Dont Turn Around Keep RUNNING

I started walking really slowly trying not to attract anything here. Still looks the same since I was here as a kid. As I was walking I heard the sounds of a girl screaming for her life. So I started running towards that noise thinking it was Olive.

Back in reality Mom POV
As I was sitting on the couch waiting for my husband and daughter to awaken. The door bell went off.
"Who could that be?" I thought. I walked to the door and there stood...
"Hey Olive's mom!!" Melissa waved to me.
"Hey what are you doin here?" I asked.
"Well Olive wasn't at school today so I cake to check on her. I'm hoping she's resting she's been looking really tired these past few days." Melissa she with concern. I just realized Olive probably hasn't told her about her gift if that's what you want to call it.
"Oh yea she's sleeping she's fine I promise" I lied.
"Oh well that's fine I can wait for her here so when she wakes up I can tell her what she missed." Melissa states. I begin to kinda panic because of Olive doesn't wake up by the end of the day it's going to be hard to tell Melissa without her mind thinking. Olive is in a coma. I think for a hard minute about if I should tell her or not. I decided too after some thinking because of two reasons. One she deserves to know obviously and, two if Olive doesn't wake up by the end of the day Melissa hopefully won't freak out.
"Hey Melissa I need to talk to you about something" I told her.
"Okay what about?" She asked sitting down on the couch.
"Well you see... Olive might not wake up" I said as gentle as possible.
"What do you mean she might not wake up?" She asked with confusion and a little bit of sadness.
"What I mean is she might not wake up at the end of the day.. I took a deep breath before see she's not like us when she sleeps she's able to look like she's asleep like us but in reality she's in a different world you could say but not a good one you see the one she goes too and is in right now she's trapped and needs help getting out that's why if you see her at school with bruises she gets them from there not just hitting her foot or arm on something" I explain to her
"Oh" is all Melissa was able to say at the moment. "But how is she able to do that?" She asked.
"It's something that has to be passed down so if I can't do it, it only leaves her-"
"Father" Melissa said eight before I finished my sentence.
" yep... you can stay if you want still but she might not be up by today is all I'm saying" I tell he with a warm smile.
"I'm staying I need to make sure my friends okay" she said. So we sat on the couch watching tv till both of them came back.

Back in the other world Dad's POV
I was able to find Olive and get her out before that thing noticed she was gone. I could feel that she was weak from being here especially with those bruises she's been getting. I ended up carrying her around trying to find the door I came in to get out. Every turn and corner I couldn't find it. Till something clicked it's probably still where I came in at. So I turned around and went back to the place where the door was first at when I came here. I was right it's still there I started walking towards it till I hear it's voice.
"Where are you... I know your still here there's no escape from me I hope you know... I can smell you wherever you are so if you think I won't find you...YOU THOUGHT WRONG" it's voice said really loud which made it clear it's close. I can't run with her in my arms so I put her on the ground looking around to make sure it's not near me even though I can hear it moving closer and closer to us.
"Olive listen I know you're weak and tired but I need you to run you understand run and no turning around got it?!" I told her.
"What will happen to you?" She asked about to cry.
"I don't know but you listen to me I'll be back I promise but for now I need you to run to that door and no turning around understand?" I asked her
"I'm not leaving you here!"she argued. That's when I hear it not even a foot away.
"You don't have a choice I'm turning around and you better run" I told her. I turned around towards the creature I can almost feel it's hot breath on me but I don't hear footsteps running.
"RUN NOW" I yell to her. That's when the thing was right in front of me I could feel it's sharp nails on my skin but my heart still races but not as fast when I hear footsteps running.
"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" It shouted at me.

Olive's POV
Right when he yelled run I ran as fast as I could. Even though I could feel my body ready to give up I still ran as fast as I could. To the door not turning around till I got there. Once I got there I wanted to turn around to see if he was okay. But what did I do exactly.... I didn't turn around and ran right as the door opened. My one question I have as I ran through the door was....
Why didn't he want me to turn around?
