Chapter 2

  A girl in a green uniform came in and handed a sheet of paper to them as you jumped off the table and slouched in a random chair. After they read the paper, Kureto sighed, stood up, and mumbled something to himself. Shinya laughed a little then replied, "Aw~ come on, Kureto, it can't be that bad." With a stern look on his face, Kureto walked over to you and asked, "Why does my father need you?" You avoided looking at him and replied, "Oh~, the special son doesn't like being out of the loop?"You smirked at him and could almost feel anger radiating from him.

  "Feisty one aren't you?" asked Shinya with a smile playing on his lips. You looked at him and said, "Just a little pissed about how my day is going." You sighed, closed your eyes, and placed your forehead against the table. Shinya chuckled. You could still feel Kureto standing nearby so you told him, "I'll tell you all you want to know, Hiiragi, just be patient." He didn't seem pleased with my response and headed for the door.Shinya sighed, got out of his chair, and walked over to you. "I guess you follow us, Miss (l/n)." he said as he lightly touched your shoulder.

  You stood up and followed him to the door where Kureto waited impatiently. Guren looked at you and Shinya then gave an angry growl as he stood up. "Now we got more children to look after. Great." said Guren as they all walked out into the hall. You glared at the back of his head as he messed with his hair. Shinya said to him, "Well, she doesn't seem that young. How old are you, Miss (l/n)?" He looked at you with a smile as he asked the question.You noticed that Guren and Kureto slightly peeked over their shoulders waiting for a response. You looked around the hall to pretend you didn't notice and said, "I'm (age you wanna use). And you can just call me (f/n)."

  Shinya seemed surprise at your statement, but just smiled and replied, "Call me Shinya. This is Guren Ichinose and that's Kureto Hiiragi. Its nice to meet you." Kureto gave a grunt as Guren said, "What kind of last name is (l/n)?" You were mad enough about how this day was going so you replied, "What kind of last name is itchy nose?" Guren stopped in his tracks and glared at me while Shinya softly laughed.You walked straight past the angry Guren and the laughing Shinya and ended up walking in pace with Kureto. He seemed anxious about something so you told him, "If there is something you would like to say, Hiiragi, then say it."

  He stopped walking so you stood in front of him. Guren and Shinya also stopped, looking from you to Kureto. Kureto looked you straight in the eye and asked, "How were you able to guess our actual weapons correctly without even seeing them?" You smiled a little. You knew he would ask the interesting questions. You poked his chest where his heart would be and replied, "Your demons told me."  
