Chapter 4 Fuyuki Chapter 3

Some time had went by since the new guests had been brought to Emiko's realm and as everyone had returned to their seats some seating arrangements had been changed as they noticed.

"So I got everyone up to speed on the recent viewings, so now's the time for the next one. Is everyone ready?" Emiko asked

"I believe so Emiko, you can begin" Aizawa said

Emiko nods as she starts the next viewing and the screen turned on.

With the leyline successfully established, the makeshift party began their mission. At Olga Marie's command, they set out to investigate any locations that she deemed suspicious, in the hopes that it could help them narrow down the source of the Singularity.

The actual walk was filled with a very tense atmosphere, Izuku found. They were all still coming to terms with the revelations that came earlier, and he in particular had a lot of questions about what he was supposed to do with this. Problem was, any time he started to ask the Director for advice or clarification on anything, he'd receive either an incomprehensible growl or a fierce glare from her, and that shut him up in a hurry. Any glances he gave to Mash for help only resulted in an uneasy shake of her head, as if to tell him to just drop it for now. 

"Sorry Senpai" Mash apologized as Izuku nods

So was the mood as their trek continued, which stretched on for quite a bit of time. They moved at a careful pace, thinking to change direction any time they spotted more Dragon Tooth Warriors ahead. Olga Marie's idea was to avoid making too much noise, so as to not draw attention to themselves, whether it be from the skeletons or anything else that could be skulking about. Izuku did wonder why they were called that, since it brought something familiar to mind, but given the Director's mood it was something he kept to himself.

The group didn't come to a stop until they reached a large red bridge, stretching over their heads and stopping at another section of land, a large river separating the two parts. Mash's eyes widened in recognition as she began speaking. "This is the famed Fuyuki Bridge. It helps connect both the Miyami and Shinto sections of the city together. It's undeniably the city's most famous landmark." she commented.

"Mash, we're not here on tour." Olga Marie finally remarked. Izuku and Mash both flinched at this, with the former looking worriedly at the latter. He turned back to the Director and opened his mouth to talk, but stopped short when she spun around and fixed her hard stare at him.

"...well Midoriya?" she said, expecting him to infer her meaning on his own.

Which he definitely could not, as the confused and frightened look on his face attested to. "S-Sorry...?"

"'Sorry'?!" she growled back. "Do you even know what you're saying sorry for?! Or is that just your basic defense mechanism?!"

"Okay lady. Back off!" Kaminari snapped as Kyoka places a calming hand on his shoulder

"I hope this will stop" Mina said, annoyed by Olga's attitude towards Izuku(TA)

Some of the other U.A students agreed with both Kaminari and Mina as they were equally annoyed by Olga's treatment towards Izuku(TA).

That gave Izuku the idea that she was still mad over something he had done. Given that could be any number of things, most of which he wasn't even sure of, that just left the things he did know he did wrong. " for disobeying you earlier...?" he attempted.

This earned a blank stare from the Director, left stunned by Izuku's actions for yet another instance that day. Which did little to help Izuku's growing stress levels.

"Ah!" Mash suddenly shouted. She then turned to the Director and bowed her head. "Director, I should apologize for disobeying you as well! I shouldn't have gotten so heated like that, otherwise I would've seen those enemies approaching and not put us in danger!" She then turned to Izuku and did much the same. "Senpai, I'm sorry to you as well! If I hadn't done that, you wouldn't have risked your life for us and gotten hurt!"

Izuku jolted in surprise at this, but quickly responded in turn. "I-It's OK Mash, really! I completely understand why you did, and I wasn't helping by just standing there not saying anything! If I had just made a decision sooner-"

"No, no, no, no, no!" came the response from a thoroughly exasperated Director, who was now tugging at her own hair in turn. She stopped after a second, then continued to rant at a surprised Izuku and Mash. "I can't take much more of this!" She moved a hand to gesture at Mash as she said this. "It's bad enough that I have one person who apologizes over every innocuous thing, but two?! I...just...RRRRRRGH!"

With that frustrated growl given, the Director turned and stomped away, fuming the entire way, until she walked around the other side of the bridge's support and disappeared from sight.

"Yeesh...she's really in a mood right now, isn't she...?" the voice of Dr. Roman crackled through Izuku's communicator. He lifted it up soon after, showing the hologram appearing from the device. "You guys should probably give her a bit of space right now. I'm still monitoring you all, so if she gets too far I'll let you know."

"R-Right..." Izuku responded, still left stunned and just a little unnerved after that outburst. Glancing at where she went, possibly to see if she was coming back, he then looked to the hologram and anxiously asked: "What am I doing wrong here?! I'm not trying to upset her or anything, but it's like me just being here is getting her mad!"

"That sort of is the case, Senpai." Mash explained with an uneasy face. "Setting aside what we just discovered about you and your Magic Crest, the fact remains that you even being here was not part of the Director's plan. She wanted to approach this with the best that Chaldea had to offer, while she monitored things from the Command Room." she clarified. She glanced back at where Olga Marie had gone to, before turning back and continuing with the same uneasy expression. "Suffice to say, things have not gone her way...and she really isn't capable of dealing with it..."

