Chapter 8

We held our breath and climbed.

The attic was filled with Greek hero junk: armour stands covered in cobwebs; once-bright shields pitted with rust; old leather steamer trunks plastered with stickers saying ITHAKA, CIRCES ISLE, and LAND OF THE AMAZONS. One long table was stacked with glass jars filled with pickled things—severed hairy claws, huge yellow eyes, various other parts of monsters. A dusty mounted trophy on the wall looked like a giant snakes head, but with horns and a full set of sharks teeth. The plaque read, HYDRA HEAD #1, WOODSTOCK, N. Y. , 1969.

By the window, sitting on a wooden tripod stool, was the most gruesome memento of all: a mummy. Not the wrapped-in-cloth kind, but a human female body shrivelled to a husk. She wore a tie-dyed sundress, lots of beaded necklaces, and a headband over long black hair. The skin of her face was thin and leathery over her skull, and her eyes were glassy white slits, as if the real eyes had been replaced by marbles; shed been dead a long, long time.

Looking at her sent chills up our backs. And that was before she sat up on her stool and opened her mouth. A green mist poured from the mummy's mouth, coiling over the floor in thick tendrils, hissing like twenty thousand snakes. I stumbled over myself trying to get to the trapdoor, but it slammed shut. Inside my head, I heard a voice, slithering into one ear and coiling around my brain: I am the spirit of Delphi, speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python. Approach, seeker, and ask.

Nancy whimpered and shuddered, so I stepped forward.

"How do we find Lord Zeus's Master Bolt?" I asked

Green mist slithered out of it's mouth coiling around and hissing like a hundred snakes. Until it formed 6 figures.

(Sally:)      You and three shall go west and face the god who has turned,

(Aphrodite:) You shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned,

(Hermes:)  You shall traverse through the depths of the dead realm,

(Gabe:)    The titan sisters three you must fight for the helm,

(Jason")  A Water-Lily must Jump or kill to protect deaths angels from certain doom.

(Thalia:) A clouds love will protect you from the evil of the toom,

(Psyche:)                     You must meet an ancient Hero,

(Eros:)    Whom is not as great as perceived by the myths you know.  

(Poseidon:) You shall be betrayed by the one who calls you a friend.

(Hestia:) And you shall fail to save what matters most in the end.

"Well, that was certainly... disturbing." I said, my face white as a sheet.

"You don't say." Nancy agreed her voice as dry as the Sahara desert.

Let's see, West God= Any god there for the duration of our quest, What was stolen= Master Bolt, Depth's the deepest part of the underworld is Tartarus, I'd either jump into Tartarus or I'd kill some body, three Titaness's= three of the original six Titaness's, Clouds love=Jason, Death's angels mean the Di Angelo sibling, Meaning immortal hero (or they wouldn't be alive to talk to and meet me) =not as great as Myths.

Nancy and I shared a glance silently agreeing not to mention the 3rd, 4th, 9th and 10th lines of the prophecy to Chiron before we trudged back downstairs.

"Well, what did the oracle say?" Chiron asked.

"You and three shall go west and face the god who has turned." I started.

"You shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned." Nancy continued.

"A Water-Lily must Jump or kill to protect deaths angels from certain doom."

"A clouds love will protect you from the evil of the toom,"

"You must meet an ancient Hero,"

"Whom is not as great as perceived by the myths you know."

Chiron nodded, though something gave me the feeling he knew we were with holding some of the prophecy.

"Prophecy's often have double meanings. Linh, Nancy." He finally spoke.

"Now, three people coming on a quest with the two of you. If you'll have it one of them has already volunteered, if you'll have her." Chiron suggested.

Nancy and I shared a glance before we rolled our eyes simultaneously. I had NOT forgotten about the capture the flag incident and neither had Nancy. We had absolute certainty that Chase was the one who wanted to go on the quest. We both turned to Chiron as a previously invisible figure materialised beside him.

"I've been waiting a long time for a quest, Seaweed Brain, Penny Pincher. And if you guys want to save the world, you're going to need my help." Annabeth demanded.

"NO!!!" Nancy and I shouted together.

