Act 2: Chapter: 3

It was now the Start of the Grand Seirei Tournament, and right now all Supernatural Entities was focusing on the Tournament, wanting to know what Powerful Warriors would emerge and appear in the Tournament 

Because of that, unknown to the Prying Eyes of Various of the Supernaturals

The Home of the Celtic Pantheon, Tir na nOg or translated into English The Otherworld

Because of the Celtic Mythology is almost the same as the Norse Realms, with them being very much Battle focused and Battle Harden, most of their Attention was placed into the Tournament, making their Defenses be at their Weakest at this very Moment 

In truth, this was never the case before, since even when this Tournament started, they were still very much vigilant in their surroundings

But changed when the God Lugh became one of the Top 10 Ranks in the World, and it went downhill from there 

The Celtics started to become Arrogant and even became Complacent, because of the Level of Power that Lugh held was Immense, and as The God of The Sun, he would always become Stronger and would never Get Weaker, for that is the Essence of the Sun Divinity

For they would never become weaker as long as the Sun is Up and Running 

Because of this and their Level of Power, they thought that no one was foolish enough to actually Invade them, for Lugh's Power is already Formidable, but add in his Divine Weapon Fragarach, he was truly worthy Opponent that even Thor would find hard to beat in a Fight 

But it's also because of this thought processed, that right now The 3 Wise Generals was able to successfully Invade The Otherworld 

The Reason for this Attacked, was simple, since Issei having been taught by Scathach and learning a few things about the Celtics with her being Originally being a Member of said Faction, he was able to find out a lot about them and what Interested him in that is their Riches

The Riches of the Faction is Legendary, with it being said to be the Richest Faction of the Current Existing ones

Because of that it truly Interested Issei, who wanted to acquire said Wealth to Expand his Criminal Empire and also to used it for himself in his Organization as well

Because of that Multiple Humanoid Individuals then was sneaking in the Castle with them steadily and hurriedly going to the Vault of said Castle, while also killing Servants that saw them or was in there way, while placing their Bodies to a Ring that held a Pocket Dimension 

And when they did arrived and opened it, like they expected there were Mountains of Gold Coins and other Jewelry just laying in the Floor without any Protection, but the thing that truly stopped them from stealing all of it was the one inside of said Vault 

The Man standing in front of them was a Handsome Man with Golden Hair, with him being quite muscular, with him only wearing Spandex that hugs his Muscular Figure tightly and a Short Sword in his Hand 

This One is Lugh The Sun God of Celtic Mythology 

Lugh Seeing the Intruders could only frown in anger at what this Intruders was doing to his Home 

He felt Humiliated and Angry, Him! A Top 10 Rank Individual being Invaded? This is preposterous!! He who is said to be able to Matched Thor in Power was being Invaded and Underestimated, It truly angered him

And above all the thing that truly Angered him was that this Invaders was cloaking themselves with an Item that prevented him from seeing their Identities, because of this he then stomped his Foot in the Ground making all of Otherworld to shake like it experience a Strong Earthquake 

" Leave now, and I shall forget about this for ever happening!! If you still stand in the next 5 Seconds, I shall destroy all of you! " Lugh warned them, and when he saw that they weren't going to move he then prepared his weapon

" We will not halt from our Objective, for our Goal has been accomplished now " One of them commented, Lugh hearing this was surprised and dropped his guard and weapon a little at that 

" What?! " Lugh said surprised by his words,  but in truth that was a bluff, but because of the seriousness and straight answer of said Individual was so serious and without fault that it fooled said God 

Then suddenly a Black Flashed fly through all of them and then hit the defenseless God in the Chest sending him flying " All of you steal the Treasures now " Hearing the figure's words all of them then used there Rings to store all of them

As for the Figure that attacked Lugh, he merely took out a Scythe in his back and then rushed said God, who only blushed an Aura of Divinity all around him to halt the movements of the Assailant, but to his shocked it appeared it didn't even bothered or even touched him, seeing this he then used his Sword to blocked the upcoming strike 

