Sexy Songs (Old Terrible Story)

(Hey guys, I've been browsing my old unpublished art book and I found this old Terrible Story 👀 I know I'm supposed to be doing the ask or dare but.... I LOST MY DRAWING PEN AGAIN FUCK ME. So enjoy some history 😔)

Coiny: I wanna fuck Needle.

Pin: Why don't you fuck me?

Coiny: Cuz ur not pointy enough.

Pin: Oh.

Coiny: Can you help me fuck Needle.

Pin: K How.

Coiny: I need a sexy song.

Pin: I heard Firey's good at making sexy songs.

Coiny: Firey is a gay fgt and he needs to die right now.

Pin: You need a sexy song.

Coiny: Oh yeah. I'll put my strong feelings aside so I can find a way to fuck Needle.

*goes to Firey's house*

*note on his door*

Note: Go away, I'm busy making sexy songs.

Coiny: Hey Firey, I need a sexy song so I can fuck Needle.

Firey: No fgt.

Coiny: pls.

Firey: No fgt.

Pin: pls.

Firey: K.

Pin: yey.

Firey: Here's your sexy song you fgt. I'm coming with you and so is Leafy.

Leafy: Hey what's up guys and welcome to a brand new video.

Firey: What the fuck, you're not the real Leafy

Leafyishere: O h .

The Real Leafy: I'm back.

Everyone: yey.

Coiny: Okay,I'm gonna play Needle a sexy song so we can fuck later on.

Leafy: K.


Coiny: Hey Needy.

Needle: You fucking cunt I told you not to call me Needy.

Coiny: K. I'm going to play a sexy song for you.

*Plays mixtape.*


(Guitar noise)
Oh,you touch my talalla.

(Guitar noise again)
Mmm,my ding ding dong.


(The rest of the music plays, Leafy and Pin sing in the backround while Firey just stands there.)


Needle: Wow.

Coiny: Y e a h.

Needy: I wanna fuck you now.

Coiny: Y e a h.

Needle: No not you faggot.

Needle: I wanna fuck Firey.

Firey: Y e a h.

*and so they do*

Coiny: o h .

Coiny: Pin, fuck me.

Pin:You said I wasn't pointy enough.

Coiny: Jk.

Pin: K.

*and so they fucked*

And that, kids. Is a lesson to always settle for second best.

The end.

(Also, if the story sounds familiar, It's  based my first Innocent Video on this book)