"Not everything can go the way one would want or expect" Lord El-Melloi II said getting many nods

"Not to mention that you kinda represent her polar opposite in a number of ways." Dr. Roman added. "She's from a prestigious mage family, you weren't even a mage until a couple of hours ago. She's connected to some of the most powerful people in the world, you're seen as basically nobody. Then there's that test I mentioned? Her results are exactly opposite yours. Her magical capability is incredible, but her ability as a Master..." he trailed off, expecting Izuku to connect the dots himself.

"Oh....damn" Sero said now starting to feel bad for the former director

"That must've taken a lot to process, and a blow to her pride" Kaminari said with a nod

Which he did, though it did little to help him feel better. Izuku soon leaned against the support behind him and slid down, ending up sitting on the ground beneath him. Fou gave a slightly annoyed "Fooou..." from atop his head, but otherwise remained comfortably seated. Izuku spoke in a defeated tone when he spoke again. "More things that I don't understand and that I can't help..."

Mash watched Izuku the whole time with a highly concerned look, and soon joined him on the ground in turn. "As I said in the facility, please don't take it too personally, Senpai. The Director doesn't actually hate you. She's just been dealing with a lot of pressure lately." she explained, before unhelpfully adding: "At least, that's what I think."

"That's reassuring" Ojiro muttered as some of them nod in agreement

"I somewhat don't know what to think about that" Kamakiri said

"Yea, but at least it makes sense why she's like that.." Pony said

"I guess" Kamakiri said with a shrug

"'A lot of pressure' is putting it mildly, Mash." Dr. Roman commented. "Considering how much money the Animusphere family pumped into Chaldea, and considering they're one of the twelve governing families of the Mage's Association, if this doesn't end well then she'll take the brunt of it." He turned to face Izuku in particular as he continued. "She wasn't kidding about how ruthless they can be. It's gonna take a lot of work to cover up your whole secret, let alone everything else that's been going on. Even then none of us can guarantee this'll end with us keeping our jobs."

This surprised the Canon Mha group as they didn't expect to hear this, especially the Pro Heroes and Naomasa.

"The Mage's Association has twelve families governing it?" Aizawa asked

"That's correct, and the Animusphere Family is among the twelve" Lord El-Melloi II said getting some nods from them "Or at least they were" He thought with a grim look on his face

Izuku grimaced at the picture that was painted. Whoever this Mage's Association was, they sounded like the most vicious bureaucrats that existed. If they really were at all like the Director or Dr. Roman described them, he got himself into a world he swiftly wanted no part of. 

He did want to ask more about them, but something else was sticking out to him. He furrowed his brow in thought, then turned to Mash again. "Mash, the founder of Chaldea...his name was Animusphere too, right?"

Mash tilted her head slightly in confusion, but answered affirmatively. "Yes, that's right. Marisbury Animusphere. He was Director Olga Marie's father."

"H-Her Father" Ochaco asked in shock, she also had a feeling something happened which was shared by some of the others

The fact that Mash talked about Olga's Father in past tense says something.

Now things were starting to make a bit more sense. Izuku hummed in thought as he went over the details. With Olga Marie being the daughter of the founder, that explained why she was the one in charge now. Also, with Mash referring to him in the past tense...

"...the founder..." he began, looking at Mash with a worried expression. "...he's..."

Mash lowered her gaze, but said nothing. "Yes, he's dead." Dr. Roman cut in to explain. "It happened three years ago. Rather suddenly, too. So as his only living heir, Olga Marie was made the new Director in his stead. Before that she was a student at the Clock Tower, so you can imagine how unprepared she was when the news came. Since then she's been running herself ragged trying to keep Chaldea going, since it's her family's reputation that's on the line. If this all goes wrong, they could lose their status, their fortune...everything her father built up would be taken away."

"Her Father's dead...." Toru said in shock

"That poor girl, losing her Father..." Inko said sadly "I can't imagine how shocked she was when she heard the news" She said

Izuku stared at Dr. Roman in shock, the full weight of the burden on Olga Marie's shoulders now apparent to him. He turned to look at where she had gone, and without a second thought he rose to his feet and started to walk. "I'm going to talk to her." he declared.

"Wha-Senpai, wait!" Mash was on her feet in a second, grabbing Izuku's wrist before he could get too far. "Th-That's a really bad idea!"

"Yeah, you don't wanna do that!" Dr. Roman hurriedly added.

"Why is it such a bad idea? He just wanted to help her" Kirishima said confused along with some of the others

"Her situation is complicated..." Dr Roman said, confusing them more

"How? How is her situation complicated?" Setsuna asked

"As Emiko said, it will be explained" Dr Roman said, a lot of people groaned at that especially the kindhearted ones like Izuku(Canon) and Ochaco

"He's right. So have patience" Emiko said to them

"I'm surprised that they're calling you by your first name" Melissa said, many were surprised to hear from her since she's been oddly quiet

Emiko shrugged "They would IF there wasn't the obvious answer" She said

Melissa nods as she knows what she means by that while the Canon Group were confused except Nezu who looked at Izuku(TA) in wonder after that.