But when the Strike connected, the ground that Lugh was standing on suddenly cave in, causing Lugh to be surprised by the Man's Power, but he was able to quickly get out of his stupor and then launched a batch of slashes and thrusts to the Man, who only either dodged or blocked with the handle of the Scythe 

After the barrage of attacks ended, the Man then jumped backwards to create distance with said God, and then Inspected his Weapon and could only marvel at how destroyed it was " Truly expected of a Man that was said to be Equal to Thor, you have truly remarkable Power and Skill with the Short Sword " The Man complimented the God, who only smirked 

" It's to be expected of me after all, as the Chief God of the Celtics, I needed to be Powerful and Skilled Warrior after all " Lugh accepted the Compliment with grace 

Truly it gave off a weird vibe between the two of them, since just moments ago Lugh was angry at the Invaders, but now Lugh was happy to the point that he would even happily accept the compliment of an opponent 

With that the two then stood completely still for a moment and then...









A large battle was currently in the Arena of the First Space, and must like the Gods anticipation, the Warriors that was presented to them were no joked and were true warriors 

Everyone of the Warriors were fighting with such Skills and Finesse that each one of them if were born or existed in the Ancient Era could have easily became a Hero of any Mythology(Except for the Hindus), because of this and that there were so many of them fighting all at once 

It was truly a Worked of Art 

" Die!! " A Large Tengu said while flying up and then flew back down with him while slashing his trident downwards to a Woman that was taking down Youkai after Youkai 

The Woman hearing the Proclamation just turned towards her Opponent and then raised her hand to the Tengu and then blasted the Tengu in an Orb of Dense Mana towards him Killing the Tengu where he flew 

{Woah!! It seems that Mio of the Himejima Family is currently Dominating the 1st Space!!}

Mio hearing the announcement of the Goddess, then turned around and saw that the Opponent of the Space was now in the 800's 

' A lot has died ' Mio thought while creating a barrier around herself to blocked the attacks that approached her 

Mio Himejima is a beautiful young woman with blue eyes and large breasts. She has long blonde hair that is tied in twin-tails with large red bows, with her wearing a school uniform which has a black and white shirt with four buttons along with a white skirt and thigh-high socks

Mio then created a giant Fire Spear and then launched it at some random competitor, causing the Person to die and then set ablaze turning them into ash


In a Traditional Japanese in the Middle of no-where, there was an Old Man in his 60's just seating in the Middle of a Desolate Room with a Gourd in his Hand with signs of it having been drinking on, with it having liquid 

As for what the Old Man was doing, he was currently watching the Tournament, with a Magical Screen in front of him, and when he saw the Woman's attacked, he couldn't helped but grit his teeth in anger and then toss the gourd to the wooden wall breaking it and generating a hole 

" So that Bitch of a Grand-Daughter of mine is truly trying to become the Head huh? " The Man posted the question to himself, and then laughed mockingly " Like hell she could do it!! " The Man said to himself already certain of his Win against her 

Mio Himejima is much like her Physical Appearance suggest, she isn't a full blooded Himejima, with her being an illegitimate daughter of his Son with a Beautiful Foreigner, because of this she was naturally bullied when she was young

But that changed when she was blessed by Amaterasu as a form of reward for her fervent worship of Shintoism, because of this in terms of actually Elemental Affinity, she has the Highest in terms of the Himejimas, even surpassed such top talents like Shuri and Suzaku Himejima's

Because of this and her own Overwhelming Power that she has accumulated over the years, she has started to desire the Head Seat of the Himejima Household

Something that the Elders and the rest of the Himejimas are not so keen on, with them even trying to assassinate her or even out right killing her through the ritualistic Duels of the Family, but thanks to her Natural Talents and Inherit Abilities she was able to easily kill those that challenged her and tried to assassinate her 