"What do you mean no!?!?! You guys need me! Penny pincher over there is only good at thieving and will probably just Slut around like the rest of the Aphrodite spawn! As for you your head is full of kelp! There's no way you're smart enough complete this quest and remain alive." Annabitch err I mean Annabeth shouted.

"Well if I'm so dumb than how the hell did I graduate high school at the age of 12? Hmmm? Better yet, Why should I take you along!?!?! Were you not the person who plans to set me, a girl with absolutely no training up to face an entire cabin of trained warrior children of the War god whom wield Electric spears in the hopes I'd get electrified? Oh and hot tip, if you want to go on a quest with someone you should as not demand and don't insult the quest leaders!" I snapped. For so long I had been the shy and polite and quiet little girl and now they think they can push me around just because I don't fight scream or bully them back! Yeah Hell No! 

"Wha-I-How!?!?! How did you know about my Capture the flag plans!?!?!" Annabeth demanded.

"The Stoll brothers. Hermes cabin hasn't allied itself with anyone yet. They wanted to know who had the better plans so the Stoll brothers borrowed the plans so the Hermes cabin could have a look at them. Hermes cabin is nothing if not loyal. Naturally, Nancy is one of them even if she stays in the Aphrodite cabin. As my friend Nancy is loyal to me and vice versa. Since Nancy is a loyal friend and we're practically twins. The Hermes cabins loyalty extends to me. They consider me one of their own and I consider them family too. Everyone here is extended family and a family is nothing without loyalty. What you did broke their trust, loyalty and faith in you. You were willing to treat me that way even though I'm extended family all because of a petty rivalry from thousands of years ago that belongs to our parents. If you were willing to do that to a new camper. Why should they trust you wouldn't be willing to do that to one of their brothers or sisters? You can come on the quest..." I stated.

Annabeth must've realised her mistake because she looked like she was about to cry.

"If you apologise to Nancy and I for insulting us and preparing to set us up." I finished.

She launched herself at me and burst into tears. I think that speech got to her.

I'm sososososo Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She sobbed to both of us. 

"I accept your apology." Nancy and I chorused together.

"Go get packed. We leave tomorrow." I said and she rushed off to go pack, face burning red of embarrassment.

"Awkward." I sang breaking the silence. 

Nancy giggled. 

"Well that's one person we're takin on the quest. So only two more to pick." I said.

Chiron looked at me proudly. I think he liked the way I stood up for myself and Nancy and forgave Annabeth.

"Yep! I have the perfect person and how about we take our friend Buch, he can create rainbows if we need an IM." Nancy suggested. 

"yes. Yes. YES!" I squealed, Butch was awesome. I'd only known him for a bit but he'd already taken up the role of a big brother.

"Who do you want to take?" I asked.

"Uhm well, I was thinking of taking a son of Dionysus." Nancy muttered blushing.

"OMG! Pollux!?!?!" I squealed. 

Nancy sputtered. 

"How'd you know? It could've been Castor." Nancy asked.

"You're not exactly subtle about it Nance. You would always complain about getting dirt under your nails when I suggested the gardening club and yet you spend a lot of time in the grape fields. Coincidentally where a certain twin son of Dionysus likes to chill out. You hate glue because 'it feels wrong on my hands when it dries' and yet you keep volunteering to make mosaics. Also what Pollux likes to do in Arts and crafts. Castor likes painting so it couldn't be him you're pining after and let's not even get started on the shameless flirting the two of you do. Neither of you notice that the other is flirting backs. Honestly you're irritatingly oblivious for a Daughter of Aphrodite. Like literally everyone at camp ships Nancollux, including the Aphrodite cabin. That's saying something because most of your cabin is about breaking hearts and if they don't want you to break his heart than you must be a really really cute couple." I listed.

Chiron watched our little girls moment in a mixture of amusement and awkwardness. Poor guy probably felt like such a third wheel.

"She's right Nancy. I ship Nancollux!" Chiron said puling out a giant poster of Nancy and Pollux cuddling with a giant pink heart around it and the 3 words i fancy script:

Nancollux 4 Life!!!

I squealed.

"Let's go invite them for the quest. I'll invite Butch, you invite Pollux." I answered.

"Oh and before I forget, Chiron you haven't told us exactly whom you believe it is." I said.

