(SCP containment breach) x strange reader

Y/n is a 6 year old boy with a very strange life. He could always do things the other kids couldn't and he has plenty of disabilities as well which got him bullied but we're getting off topic. His mom and dad sent him to this place called the Foundation. They said it was to make new friends and dad had a brother there who could watch over him.

Right now he was waiting for the door man to let him through to his uncle. A few minutes later a man in a lab coat wearing a strange red amulet."Hello y/n, I'm Dr. Bright and......"he stopped mid sentence as soon as he fully saw your face."Um, y/n cam you explain to me why you have a bandage over your eyes and left cheek?"Dr. Bright asked."Um, well my mom and dad said never to take it off, ever. And even if I couldn't I can still see well but it's weird looking in a mirror though."y/n replied. Bright just chuckle and said"I can imagine, but let's get inside to meet the others." Y/n just nodded and followed his uncle into the building.

Dr. Bright and y/n were walking to a lab full of scientists that Dr Bright wanted y/n to meet. When they got there, they were met with a bunch of people with lab coats on taking down a bunch of notes and typing on computers. Y/n quickly hid behind his uncle who only chuckled at the sight."Everyone, I want you you to meet my nephew y/n. Say hello y/n."Dr. Bright said."Um, H-hello there m-my names y-y/n."y/n stuttered. All the scientist quickly waved a hello in response, quickly getting back to whatever they were working on.

Then Dr. Bright said,"Now y/n, you are going to be in 999's pen today cause your glorious uncle has some very important work to do ok." "ok uncle Bright".y/n replied."That's awesome uncle Bright to you mister."Bright smirked, grabbing y/n's hand and leading the 6 year old to 999's chamber.

When the two got their, y/n walked into the chamber with the door closing behind him. When y/n looked around, he saw a orange blob with a face come toward him. He was scared for a moment but when the blob started tickling him, he quickly lost his fear and it was replaced with laughter.

After a while with playing with 999 y/n got bored and left to find something new but come back as to not get told off. After a few minutes of avoiding everyone and snagging something called an omni key card, he found a door. He swiped the key card and the door opened then closed behind him. He then saw a girl with brown that looked the same age as him, then walked up to her then asked,"Hello, what's your name? My name is y/n."y/n asked."Well my name is SCP-053."053 replied."Um what are you doing in here"y/n asked,"Well I live here, although I've never been outside before and I really want to."053 replied again. Y/n smiled and said,"Well I could take you to my hidey place and through that get to 999's pen. But if we're doing this then you have to close your eyes because my hidey places are secret and no-one can know about them, alright." "YES YES YES!!"053 squealed. Y/n took 053 by the hand and went into his hidey place.

When 053 opened her eyes she was in 999's pen."Wow, your hidey place must be cool if we got here this fast."053 said."Yeah, I guess my hidey place is cool."y/n replied scratching the back of his neck.

After a while, y/n and 053 were still playing, then a a speaker went off and it said,


Y/n panicked and hid in a corner waiting for the loud noises to stop(remember when I said he had disabilities)while 053 was hugging him to comfort him as well as 999.

With Dr. Bright

When Bright heard the announcement he quickly checked 999's pen, what he saw shocked and horrified him. 053 was in the chamber









Hugging/Comforting him?!?!?!?!