 With that the Old Man then smirked seeing her in screen fighting and killing her Opponents " She is far too underestimating the Fighters in the Tournament " To that the Man then slowly chuckle " She will lose at this rate "


In other Space where other Fighters are currently preparing for their own Battle Royals, some were currently watching the ongoing Battle Royal in the First Space

One of them being Bianka who only looked disappointed at the Figure of the Himejima ' She is using far too much Mana ' Bianka thought disappointingly

Mio Himejima held a lot of Talent and Mana, and add in her being Blessed by The Goddess Amaterasu increased her Mana Capacity and Every Elemental Affinity, making her even Stronger than before 

But because of that and the Blessings that she acquired from Amaterasu, cause her to be very Weak in Combat 

The only people that she truly ever fought in her Life is Individuals that are a lot weaker than her, the Himejimas, The Assassination Groups and other Groups that tried to take her life was weaker than her in terms of Power, because of that she didn't developed an Important Skills of a Warrior 



Back in the Battle Royal, and in other Part of the Arena, there stood a Man with Heavy Samurai Armor with him having a Masked making it Impossible for any Facial Features to be showed to the viewers

As for what the Samurai is doing, he was simply seating down, or more like observing every Fighter in the Arena to see what all of them can do, and strangely enough no one of the Fighters even noticed him simply seating down on the floor 

In another part of the Arena, there was an Intense Battle between a Human and a Nekomata, with them wielding a Spear and a Sword respectively 

With that Human lunging at the Nekomata with his Spear, with it being parried upwards and then slashed at him, but was then blocked by the butt of the spear by spinning it around, and with that the Human then slashes downwards creating an X strike, with the Nekomata receiving minor Injuries 

The Human not wanting to let up, then throws his Spear at the Nekomata, who only deflected it to the side and then looked at the Human and saw he was gone from his sight 

To this the Nekomata just took his Katana and held it close to himself so that he could strike fast at any possible direction while also using his Cat Ears to know the Movements around him 

' What is he up too? ' The Nekomata thought while also occasionally looking at the Spear that was thrown at him too see if it was booby trapped with something, and seeing the Possibility he then moved away from the Area while also using Mana to enhanced his Hearing a little bit 

But unknown to the Nekomata, The Human was actually in front of him the whole time, with him only using Light Magic to manipulate the Light that would normally hit his body, to simply go through him like he didn't exist whatsoever causing him to become Invisible 

Of course that doesn't mean that he is 100% Invisible, since he can still heard, or that if he actually move from his Spot, a person can consciously thing that something is wrong, since the Light around him would bend slightly before correcting itself 

And when he saw that the Nekomata was leaving he then deactivated his Invisibility and then ran away for now to think off another point of attacked 

In the Area of Mio Himejima, she was currently in the Middle of the Arena with her currently looking at her surroundings to see if there was others that was planning on sneaking up to her to defeat her at her current lowest 

" I see, quite a shame that this is your current level of power " Mio hearing the voice, then turned around and saw a Man with him wearing heavy Samurai Armor causing it very much difficult to read and gauge if the person is a Woman or a Man, and add in the Man's right hand is a Katana 

It truly gave the looked of a person straight out of the Edo Period, Mio seeing the Person just redid herself for a confrontation, which cause the Man to nod at her 

" Good, at least you know how to ready yourself " Mio who heard the person was now curious of the person before was 

" Who are you? From the way you talked to me, it appears to me that you don't have a grudge against me? " The Man hearing this just unsheathe the Katana in his hands and then pointed it to Mio

" I merely want to see how powerful you are, and if your worthy of receiving a Zanpakuto " 

" And if I don't "

The Man paused for a moment..



.. Then appeared where Mio was originally was

With Mio being in the Wall of the Arena that they were fighting on, while also causing other warriors to be sent to the Wall as well, along with her

" Then I shall kill you or make you quit " 