"I have reason to believe it is Hades. Part of a prophecy I had years ago, well it finally makes sense. You must journey to the underworld and retrieve the master bolt from Hades. He's the only god who lives in the west." Chiron stated grimly.

"Now, Chiron let's not get narrow-minded here. It doesn't have to be Hades. It could be a minor God who wants attention or a war god who would strengthen from a war. Any god could be in the west for the duration of the quest." I chastised frowning disapprovingly.

 Chiron's eyebrows leapt up at that.

"You're right I have been rather narrow minded, but why would Hades send a fury or Pasiphae's Son after you if he wasn't the thief." Chiron asked.

"Chiron, Hades is the only one of the brothers who didn't want to take the oath, he was forced into it. The other brothers did it willingly yet Hades is the only one to keep the oath. Pair that with the fact that even as one of The Big Three he doesn't have any respect and doesn't have a throne either. If he got Lord Zeus back his Mater Bolt would he not get respected and rewarded. Everyone seems to think I'm the thief so naturally he does to. He has a multitude of other justifiable reasons to try to kill me. I can't necessarily blame him. Just because he doesn't want me alive doesn't mean he's the thief after all I doubt Hera wants me alive but she's not the thief is she? Now if you'll excuse me I have to go IM somebody." I finished with a polite smile at the speechless form of Chiron. I know what you're thinking did you just leave a millennia old and wise mythological being speechless? Yes, Yes I did. I'm just awesome that way. Now I really should go IM my wonderful, hot and really loyal boyfriend.

Gods PoV:

The Olympians were fighting again and Hestia was getting sick of it. 

"SHUT UP!!!" Hestia screamed her hair blazing with fire.

Every god and Goddess's head snapped towards her and they all gulped.

"H-Hestia Errm W-What exactly is wrong?" Zeus stuttered under the angry gaze of The Last Olympian.

"What's wrong is that you're all acting like immature children. Sit down, Calm down and how about we watch Chiron and Dionysus give my champion and Hermes & and Aphrodite's grandchild their her quest?" Hestia asked though most knew it was an order.

Zeus nodded.

"Iris please pull up a one way Iris message To The Big House at Camp-Half Blood." Zeus ordered The rainbow goddess.

"Of Course Lord Zeus." Iris replied and a rainbow appeared showing a blonde haired girl to the gods.

"...And this is the big house, you've met Chiron, That's Mr. D he's The Camper Director and he's not an enemy you would like to have."  The Blonde haired grey eyed girl commented.

"Mr. D, Mr. D... leopard print shirts... D... D... Satyrs around him... blood shot eyes with alcohol effect... D... Dionysus; God of Wine, Winemaking, Grape cultivation, Fertility, Ritual Madness, Theatre, and Religious Ecstasy?" The Sea Spawn questioned.

"Are you sure she's your spawn and not a long lost daughter of mine?" Athena asked Poseidon.

"Not every smart demigod is your child Miss Oh So respected and Esteemed Goddess of Arts and Crafts. Or was it glue?" Poseidon mocked before turning back to the IM and smiling at his daughter proudly.

"Yes." Annabeth nodded grudgingly impressed, she had been rather rude since she had found out Linh was The Daughter of Poseidon.

"Mr. D This is Linh Calla-Lily Jackson. Linh, this is Mr. D." Annabeth introduced.

Linh curtsied.

"Lord Dionysus; God of Wine, Winemaking, Grape Cultivation, Fertility, Ritual Madness, Theatre, and Religious Ecstasy." Linh Acknowledged

"Woah, she's one smart cookie." Hermes said looking up from his cell.

"...Hot too." Apollo commented.

Poseidon turned to Apollo and glared.

"Don't even think about it Apollo!" Poseidon growled.

"Don't you dare! She is a proud Maiden. I will not have you hooking up with her and than breaking her heart." Artemis threatened with an arrow pointed at Apollo's manly parts.

"You better not interfere with her Love life Apollo! She already has  boyfriend and No Poseidon before you say it. I Swear on the river Styx that I have not and will not ever interfere with Linh's love life unless she has a broken heart and it needs mending or I am helping her with her current relationship. If any of my children do they WILL be punished." Aphrodite said to Apollo and Poseidon. 

Dionysus eyed the Sea spawn suspiciously.

