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Bianca's pov

"So you really can't come??" I ask practically begging Olivia to drop her cousin and come with me minutes before I have to leave with jack, Johnson, Sammy and Nate. "Bianca I really can't, you know I would drop my cousin in a heart beat to go with you." She says sympathetically making me groan. "Come over to my house after?" She asks and I smile. "Yes sounds great, stranger things?" I ask and she smiles and nods.

"Ready?" Jack comes up to me and asks rubbing his hands together. "Yep" I say and he nods I turn and look back at Olivia before walking away and she just waves with a smirk and mouths use protection. "Groovy they're waiting for us in the car" he says. "Oh we're riding with them?" I ask and he laughs. "Yeah why" he asks looking at me as we walk through the doors and proceed to the parking lot. "I just figured we were taking separate cars is all" I say and he smirks. "Listen if you want some alone time with me all you have to do is just ask. I can tell you want this" he says and grabs his dick making me scoff.

This past week weve gotten closer, our parents have had dinner with eachother several times throughout the week so we've gotten to know eachother better. "As if Jack Gilinsky" I say and he laughs. "You act innocent but there's no way you are bee" he says and I laugh. "Oh my gosh jack" I say laughing and playfully slapping his chest.

"About time you two got here" Johnson says from the drivers seat. Jack just shrugs and jumps in the passenger seat and I stand there. "I have to sit in the back with them?" I deadpan staring at nate and Sammy. Nate smirks and Sammy is too distracted by something on his phone to even know what's going on right now.

"Yeah it's fine it's only a 15 minute drive" jack says and I roll my eyes and nate hops out to let me get in the car. He slaps my ass as I get in to sit between him and Sammy making me roll my eyes. "Seriously?" I ask annoyed. "You can't act like you didn't like it" He retorts with a smirk as a chuckle comes from sammy. I shoot a death glare at him and he instantly stops laughing.

"You good?" Jack asks me as we get out of the car walking ahead of everybody. "Yeah why?" I ask and he shrugs. "You just seemed off in the back seat is all" he says and I stay quiet ignoring what he said and we entered the mall. "So where to first boys" Sammy asks smiling looking around and checking out the all the girls walking around.

"Jack and I were going to look for a different style of clothes for me" I say to him and Nate laughs. "Baby you know damn well your mom would kill you if you wore something other than heels or a skirt" he says smiling. "I can wear jeans too" I say and he rolls his eyes. "How about food first" nate suggests. "About time we're on the same page" I say and and walk next to jack up to the food court.

Everyone heads to the ghengis grill booth while me and nate somehow both end up at Panda Express. That was our favorite place to go when we were dating. We were together for 7 months, back when he was sweet and didn't let the hormones get to him. "Still your favorite huh?" He asks with a chuckle as we wait in line. "Yeah, just something about it I can't shake off" I say. "Yeah I understand, I come here every week almost." He says then soon it's our turn to order.

"What can I get you today?" A guy asks then as expected checks me out. It doesn't surprise me anymore I'm used to it, I sound cocky but it actually took me a while to love myself thanks to nate I hate and love that he helped me at the same time. "Watch it" nate says to the guy as he raises his eyebrows. "We're not dating anymore nate, so stop acting like you're in control" I say rolling my eyes. "Sorry, ill take orange chicken and fried rice with a small passion fruit tea." I say and glare at nate. "I'll take the same but with a Mountain Dew" nate says annoyed. "18.56 is your total" the cashier says.

I open my wallet and nate calmly shoves it down. "I got it" He says. "You sure?" I ask and he nods paying for both of our meals.

We get them and go and take a seat in a booth with me on the inside and sadly nate right by whit we wait on the guys since theirs still has to cook and all.

Nate and I eat in silence until he put his hand on my thigh and smirks at me. And continues to eat. I don't pay much attention to it anymore since he does it all the time no matter how many times I ask him to stop.

He slowly starts moving it up and closer and closer to the button on my jeans. "Nate stop" I whisper and he smiles. "Come on baby, you used to love this remember" he said and I rolled my eyes. "A lot has changed since we've broken up." I say and take a bite of my food. He then unbuttons my pants and tries to stick his hands down them. "Nate" I say sternly still whispering not to cause a scene. But he doesn't stop. "Nate seriously stop" I say but kick his shin this time and the guys start walking this way back towards us with their food.

"Baby come on, it'll be like old times" He says. "Baby? Who the fuck is baby. Stop calling me that, we aren't anything anymore nate grow the hell up." I say and push him until he moves out of the booth so I can get away from him.

Jack follows me and grabs my wrist. "Are you okay? What happened." He asks concerned. "Nothing he just won't lay off of me" I say rolling my eyes. "Want me to get him to leave you alone?" I ask and I smile. "Yes please that'd be great" I say and he laughs. "Okay but first your pants are unbuttoned." He says pointing.


"Oh my bad, I usually unbutton them when I eat...I uh, I get bloated easily" I somewhat lie and he laughs. "Alrighttt" He reply's putting his arm around me and we walk back to the groups booth and I move by him glaring at nate.

"Nate we gotta talk" jack says as nate makes a brief eye contact with me and then proceeds to stand up and walk off with jack. I watch them while they talk a few shrugs here and there. Before they come back jack scratches the back of his neck then they shake hands. I smile in satisfaction, thankful for jack.

After we all eat we begin our shopping, jack and I ahead of everyone else of course because they are all so slow and too busy checking out the stores.

"Nate staring at your ass" Jack laughs while his arm is still around me. I'm glad I can consider him one of my best friends now. Of course we aren't as close as Olivia and I are Or me and mani but I feel like we could get that way.

"Sounds like nate, it's Something he always does." I say annoyed. jack takes his arm off of me and moves it down to my ass and grabs it leaving me shocked as he puts his arm back around me as if nothing happened. Sammy and Johnson cheer him on and nate just glares at him.

"I'm gonna take her to a couple of stores, we'll catch up to you guys" jack says giving nate a smirk and they all walk off.

"What the hell was that?" I ask raising my voice a little making him give me a small chuckle. "I'm being serious jack" I say sternly. "I'm getting him to lay off of you, just like you asked." He says throwing his hands up in defense. "I didn't mean for you to grab my ass! The talk you gave him was enough and I thank you for that but grabbing my ass..seriously. You guys talked for quite sometime so I'm sure he got the message" I say rolling my eyes.

"We didn't just talk about him laying off of you Bianca" he says calmly. He seems to know how to take a girl yelling at him pretty well. Any other guy probably would have gotten pissed and yelled back or start saying hurtful things. "Then what else did you guys talk about"I ask and he runs his left hand through his hair. "It's nothing Important don't worry about it, let's just get you some clothes you like" he says with a small smile.
