She guessed it was so she'd let her guard down and not have time to mute the microphone before she could make her snide comment. A laugh came from the other end of the line, and Waverly guessed Nicole had given up stifling them now that they knew each other a little better.

"Was that your sister?" Waverly could almost feel Nicole's cocked eyebrow through the screen.

"Yeah, unfortunately."

"She seems like a laugh, you're lucky to have someone that fun at home - do you still live with your parents?" It was an innocent question, usually, but Waverly's situation wasn't usual at all, she didn't know how to answer without dragging up old family history which she wasn't sure was appropriate.

"No just Wynonna and I." She replied, aware that Nicole would realise that was unusual, but she hoped would accept it without pushing. "How about you?"

"No I moved out a long time ago, don't really talk to my parents, they weren't big on my being a Sheriff." Her gravelly voice replied, a hint of frustration or hurt in her tone, but mostly covered by an indifference.

"Oh I'm sorry, that sucks, I don't speak to my parents either." Waverly added, leaving out the part where one was dead and the other incarcerated. Attempting to lighten the tone back to the playfulness before, she focused on Nicole's job. "So you're a Sheriff in real life too then?" She couldn't hide her grin. The image of this woman in her head was getting hotter and hotter every minute.

"Yeah, just been promoted actually, hence the celebratory drinks." Waverly was relieved the older girl had chosen to carry on with their game and stray away from any discussion of family drama.

"Maybe I should buy you a drink then instead?" Waverly teased, mostly she was just curious what this mysterious woman would drink, to add to the image she was building in her head.

"I'll have a pint of Labatt Blue." So she was a beer drinker then - unexpected - Waverly thought, adding to the mystery of it all.

"Coming right up." She replied walking to the counter to pay with what little in game cash she had.

"What do you do then, in real life I mean?"

"I'm a kind of research analyst." The brunette paused not really sure how to describe her job without giving away that Wynonna worked for an intelligence agency. "My sister is a kind of detective, so I sort of help with the research for that." It wasn't entirely a lie, she just neglected to mention the part where Wynonna was a detective who investigated supernatural occurrences.

"Woah, and I thought my job was interesting." Nicole chuckled in response. "Your sister sounds pretty cool, maybe I'm talking to the wrong sister." She teased.

"Oh trust me, you're not, she's not much of a talker, more of a shouter or drinker." The small girl answered defensively, before it was her turn to laugh as she looked over her shoulder to see Wynonna giving her the finger as she walked into the kitchen to grab another bottle of whisky. Before Nicole could reply, Waverly added. "Speaking of which, I'm probably going to have to go in a second to make sure the drinker aspect doesn't get out of hand." She didn't want to stop playing, but she was also starving and tired and thought Wynonna's drinking was a good excuse. "But I'll be on again tomorrow evening, if you are free?: She wasn't sure if people arranged to talk again on these kind of things, but it was worth a try.

"Yeah sure, I'm on most evenings recently, need to let off some steam." The sultry voice replied.

"Okay, right, cool, well, I'll see you tomorrow then, or speak to you tomorrow I mean. Bye Nicole!" Waverly rambled hearing a chuckle in reply.

"See ya tomorrow Waves." Nicole lulled back.

Waverly slipped her headset off and lay back in the couch exhaling; she hadn't realised how nervous she had been for their chat, but she felt like she'd just gotten in from a real date and she was exhausted. She had neglected to mention to Nicole that she actually had tomorrow off, and was determined to get good enough to impress her new friend tomorrow evening when they could call again. Grabbing snacks, she decided to switch to offline mode and get an hour or so of practice in before bed.