"Did any of you tell her who I was, hmmm, Chiron, Anaberryl?" Mr. D questioned and the sea spawn snickered under her breath at the incorrect name.

Poseidon snickered under his breath.

Athena and her spawn both scowled. 

"Like daughter, like parent." Hephaestus grunted.

"No. She figured it out by herself." 'Anaberryl' admitted grudgingly.

"Hmm, Well Linh Calla-Lily Jackson, I suppose I have to say it, Welcome to Camp, Now don't expect me to be happy to see you." Dionysus muttered, but Poseidon and the sea spawn both took note of the fact the he'd gotten her name right.

"Oh and Grover, here's your searchers license, you did get her and The Birboflit girl to camp safely." Dionysus said waving his hand and a card with the now Identified Grover's name and picture on it appeared.

Grover beamed excitedly and thanked Mr. D profusely before trotting off to pack his bags. Mr. D turned to Linh just as Hermes's legacy arrived and he disappeared in a flash of light.

Dionysus grunted as he flashed in and took a seat on his throne, surprising everyone by leaning forward to watch the IM.

"Now, you have been assigned a quest. Zeus is under the impression that you and Nancy have stolen the Master Bolt. Poseidon and Zeus are threatening war, Zeus wants his Bolt back by the Summer Solstice and Poseidon wants an apology by the same date. So Linh Calla-Lily Jackson, Nancy Bobofit, the question I have for you is, Will You accept The quest? Will you clear Poseidon's name and Prevent world war three?" Chiron monologued.

"Did he practice that in the mirror while he took out his tail curlers?" Poseidon asked.

"Did you practice that in the mirror while you took out your tail curlers?" The sea spawn asked bluntly.

The gods laughed.

"Probably." Aphrodite and Nancy chorused together sending the gods into another laughing fit.

"Yes, We will." Nancy and the Sea spawn chorused.

"Very well, Go up to The attic for an audience with The Oracle of Delphi. When you come back down with a prophecy we will talk more. Assuming you're still sane..." Chiron stated.

Hermes's legacy and Poseidon's spawn gulped and ascended The stairs to the Attic.

 The two Half-Bloods held their breath and climbed.

The attic was filled with Greek hero junk: armour stands covered in cobwebs; once-bright shields pitted with rust; old leather steamer trunks plastered with stickers saying ITHAKA, CIRCES ISLE, and LAND OF THE AMAZONS. One long table was stacked with glass jars filled with pickled things—severed hairy claws, huge yellow eyes, various other parts of monsters. A dusty mounted trophy on the wall looked like a giant snakes head, but with horns and a full set of sharks teeth. The plaque read, HYDRA HEAD #1, WOODSTOCK, N. Y. , 1969.

By the window, sitting on a wooden tripod stool, was the most gruesome memento of all: a mummy. Not the wrapped-in-cloth kind, but a human female body shrivelled to a husk. She wore a tie-dyed sundress, lots of beaded necklaces, and a headband over long black hair. The skin of her face was thin and leathery over her skull, and her eyes were glassy white slits, as if the real eyes had been replaced by marbles; shed been dead a long, long time.

Apollo frowned sadly.

Linh had a look of pity for the poor spirit on her face.

Looking at her sent chills up the girls backs. And that was before she sat up on her stool and opened her mouth. A green mist poured from the mummy's mouth, coiling over the floor in thick tendrils, hissing like twenty thousand snakes. Linh stumbled over herself trying to get to the trapdoor, but it slammed shut. Inside Linh's head, she heard a voice, slithering into one ear and coiling around her brain: I am the spirit of Delphi, speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python. Approach, seeker, and ask.

Nancy whimpered and shuddered, so the sea spawn stepped forward.

Aphrodite gagged.

"How do we find Lord Zeus's Master Bolt?" she asked.

"Hmmm at least she has proper respect." Zeus grumbled.

Green mist slithered out of it's mouth coiling around and hissing like a hundred snakes. Until it formed 6 figures.

(Sally:) You and three shall go west and face the god who has turned,

(Aphrodite:) You shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned,

(Hermes:) You shall traverse through the depths of the dead realm,

(Gabe:) The titan sisters three you must fight for the helm,

(Jason") A Water-Lily must Jump or kill to protect deaths angels from certain doom.