"Interesting" He thought

Izuku looked at Mash in surprise, not at all expecting her to try and stop him. "Why not? You guys keep saying she's dealing with a lot, wouldn't it be better if she got to talk about it?"

There was a small pause, only broken by Mash shaking her head, and Dr. Roman followed up soon after. "Midoriya, your heart's in the right place here, but you really don't understand. Because of the position she's in, Director Olga Marie is convinced that if she shows any signs of weakness at any time, that'll be enough for either the Association to condemn her, or someone else in Chaldea to try and overthrow her." he explained. After a moment, he gave a weary sigh and added: "Believe me, I've tried multiple times to get her to come to counseling so she can get a reprieve, but she always refuses. Her pride simply won't allow it."

"That, and..." Mash began, before hesitantly looking away. "'re not going to like this, Senpai...but I think you saving her earlier only made things worse."

That caused Izuku to jolt like he'd just been slapped. "What?! B-But I couldn't just stand there and do nothing!" he exclaimed.

"I-I know, and I completely understand!" Mash responded, turning back to him with an equally anxious expression. "I'm not saying what you did was wrong, Senpai! But...for someone like the Director, in her position...for a completely unknown non-mage to save her life, when she believes she has to be's just a reminder of how she isn't..."

Hearing this made a lot of people to wince and pity Olga for that. It sounded like she had to put up with a lot of pressure and had to endure it.

"Isn't that too much, why are they like that towards her? She's just one person" Mina asked worried

"They just are, and that won't change for a long time" Lord El-Melloi II said with a sigh

For a moment, the face of a certain blond boy flashed in Izuku's mind as Mash explained this. Which soon prompted him to place his free hand over his eyes and give a long defeated moan. "Not again..."

"Eh?" Mash responded, looking more confused than worried now. "Again, Senpai?"

"Again?" Most of the people asked confused while Izuku(Canon) knew what his counterpart was talking about

"Let's just say that Olga reminds him of someone who has a lot of pride" Emiko said

"Really? Who?" Kirishima asked

"Take a guess" Emiko said, getting a few people to think for a moment

"It's Bakugo, isn't it?" Aizawa asked already figuring it out as Emiko nods

"Yep. Olga's pride reminds Izuku too much of Mr Bomberman" She said with a grin

"FUCK YOU!!" Katsuki shouted unknowingly proving to everyone why he's called "Mr Bomberman" according to Emiko

Emiko giggles "No thanks, I already like someone" She said with a grin

Mina and Toru squealed while Marie smiled as she heard that.

Izuku flinched as he realized what he'd almost let on, lowering his hand and slightly shaking his head. "I-It's a long story...let's just say I've sort of dealt with this before..."

"...what, you make a habit of saving prideful girls from reanimated skeletons?" Dr. Roman quipped.

"N-Not so much that, exactly..." Izuku nervously answered. He privately hoped they'd just drop the subject. He really didn't want to remember all the grisly events of his past right now.

Although the curious look Mash was giving him seemed to indicate he wasn't going to get off that easy.

"It'd be best to let the viewings show you, instead of asking him when you know he won't talk about his life" Emiko gently told Mash who nods

"Well, at any rate..." Dr. Roman weighed in. "For now, just give her the time she needs. Once things cool down more, she might be willing to talk. I'm glad that you're willing to put yourself out there for her, especially since you've been dealing with the worst of her temper." he concluded, his voice carrying an impressed tone towards the end.

Mash likewise smiled brightly at Izuku. "It's just as I told you, Dr. Roman. My new Master is incredibly kind, isn't he?"

"Got that right!" Most of Class 1A exclaimed much to Izuku(Canon)'s embarrassment and his counterpart's surprise

Izuku could only flush red in response, quickly looking away from her to try and hide his embarrassment. "I-I wouldn't go that far, Mash..." he said, while trying not to focus on how Mash hadn't let go of his wrist just yet.

"Sheesh, and so modest too." Dr. Roman commented. "I'm not sure if you're pulling off some long con or if you really are this way. Either way I'm a little annoyed for some reason."

"Dr. Roman, don't be mean to Senpai." Mash responded, her smile gone and replaced with a mildly annoyed look, aimed at the hologram. "It's not his fault you're considered unpopular, that's entirely your own doing."

"H-Hey! That was uncalled for, Mash!" he replied, sounding embarrassed in his own right.

Many laughed or were amused by that.

"It's going to come up from time to time" Emiko informed getting an annoyed look from Dr Roman and some snickers from others

"Well this should be entertaining" Da Vinci said with a amused smile

"Don't pay him any mind, Senpai. Dr. Roman has a tendency to..." she began to explain, then trailed off, briefly confused. "...what's the expression? 'Put his fist in his mouth'?"

