Ms. Whyte

The 8:00 A.M alarm rings blaring the simplistic annoying apple Iphone default sound. George slowly wakes up from his sleep and reaches over to tap the snooze button on his phone.

Eventually at 8:15 the alarm rings again and this time he's up for good. Sitting up he looks out his small window to the city before him, his sweet little kitten hops up onto his bed and looks up at his with eager eyes. He wants to be fed. 

George remembers what today is and quickly gets out of bed and gets ready. He showers, does his hair and brushes his teeth, as he brushes his teeth his phone begins to ring. The name popping up on the phone gives away who it is.

"Hey Dream." He says as he spits out his toothpaste.

"Hey hey! Today's the big day, I called to make sure you weren't still asleep or something." Dream said. He sounded more excited than George.

"No I'm up I'm getting ready." He said walking out of his bathroom and to the kitchen.

"Mr. Big man getting a job interview at Whyte Industries I knew you'd make it far." Dream said, his voice beaming with excitement.

"Oh calm down it's not a big deal I'm not even sure I'll get the job."

"Oh sure you will you're like the most qualified person I know she'll be blown away by you."

"Thanks Dream. "

"No problem now go before you're late."

"Okay I'll call you later after the interview."

"Alright then. Bye!"


George hung up his phone and went back to getting ready, fixing up breakfast for him and his cat. 

After breakfast he got his shoes on and grabbed his messenger bag filled with his papers and everything else he would need. He put his shoes on, said bye to his cat, and made his way out the door. 

It was a chilly Wednesday morning, and George shuddered at the cold fall wind blowing past him. He set out on the way to the bus stop, stopping by a small coffee shop and grabbing a cup of coffee. Three sugars, creamer and a splash of milk the way he liked it, then waits at the bus stop for the bus to come.

George didn't have a car, he never needed one. He could easily get around town by bus, train, or taxi(Even though the taxi fare was crazy expensive). He never found a need for a car; however he did have his license  just for having sake.

The big blue and white bus rounded the corner and stopped in front of George. He got in and chose a seat toward the back. He sat drank his coffee, and waited while the bus took him where he needed to go.

After about a twenty minute bus ride, it stopped at a bus stop and George got off. He walked about a block or two before stopping in front of a tall cream colored building. George remembered this place. He passed by when he took the long way to his old job. This was Wellington street. The business street. The street where rich people work. George eyed the Mercedes-Benzs and BMWs parked along side of the streets.

"Wow." He breathed. 

George fixed the little shoulder pad on his messenger bag and pushed through the revolving door into the building.

Business men and women rushed all around him, all of them with places to go, cups of coffee and papers in their hands, and cellphones pressed to their ears. Not knowing where to go George went up to the large receptionist desk.

A blonde haired women was talking on the phone with someone, she noticed George and ended the phone call.

"Hi. How can I help you sir?" She asked with a million dollar smile. 

"H-hi my names George and I have an interview with Ms. Whyte today at 10:00." George was so nervous and he wasn't even close to Ms. Whyte

"Oh so you're George! Great timing. Mrs. Whyte just got done with a meeting and she's in her office take that elevator." She said pointing to an elevator that was separated from the rest of the others. "And push the top floor button I'll let her know you're on your way up."

"Great thank you." George said as he began to make his way to the elevator. 

When he got in he noticed there was no other floor button except for the top floor. The fiftieth floor. A little confused he pressed the button and was taken straight up to floor he had pressed.

On the way up he closed his eyes and tried to relax his heavy breathing. He was so nervous about this interview he almost was about to throw up. Apparently Ms. Whyte wasn't a women you should play with. "A women with many connections and financial and economic power" A magazine had said about her. 

The elevator door had opened up and George stepped out onto the floor. It was a room with another receptionist desk and black leather armchairs off to the side. The man was typing away on the computer but had stopped and looked up once he noticed George.

"Uhm hi." George said giving him an awkward wave. He looked at him and give a warm smile. 

"Here for your interview?" 


"Okay take a seat." He said motioning over to the chairs."Ms. Whyte will come out when she's ready for you."

George went over and took a seat nearest to the elevator. He wasn't sure why but he felt like the farther away from that door he was, the better he'd feel.

"God now we have to play the waiting game". He thought as he looked around anxiously. Despite the calming classical music playing on the overhead speakers and the gently trickle of water coming from the large cylinder fish tank filter. He felt more nervous that when he went out on a first date with a girl he'd been talking to for over six weeks. She ended up being super boring in person, but he was so nervous meeting her he almost backed out.

  After what felt like ages the door to the office finally opened, but nobody came out.

Confused George stayed in his seat unsure of what was going on. The receptionist noticed that George wasn't moving and spoke up.

"You can go inside now, the door is open."

George stood up and made his way to the door, heat pounding. He felt like he was going to faint.