(Thalia:) A clouds love will protect you from the evil of the toom,

(Psyche:) You must meet an ancient Hero,

(Eros:) Whom is not as great as perceived by the myths you know.

(Poseidon:) You shall be betrayed by the one who calls you a friend.

(Hestia:) And you shall fail to save what matters most in the end.

The gods grew very worried at the 3rd, 4th, 9th and 10th lines as well as the fact that Jupiter's spawn gave one of the lines. But they quickly dismissed the idea of the two meting, the mist should keep the two apart. It was probably just because he was Zeus's counterparts son and Zeus's symbol was stolen.

"Well, that was certainly... disturbing." Sea Spawn said, her face white as a sheet.

"You don't say." Nancy agreed her voice as dry as the Sahara desert.

Hermes's legacy and Poseidon's spawn shared a glance the gods thought they were silently agreeing not to mention the 3rd, 4th, 9th and 10th lines of the prophecy to Chiron before they trudged back downstairs.

"Well, what did the oracle say?" Chiron asked.

"You and three shall go west and face the god who has turned." The Sea Spawn started.

"You shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned." Nancy continued.

"A Water-Lily must Jump or kill to protect deaths angels from certain doom."

"A clouds love will protect you from the evil of the toom,"

"You must meet an ancient Hero,"

"Whom is not as great as perceived by the myths you know."

Chiron nodded, though something gave the gods the feeling he knew they were with holding some of the prophecy.

"Prophecy's often have double meanings. Linh, Nancy." He finally spoke.

"Now, three people coming on a quest with the two of you. If you'll have it one of them has already volunteered, if you'll have her." Chiron suggested.

Nancy and The Sea Spawn shared a glance before they rolled their eyes simultaneously. 

"They must know who's volunteering." Hermes commented.

"Who ever it is I don't think they like them much." Apollo agreed.

"Reckon there'll be a fight?" Ares asked excitedly with a blood thirsty grin on his face.

That earned him a smack up the head from Hera and Aphrodite. 

"I've been waiting a long time for a quest, Seaweed Brain, Penny Pincher. And if you guys want to save the world, you're going to need my help." 'Anaberryl' demanded.

"NO!!!" Nancy and The Sea Spawn shouted together.

"They need my daughter, she's probably the smarter than the both of them combined!" Athena exclaimed angrily.

"Excuse me? Linh has graduated high school already and Nancy is also a really good student. She's in the top ten in her class!" Aphrodite exclaimed.

Hermes and Poseidon Glared at Athena as they nodded along.

Athena shrinked back and scowled on her thrown wisely deciding to stay silent.

"What do you mean no!?!?! You guys need me! Penny pincher over there is only good at thieving and will probably just Slut around like the rest of the Aphrodite spawn! As for you your head is full of kelp! There's no way you're smart enough complete this quest and remain alive." 'Anaberryl' shouted.

"Athena, you need to feed your daughter more cereal." Demeter said disapprovingly.

"Yes, she's awfully arrogant and rude. I don't necessarily think cereal will fix that but a bit of discipline will." Hera nodded

"Well if I'm so dumb than how the hell did I graduate high school at the age of 12? Hmmm? Better yet, Why should I take you along!?!?! Were you not the person who plans to set me, a girl with absolutely no training up to face an entire cabin of trained warrior children of the War god whom wield Electric spears in the hopes I'd get electrified? Oh and hot tip, if you want to go on a quest with someone you should ask not demand and don't insult the quest leaders!" The Sea Spawn Snapped.

Hestia's eyebrows shot upwards. She'd never seen Linh so angry. Usually she was calm, polite and collected. But there's only so many insults a person can handle.

"Wha-I-How!?!?! How did you know about my Capture the flag plans!?!?!" Annabeth demanded.

The gods even Zeus and Athena and especially Ares, Poseidon Hermes, Aphrodite, Artemis, Apollo, Hera and Hestia looked disgusted at the admission she was going to leave The Sea Spawn to the mercy of Ares Cabins Electric spears. They may be Ares children but Ares had some honour, he was the god of War and he knew thos spears hurt like hell just to touch you let alone stab you.

"Your daughter really needs a good long talking to." Hera said appalled. 

"She needs to eat more cereal! Clearly she doesn't eat much. Her and Hades would get along well." Demeter said.