"Put your foot in your mouth!" he corrected. "And I do not! ...not that often, anyway!"

Izuku couldn't help but smile a little bit at the back and forth between the two of them, even if it was a slightly awkward one. After such a stressful encounter earlier, a little bit of levity was helping his mood a bit.

"Oh! Senpai, you've already met Dr. Roman before, right?" Mash suddenly asked. "Do you remember that? Or are you still having short-term memory problems?"

Izuku blinked at the question, then looked at the hologram of Dr. Roman, who was now staring back at him.

How did that first encounter go again?

(Hours prior)

While Izuku was certainly in a good mood after having met that nice girl, he still had to get to the infirmary as per his orders. Which wasn't helped by his energy rapidly depleting again after that meeting, and so he had to get to his examination.

There was just a slight problem.

Once he made it there, he found that the room was empty. No sign of any doctors there. There was a lot of medical-looking equipment there; a cot with a full CAT scan system set up around it, a number of computer monitors set up close by, a tray by the cot with all the necessary items on it, and numerous other cots stretching from the back of the room to the front.

Yet, not a soul in sight. Which meant Izuku was left without any idea on what to do.

Was he supposed to go back and report that Dr. Archaman had gone missing? Was he supposed to just go back to his room? With how tired he felt neither option seemed ideal, since he'd just embarrass himself with the former and open himself up to lambasting with the latter.

How could this be happening already? His first day and he was already caught between a rock and a hard place. He was going to make the wrong call here, he was going to get another balling out from the Director, probably thrown back in the plane or copter or whatever brought him here, sent back home because he was just that useless-

"Ah, excuse me?" a voice asked, breaking Izuku's train of thought. He turned to the source, greeted with the image of what must be a doctor of some kind. The white and green lab coat along with white pants was the likely indicator of that, along with the white gloves on his hands. The long reddish-brown hair tied up in a ponytail wasn't the first thing that came to mind when Izuku thought of "doctor" but he wasn't about to say as much. The man in question stared at him with a slightly bewildered look. "Is something the matter?"

Izuku took a step back automatically to let the man enter, confused for a moment but quick to explain himself regardless. "U-Um, sorry, just...I was told to come here for an examination. I'm supposed to meet a Dr. Archaman?"

The doctor nodded once after entering the room. "That'd be me." he replied briefly. He then leaned a bit closer to look at Izuku's face, causing the boy to lean back reflexively. He hummed lightly while staring right into his eyes, mulling over some pieces of information that were apparent only to him. He then straightened up and shrugged. "You look like you need a nap. Just head on back to your room, get some rest, and you should be right as rain." With that, he turned and resumed walking, heading to the back of the infirmary.

Izuku stared at the retreating doctor, wondering if he'd made some sort of mistake. This was a pretty lax doctor, to say the least. Just to be on the safe side, he'd better press the issue a bit. "Um...are you sure that's all?" he asked nervously. "The Director was insistent I get a proper examination..."

Dr. Archaman jolted at that, turning to look at him with a frightened expression. "She sent you?!" he sputtered out, before giving a heavy sigh. "She is on the warpath today..." He shook his head slightly, then motioned for Izuku to follow him. "Alright, come on then."

Izuku still wondered if maybe this guy was just a little too lackadaisical for his own good, but did as he was asked and walked to the back of the room with him. After another gesture, he took a seat on the cot, Dr. Archaman sitting on a nearby chair and rolling along the floor with it to stop near him.

"OK, so, what's the problem?" he asked. Izuku had to wonder just what to actually tell him, considering he had made a pretty straightforward assessment seconds ago.

"Well...I don't know if it's the jet lag, or whatever that simulation was, but I just feel exhausted..." he answered. He still wasn't sure what the deal was with that, come to think of it. He had some oversized helmet shoved on his head, was suddenly told to take command of 'Servants', which made him feel a little disturbed, and then he was telling three people in some odd outfits to fight a giant made of rocks. He hadn't even finished before he was yanked back out of it.

This prompted a slightly confused look from the doctor. "The simulation wouldn't tire you out that much, I don't think..." Izuku failed to see how that was true, but the doctor only reached down and pulled up his ID to examine it. "Hmm...Midoriya, Izuku? Oh, you must be the new guy." He looked up to Izuku's face after stating this, then frowned. "Which means they just shoved you into the meeting without actually consulting me first..." he remarked. With a shake of his head, he reached over and picked up a small flashlight from the tray. "I get that we're in crisis mode but this is just irresponsible...hold still."

"When you put it like that, I can agree to that. Very irresponsible of them to do that" Aizawa said with a frown

"If Izuku had been taken to Dr Roman BEFORE the meeting then he'd still be part of the team" Emiko said as she got nods from most people "Which it's a good thing that it never happened" She thought to herself

Izuku closed one of his eyes while the doctor shone a light briefly in the other, then repeated the process for the opposite eye. "Yeah, you look pretty drained..." the doctor continued, lowering the light soon after. "Do you have any blood pressure issues? Anemia?"