Once he got inside, he got a look around the office. It was a white, brown and silver color scheme with black marble tile floors, large windows overlooking the city skyline, modern painting were hung up on the walls, and brown enclosed trophy cases were filled with awards and framed photos. Plush white carpet sat on the floor at the end of the desk surrounded by two brown leather armchairs and a glass coffee table. A minibar was off to the side showing drinks in crystal bottles, and a large bookcase sit behind the desk filled with muted colored books. 

George was in awe at how big and beautiful it looked he almost forgot he was at an interview for a job. He noticed Ms. Whyte hadn't looked up at him and kept writing. He waited for her to look up at him but she never did. Finally George gathered up the courage to talk.

"Uhm excuse me?" He said timidly.

Ms. Whyte looked up from her paper and met eyes with George. He immediately looked away. She was absolutely gorgeous. Her black hair came just to her shoulders accompanied with side bangs. She had light brown eyes, and she was dressed in a navy blue pantsuit with a lace undershirt. A silver necklace hung loosely around her neck and her nails were painted in a perfect french manicure.

Everything was perfect from her striking red lipstick to the Rolex watch on her wrist, nothing was out of place. George was captivated by her beauty.

She offered him a warm yet professional smile and placed her pen down.

"My apologies, sometimes I get lost in my work. You must be George I'm assuming?" She said as she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Um yes. Yes I am." He said as she shifted from foot to foot. 

"Well I applaud you for being here on time, everyone that I've interviewed as either been too early or late." She motioned over at the armchairs. "Why don't you sit down?"

George timidly walked over to the chairs and took a seat. He finally looked up at her, and when he did she noticed she was staring at him with her elbow on the desk and chin in her knuckles.

"You've never been to a job interview before have you?" She said. Her voice had gone soft, almost mocking him.

"No. I mean yes. I've been to a job interview before."  George said. Gah he was fumbling over his words looking like a fool. This wasn't going well.

"Then why so shy? I'm just like any other boss." She said cocking her head to the side.

"You're not just a boss, you're the CEO. You've got multiple businesses all over the world and other side businesses, you're not like any other boss I've interviewed with before." he said shifting his eyes away from her again. It was so hard to maintain eye contact with her. Why?

"Aw now you're just telling me what I want to hear." She gave him a smile. "I like that."

George smiled shyly at her. He was glad she liked him, he didn't want to know what would happen if she didn't.

Ms. Whyte got up and made her way over to the minibar. She poured herself a drink from one of the bottles at turned to George.

"Care for a drink?" She asked.

"At 10:05 in the morning?" George asked. He never heard of anyone drinking before the evening, unless they were alcoholics.

"Yes? Does that bother you?" She asked.

George shook his head. 

"Then as long as it doesn't bother you it's fine." She said as she pour George a drink. 

"I read up on your resume that you submitted and I have to say I'm quite impressed." She said as she walked over to George. She gave him his drink and leaned back against her desk crossing her arms and putting one leg over the other.

"Went to a private college, graduated top of your class, worked for a while at a software company. Your references had a lot of good things to say about you."

George smiled when she spoke about his references before he was laid off his old boss and supervisors told him they would put in a good word for him. It was nice to see they came through.

"You're actually perfect for the job. More than qualified actually."

George didn't know what to say. Hearing her say that about him made him beam. 

"I take great pride in this company. I only hire the best, but you are better than the best and because you are better I want to open a new position only for you." 

George's eyes widened at the words she said. "A new position?"

"Yes. You see George I used to have a personal assistant a while ago, but due to unfortunate circumstances I had to let her go. I never actually looked for one after she left, but once I saw you I knew that you'd be the perfect fit.  You'd still get the job just with a little bit more to do, and with extra pay as well. How does a hundred dollars an hour sound?"

George almost fainted right there in the seat. A hundred dollars an hour? He couldn't believe this was actually true.

"Really? You're actually going to pay me a hundred dollars an hour for five days a week?"

"Working nine to five yes. George I would never lie to you, if you accept this offer not only will you be along side of me, but you will get so much more recognition. What do you say? Will you accept my offer?" She said with an eager look on her face.

George thought about it for a minute. Being an assistant? A hundred dollars an hour? What else would he get out of this? Was she really truthful about the things she said? George's head was spinning he wish he had more time to think about this but instead of asking her if he could maybe sleep on this he found himself saying:

"Yes. Yes I accept your offer."

Ms. Whyte smiled a satisfied yet mischievous? Smile.

"Great. A good choice, I promise you George this will be the best job you will ever have. I'll have you meet with one of my representatives tomorrow to go over some paperwork, but for now that will be all."

George stood up smiling at her. Extending his arm, he shook her hand. 

"Thank you so much."

"No. No thank you." She said.

With that George made his way to the door out of her office, but just before he could get pass the doorway she called out to him.

"Oh and by the way George?" 


"You can call me Kristina."

George gave her a shy smile and a nod, then left the office.