"Get your daughter under control! She needs to learn which lines don't get crossed! If you don't your daughter will face the wrath of the sea's! Amphitrite and Triton are particularly fond of my first and only demigod daughter and they'd be more than happy to help me punish your daughter!" Poseidon growled the threat out unaware he'd started a few hurricanes on the west coast.

"The Stoll brothers. Hermes cabin hasn't allied itself with anyone yet. They wanted to know who had the better plans so the Stoll brothers borrowed the plans so the Hermes cabin could have a look at them. Hermes cabin is nothing if not loyal. Naturally, Nancy is one of them even if she stays in the Aphrodite cabin. As my friend Nancy is loyal to me and vice versa. Since Nancy is a loyal friend and we're practically twins. The Hermes cabins loyalty extends to me. They consider me one of their own and I consider them family too. Everyone here is extended family and a family is nothing without loyalty. What you did broke their trust, loyalty and faith in you. You were willing to treat me that way even though I'm extended family all because of a petty rivalry from thousands of years ago that belongs to our parents. If you were willing to do that to a new camper. Why should they trust you wouldn't be willing to do that to one of their brothers or sisters? You can come on the quest..." Linh lectured.

Poseidon and Hestia looked especially proud of their daughter/champion and Hermes was likewise proud of his children and the other unclaimed campers in his cabin it was good to know they were looking out for their extended family.

'Annaberryl' must've realised her mistake because she looked like she was about to cry.

"It appears that girls lecture has actually knocked some sense into your daughters head! You should be grateful." Hera told Athena

"If you apologise to Nancy and I for insulting us and preparing to set us up." The Sea Spawn finished.

Apollo chuckled.

"Was that Petty? Yes. Did Poseidon's daughter care? I doubt it." Hermes snickered.

She launched herself at me and burst into tears. I think that speech got to her.

I'm sososososo Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." 'Anaberryl' sobbed to both of the girls.

"I accept your apology." Nancy and The Sea Spawn chorused together.

Hestia, Poseidon, Hermes and Aphrodite beamed proudly at their spawns/champions.

"Those children are very mature. You should be proud of them." Hera told the four beaming immortals.

"Go get packed. We leave tomorrow." Linh said and 'Anaberryl' rushed off to go pack, face burning red of embarrassment.

"Awkward." Poseidon and Linh sang breaking the silence.

The gods doubled over once again and even Athena cracked a smile.

Nancy giggled.

"Well that's one person we're taking on the quest. So only two more to pick." The Sea Spawn said.

Chiron looked at Linh proudly. He probably liked the way she stood up for herself and Nancy and forgave 'Anaberryl'.

"Yep! I have the perfect person and how about we take our friend Buch, he can create rainbows if we need an IM and he's a really loyal friend we can trust." Nancy suggested.

Athena and Hera nodded approvingly at the smarts in that statement.

Iris giggled.

"My son's going on a quest and is friends with the children of two major gods. He should be so prod of himself!" Iris exclaimed happy for her son.

"yes. Yes. YES!" Linh squealed.

Poseidon narrowed his eyes. This Buch boy better stay away from his daughter.

Hestia chuckled.

"Don't worry Poseidon the love she and Buch feel for each other is purely platonic." Hestia assured him.

"Yeah! Besides your daughter has a boyfriend." Aphrodite nodded before gulping as she realised what she'd said.

Hestia facepalmed. 

"WHAT!?!?!" Poseidon Yelled causing a massive earthquake.

Somewhere at Camp Jupiter Jason felt a chill go down his spine and he prayed to Juno that she'd protect him from whatever danger he was in.

"Oh Look your daughters about to speak." Hera pointed out hoping to avoid an angry Poseidon and save her champion Neptune's wrath.

Poseidon growled but sat down nonetheless.

"Who do you want to take?" Linh asked.

"Uhm well, I was thinking of taking a son of Dionysus." Nancy muttered blushing.

Dionysus, Aphrodite and Hermes leaned forward.

"OMG! Pollux!?!?!" Linh squealed.

Dionysus's eyebrows shot up.

Hermes growled protectively and Aphrodite squealed.

Nancy sputtered.

"How'd you know? It could've been Castor." Nancy asked.