Izuku shook his head in response. "N-No, I don't think so..." he added. That wasn't something his mom thought to check into. Not after that diagnosis.

Inko felt like facepalming herself for not doing that as she sighs, but smiles when Izuku(Canon) hugged her to reassure her.

"Alright, then I'll have to take a sample in a bit." the doctor added. "Let me just do a basic check first..." he continued, picking up a tongue depressor at the same moment. Izuku automatically opened his mouth at this, Archaman pressing the item on his tongue while flashing the light into his mouth and checking around. Satisfied, he moved both away and asked: "So, physically you're are you mentally?"

Izuku blinked at the question. Was this guy acting as both the medical physician and the psychologist? "At the moment...?" he asked bewilderingly. He looked more than a little hesitant as he thought over how best to respond. "Um...I...could be doing better, I guess...?"

He felt a slight tap on his knee, his leg reflexively kicking up in turn. Dr. Archaman hummed, then returned to the tray and placed the small hammer on it. "Well, you did just get thrown into the metaphorical deep end. I can only imagine you're feeling a bit stressed." he commented.

Couldn't very well argue with that. "Y-Yeah, just a bit..." Izuku allowed himself to admit. 'Just a bit' was putting it very lightly, considering the circumstances.

"It's a lot to take in, I know." the doctor continued, rolling up Izuku's sleeve while he talked. He wrapped a strap around his arm, then started squeezing a simple pump attached to it. "You were supposed to be given more time to be briefed and all, but we are down to the wire here. It's not a good excuse, they should've brought you in sooner. But that is what happened." he explained. Once the band was tight around Izuku's arm, he leaned in to examine a meter on the side of it. Nodding once, he then unwrapped the band and withdrew it. "Guess you're just unlucky?"

Izuku was wincing in part because of the strap constricting around his muscle, but afterwards the doctor's comment sort of stuck a bit. "Yeah, maybe..." he answered. The doctor really had no idea how unlucky.

Dr. Archaman hummed again, as he picked up the light again and shone it in Izuku's ear. "Not the talkative type, are you?" he remarked.

Izuku jolted a bit after he pulled back, anxiously coming up with as good an excuse as he could. "S-Sorry, this is you said, a lot to take in..."

Dr. Archaman leaned over to look at Izuku's face for a moment, his eyes narrowed just slightly, studying the nervous wreck of a boy. For his part, Izuku's eyes flitted from the doctor, to elsewhere in the room, back to him, then to the floor, and then back to him, as if waiting for him to stop staring at his eyes.

" up, please." the doctor bluntly asked. Before Izuku could question what he meant, he held up a small thermometer. He did obey, the thermometer being placed under his tongue, and once his mouth was closed the doctor continued. "I get it, this is your first day, you just met me and all that. I'm not asking you to tell me your life story or anything, so relax a little bit, OK?" He did wear a somewhat tired expression at first as he said this, but over time a small, relaxed smile appeared on his face. It made Izuku feel just a bit bad for being on-guard as much as he was.

"...sorry..." he said again, just as a reflex. "I just...really have no idea what I'm doing here..." he allowed himself to admit. "Plus...well, the Director is..." he started to add, but trailed off, not wanting to implicate himself in any way.

"A bit of a terror, yeah." the doctor admitted. "Trust me, we're all well aware of it. She's having a bad day, but then again we all kind of are." he continued, while swabbing Izuku's arm. "She must've really let you have it if you're this high-strung, though."

Izuku winced just at the thought of what had happened moments prior. "I mean...I was close to passing out during her speech..." he admitted.

"Oof, yeah, that'd set her off..." Dr. Archaman commented. Rather than continue, however, he looked at Izuku's face while holding up a needle. "Now you're gonna feel a pinch and you might get a bit dizzy after. Are you ready?"

Izuku gave a quick nod and just as quickly turned his head away. He should probably get used to needles already, but that was not gonna happen today. He winced at the pinching feeling, and waited for the doctor to finish what he was doing.

"Aaaaalright!" he said after a few seconds. Before Izuku knew what was happening, the needle was gone, and a fresh bandage was slapped on the spot it once was. The good doctor rolled away from Izuku, coming to a stop at the computer screens set up across from Izuku. "Anyway, try not to worry too much about it. You're gonna be here a while, that's lots of time to get used to your new location, get to know everyone, maybe make a friend or two along the way, all that good stuff!" he remarked.

Izuku couldn't quite see what the doctor was doing behind the desk, only that he was soon rolling back across the room, a box of cookies in hand that he passed off to him. "Here, eat up. For your blood sugar." he added.

"Th-Thank you!" Izuku responded. Now that he thought about it, he was pretty hungry. So he wasted little time opening up the box and grabbing one of the thin mints inside. Though he did still only take a small bite, carefully chewing as the doctor retreated to the computer again. "...come to think of it, I did make a friend already! ...well, kind of." he added.

"Hey, there you go!" Dr. Archaman exclaimed. "Just gotta stay positive, right?"

"W-Well, yeah...but I don't even know her name..." Izuku admitted.

"...OK, baby steps, right?" Dr. Archaman responded, trying to put a positive spin on this. He leaned over the computer screen, giving Izuku a teasing smile. "Besides, you got a friend who just so happens to be a girl? That's more progress than a lot of people have made!"

"Even you" Mash snarked

"Mash! Come on!" Dr Roman said as some laughed at that

Izuku jumped at the doctor's remark, nearly choking on the remainder of the thin mint in his throat. After a couple of coughs and a short smack to his chest, he managed to get it down, before giving the doctor a very flustered reaction. "Th-That's not w-what I meant! W-We just talked f-for a few minutes before I came in! Th-That's all!"

The doctor gave a light laugh as he turned back to the computer. "Oh that's how young love starts, my friend! By this time next month, though, I'm willing to bet she'll be aaaaall..."

He trailed off mid-tease as he stared at the computer screen. Izuku watched him all the while, his flustered mood changing to a more anxious one, as the silence stretched on for much longer than he would like.

"...Dr. Archaman...?" he cautiously asked.

"...this can't be right..." he heard the doctor mutter. He leaned past the screens to look at Izuku again, then back to the computer. "But...that would mean..."

Izuku wouldn't find out what he was getting at, as they would both hear the sound of a powerful explosion, the shockwaves causing them both to shake in their seats. The lights in the room suddenly turned red, and an alarm could be heard blaring across the speakers.

"W-What the hell?!" the doctor exclaimed, getting out of his seat and tapping his wrist device. "Lev, come in! This is Romani! What just happened-" he started to ask, but stopped as he looked up. "Hey!" he suddenly shouted.

Izuku was already on his feet and running for the door, throwing it open and dashing outside. As he ran down the hall, he heard the doctor call to him. "Where are you going?! The exit is in the other direction!"

He paid it no mind. He knew where he was going, his body having already made the decision before his head could think about it.

He had to get back into that meeting room. He had to make sure no one was hurt.

He had to do something.


Izuku's eyes widened slightly in recognition, only to be replaced with a slightly awkward smile. "Yeah, of course I remember you, Dr. Archaman!"

Dr. Roman smiled in turn. "Ah, good!" he responded. After a moment, however, that look was replaced with a slightly suspicious one. "Wait, why did you say it like that?" he queried.

Izuku tensed up a bit, glancing involuntarily at Mash for a moment as he remembered the conversation he and the doctor had, before looking back to him. "A-Actually, I had a question, now that I think about it!" he brought up, eager to avoid where this could go. "Where were you when I went into the infirmary?" he asked.

Now it was the doctor's turn to jolt and avoid looking at anyone directly, his hand finding the back of his neck as he answered. "Ah! W-Well, you know...there are some things a man has to do, after all!"

That just earned a confused look from the new Master, but a disappointed Mash soon clarified. "Dr. were shirking your duties to watch your net idol again, weren't you?"

"Net Idol?" Kirishima asked confused

"I-It was important!" Dr. Roman protested. "MagiMari's the only thing keeping me going on days like this!"

Izuku almost couldn't believe what he was hearing, not helped by Mash turning to him and continuing in the same disappointed tone. "Please don't judge him too harshly, Senpai. Despite his irresponsible nature, Dr. Roman has a good side to him as well."

"Mash, don't make me look bad in front of the newbie!" Dr. Roman protested. "And hey, if we're going to start asking personal questions, then I've got something for you, Midoriya!" he then added.

Izuku, still trying to come to terms with the fact that the one medical official he knew was slacking off and watching a net idol of all things, (Was he an otaku? Is that why Mash knows about 'Senpai'?) was unprepared for him to redirect his attention his way. Dreading what this could mean, he nevertheless cautiously responded with: "Y-Yes...?"

There was only a brief pause, before Dr. Roman exclaimed in a tense voice: "What exactly are your intentions with Mash?!"

Nope, Izuku was not prepared for that either. He very noticeably tensed up, his face turning a bright shade of red before he sputtered out an answer. "W-W-What are you t-talking about?!"

"Oh don't play coy with me!" Dr. Roman responded, echoing the Director just a bit. "You walk into my office earlier, all 'oh I just met this nice girl but I don't even know what to say to her, Doctor what do I doooo?' and expect me not to assume the worst?!"

"Th-That's not what I said! That's not even close to what I said!" Izuku quickly retorted.

"It's what you meant!" he fired back. "For all I know, you're the one who got her to wear that outfit she has on!"

"Dr. Roman!" Mash cut in, looking quite embarrassed herself. "I already told you, the Heroic Spirit I was merged with gave me all of this! Senpai had nothing to do with it!"

"A likely story!" he answered, not moved by Mash's defense. He then gave a heavy sigh and looked away from them. "Mash, I raised you to be smarter than this, and now you've fallen in line with some shady baby-faced stranger...I can feel my heart breaking just thinking about it!"

"Doctor, this is not the time for jokes!" she protested, looking at Izuku while she did. "Senpai looks like he's about to pass out from the stress!"