"You're not exactly subtle about it Nance. You would always complain about getting dirt under your nails when I suggested the gardening club and yet you spend a lot of time in the grape fields. Coincidentally where a certain twin son of Dionysus likes to chill out. You hate glue because 'it feels wrong on my hands when it dries' and yet you keep volunteering to make mosaics. Also what Pollux likes to do in Arts and crafts. Castor likes painting so it couldn't be him you're pining after and let's not even get started on the shameless flirting the two of you do. Neither of you notice that the other is flirting backs. Honestly you're irritatingly oblivious for a Daughter of Aphrodite. Like literally everyone at camp ships Nancollux, including the Aphrodite cabin. That's saying something because most of your cabin is about breaking hearts and if they don't want you to break his heart than you must be a really really cute couple." Linh listed.

The gods jaws dropped.

Chiron watched their little girls moment in a mixture of amusement and awkwardness. Poor guy probably felt like such a third wheel.

"She's right Nancy. I ship Nancollux!" Chiron said puling out a giant poster of Nancy and Pollux cuddling with a giant pink heart around it and the 3 words in fancy script:

Nancollux 4 Life!!!

The goddesses and Linh squealed.

"Let's go invite them for the quest. I'll invite Butch, you invite Pollux." Linh suggested.

"Oh and before I forget, Chiron you haven't told us exactly whom you believe it is." Linh said.

"I have reason to believe it is Hades. Part of a prophecy I had years ago, well it finally makes sense. You must journey to the underworld and retrieve the master bolt from Hades. He's the only god who lives in the west." Chiron stated grimly.

"Hades!?!?! Hades stole my bolt! He better give it Back!" Zeus Shouted.

"How dare he frame my Daughter and I!" Poseidon roared.

"ENOUGH! Sit down and Listen!' Surprisingly it was Hera who said that.

"Now, Chiron let's not get narrow-minded here. If we use that logic it could be anyone. It doesn't have to be Hades. It could be a minor God who wants attention or a war god who would strengthen from a war. Even an Olympian or a Neutral titan annoyed with Lord Zeus's rule who wants to make him feel vulnerable. Any god could be in the west for the duration of the quest." I chastised frowning disapprovingly.

Chiron's eyebrows leapt up at that.

"You're right I have been rather narrow minded, but why would Hades send a fury or Pasiphae's Son after you if he wasn't the thief." Chiron asked.

"Chiron, Hades is the only one of the brothers who didn't want to take the oath, he was forced into it. The other brothers did it willingly yet Hades is the only one to keep the oath. Pair that with the fact that even as one of The Big Three he doesn't have any respect and doesn't have a throne either. If he got Lord Zeus back his Mater Bolt would he not get respected and rewarded. Everyone seems to think I'm the thief so naturally he does to. He has a multitude of other justifiable reasons to try to kill me. I can't necessarily blame him. Just because he doesn't want me alive doesn't mean he's the thief after all I doubt Hera wants me alive but she's not the thief is she? Now if you'll excuse me I have to go IM somebody." Linh Lectured before turning on her heel and walking off, leaving the gods and Chiron speechless.

The IM ended leaving bunch of gaping gods whom wanted to know who she would IM.

Poseidon was the first to regain his senses.

"Ho-Wh-Why-Did she just prove Chiron wrong, defend Hades whom happens to be trying to kill her, leave him speechless and forgive someone for trying to kill her even though they didn't apologise to her as well as say she shouldn't blame them for trying to kill her because it was justifiable!?!?!" Poseidon demanded.

I-I think so." Hermes muttered dazedly.

"Damn Uncle P! Your Daughter is awesome!" Apollo shouted.

I guess I can a-ap-approve of her for the intelligence she wields." Athena struggled to get the words u and everyone stared at her. She huffed and flashed out.

It was Ares who surprised everyone though especially since Linh seemed really peaceful and Kind.

"I like your brat. Proud to say she's my cousin." Ares said bluntly before he flashed out leaving 11 gaping gods in his wake.


I'm so sorry guys! It's been ages since I updated. Hopefully this Extra long chapter makes up for it. And I won't be able to update on the weekend! I'm going on a camping trip. I might be able to squeeze a small update in on Sunday but I doubt it.

CYA Guys!