Which was an accurate summation, as Izuku was no longer even looking directly at either of them, his head leaned back as his face only grew redder out of sheer embarrassment. The mention of Dr. Roman raising Mash and that he was acting as a father figure was not lost on him, and he most certainly did not take any of this as a joke. He was just so overwhelmed by these accusations that he didn't even know where to begin.

Dr Roman was met with a frightening glare from Emiko as he visibly gulped in fear "While I'm aware that you're being overprotective of Mash, however I don't appreciate you accusing Izuku of things that he wouldn't do at all, especially when you were making his stress worse" She said coldly while radiating a killing aura that made everyone feel like the Shinigami was in the room as most were pale at the overwhelming aura

Dr Roman was visibly shaking and everyone could tell that he was moments away from passing out or even dying from fright.

Not that anyone could blame him as some of them were close as well.

"M-Miss E-E-Emiko, it's alright now. I'm fine" Izuku(TA) said walking over to her and hugging her tightly

"M-My Koi....h-he's touching me?" Emiko thought surprised before calming down much to everyone's relief

Though on a side note Emiko was blushing from Izuku's touch as only Nezu, Aizawa, All Might, Mash, Kiyohime notice while Kiyohime looked annoyed knowing that Izuku had yet another girl that seemed to be falling for him.

Fortunately (though not really) Izuku would find a reprieve, as a familiar scream suddenly echoed from behind the other bridge support. Before anyone could question it, Olga Marie came running back, looking and sounding panicked as she ran right by the both of them. "More skeletons! You two, do something!" she shouted, before ducking behind the opposing support.

Sure enough, when the two looked at where she had come from, more of the Dragon Tooth Warriors had shuffled out from behind the bridge support, and were slowly making their way towards them. Mash reacted quickly, stepping in front of Izuku and readying her shield. "I've got this, Senpai!" she declared.

Izuku likewise snapped to attention, quick to respond to Mash. "OK, but be careful! We're in a tighter space than we were last time, you're not going to have as much room to move around!" he assessed. "So don't rush in, let them come to you!"

Mash nodded, planting her shield upright in front of her. "Got it, Master!"

Sure enough, as Izuku surmised, the skeletons gradually approached, and a couple of them were at the forefront of the collective. One moved first, raising its sword in its typical slow, jerking gait. Mash got to it first, swinging the shield upwards, the long edge clashing against its arm, severing it and causing it to fall to the ground. Before the skeleton could react further, she jabbed one of the smaller edges at its head, the bone breaking under the impact and causing it to crumple completely.

Two more were right behind it, and Mash wasted no time with them either. Before the first could even make a move, she swung the long edge of the shield out, clashing against its spine and slicing it in two, both halves clattering to the ground. Remembering what Izuku had told her the last time, Mash spun to react to the other one, her elbow swinging out and ramming against its face, the skull splintering from the impact, and another soldier fell.

Izuku couldn't help but be amazed at how quickly Mash was adapting to the situation. "Keep it up, Mash! You're doing-" he started to shout to encourage her, but stopped suddenly when he saw something. His voice then changed to a panicked one. "Wait, Mash, look out!"

It was a hair too late, however, as Mash suddenly cried out, feeling something pierce into her. She looked to her shoulder to see a blade - not a sword, but the tip of a spear - sticking into it, blood starting to seep from the wound. Reacting quickly, she turned and swung her shield at the assailant, knocking it off of its feet entirely and sending it flying to the wall, only to plant her shield down in front of her right after. Mostly because the spear was still sticking into her arm, forcing her on the defensive.

"Mash!" Izuku cried, panic setting in for him. He was already starting to move forward, only for someone to grab his arm. He turned to see the Director had come back out from hiding, rapidly shaking her head at him.

"Don't you dare!" she shouted. "You still don't know how to use your Magecraft yet! If you go out there again you're just going to end up hurt!"

Izuku stared at her with an anxious expression, before looking to Mash, who was trying to protect herself as yet more skeletons struck at her shield with their spears. His eyes flitted across the battlefield, his mind running at full tilt, trying to think of a way around the problem Olga Marie proposed. His eyes fell on the one severed skeleton arm, still clutching a rusted sword.

"Midoriya, whatever you're planning-" she started to say, but Izuku wasn't fazed. He reached up and plucked Fou off of his head, handing him off to her.

"Fou, stay with the Director!" he called, before breaking away and running for the broken arm. Fortunately, the bones weren't all that difficult to move, allowing him to retrieve the sword quickly.

"Midoriya!" she shouted, but Izuku was already running into the fray. With a shout, he swung the rusty blade at the closest enemy to him, hitting the skeleton's spine.

Cue a frustrated groan from Aizawa and Emiya and a nervous chuckle from Izuku(TA).

Which stuck in the bone. Leaving Izuku briefly immobile, as the skeleton in question slowly turned its head in his direction.

Well, at least he got its attention.

Thinking fast, he planted a foot on the skeleton's chest and pushed back, which sent it stumbling against its comrades, but also sent Izuku stumbling flat on his back. He quickly rose to his feet, lifting up the sword and hurling it at the one skeleton. Which did hit, but stuck in its exposed ribs, not actually doing anything to hurt it. It wasn't a lot, but it did give Mash some reprieve, letting him run to her and try to help her up.

"Mash, are you OK?!" he asked, forgetting that would sound kind of stupid given she still had a spear in her shoulder.

"I-I'll be fine, S-Senpai!" she responded, her legs shaking as she got back to her feet. "Just get back, I can handle this!" she added, already stepping in front of him protectively.

Izuku was pretty sure she could not, but he wasn't about to voice that. Instead, he put a hand on her undamaged shoulder. "Mash, step backwards with me!" he asked.

Mash looked at him in confusion, but did as he asked, taking a few steps backwards alongside him.

"Now, turn your shield on its side!" he added. Mash did just as he said, the long edge now parallel to the ground. Izuku grabbed onto this from behind, standing right beside her as he prepared his plan.

It was a gamble if this would even work, but with Mash's shoulder hurt, he had to try it. He thought back to that moment when he swung that punch. If he could just recapture that feeling, even if for a second, it could make all the difference. He looked over to her, remembering the desire he had in that instance, changed just slightly.

Save her.

This time, he felt it. The lines lighting up across his skin, spreading across his whole body. He already felt it heating up, meaning they had to act fast. He saw the skeletons rising up again, beginning their approach.

"Now! Ramming speed!" he called to Mash.

In unison, the two cried out and charged forward, crashing into the remaining horde of bones. They pushed across the width of the bridge above them, catching all of the skeletons in one movement. Before any of them had the sense to try and attack while caught against the shield, Izuku pushed off his part of the weapon. This allowed Mash to swing the shield in one large arc, sending half a dozen skeletons flying in pieces across the water, left to splash and sink to the river's depths.

They both dropped to the ground right after, Izuku feeling the effects of his Circuits turning back off. It was only for a couple of seconds, but he still felt off as he cooled down. He turned to Mash after a moment, getting up and hurrying to her side again.

She winced as she knelt there, looking up to him after he approached. "Th-Thank you, Senpai..." she said, although she sounded apologetic when she spoke. "I'm sorry, you shouldn't have needed to endanger yourself for me again..."

"It's OK, don't worry about that..." he answered, still sounding anxious for very obvious reasons. He moved around to the wounded shoulder, looking up and down the spear, starting to fret a bit as he was having trouble trying to think of what to do. "OK, first we need to get this out..."

"Are you sure you're able to do that?" Olga Marie cautiously asked. She had approached after the battle was over, surveying the damage Mash had taken with a hesitant eye. "It's not like it'll just pop right out!"

"I-I know, but we still need it out before she can heal!" Izuku responded. After a moment's contemplation, however, he froze up. "Ah, we need some kind of medical supplies!" He turned to the Director after declaring this, panicked all over again. "Director, did you bring anything like that with you?!"

The response was another blank stare from Olga Marie, before she closed her eyes and let a low growl out through clenched teeth. She then walked around in front of Mash. "Let me worry about that. You just get this thing out of her." she ordered. "Just make sure to pull it straight out."

Izuku blinked in surprise at this, but nodded. "R-Right!" he responded. He gripped down on the base of the spear, prompting a short involuntary whimper from Mash. He winced at this, speaking in as soothing a voice as he could manage, taking his own anxiousness into account. "Sorry'll be over in just a few seconds..."

Mash gave a slight nod, trying to put on a brave face. "I-It's alright, Senpai...I'm ready." she concluded. Olga Marie grabbed both sides of Mash's shoulder to keep her steady, nodding up at Izuku.

"OK..." he hesitantly said. He gripped down tighter on the spear, inhaling deeply to steel his nerves. He let the breath out after a second. "" he counted down, and after a short pause, he pulled.

The Director was right, it didn't come out right away. The first pull caused it to only barely budge. The second had it slide a little more, just prompting another squeak of pain from Mash.

"Come on Midoriya, pull!" Olga Marie shouted. With a strained grunt, Izuku pulled with all the might he could muster without using his Circuits. There was a disgusting splattering sound, followed by Mash letting out a pained yell, but the spear was yanked free and tossed behind Izuku. Before he could say anything else, however, he saw Olga Marie's hands glowing, radiating a faint green light over Mash's wound. He watched in amazement as the wound began to close before his eyes.

"Good job, Mash, you're going to be fine now." Olga Marie stated as she continued her work. Before long, the wound was completely gone, with only the stain of Mash's blood on her arm to indicate it had been there at all.

"Thank you, Director..." she replied, the both of them standing up soon after. They only had a moment's reprieve, as Izuku suddenly drew closer with his eyes wide in awe.

"Director, that was incredible!" he suddenly exclaimed. "Is there any way you can teach me how to do that?!" he added, now appearing much more excited at the notion.

This earned another confused look from the Director, who simply replied: "Why? You can already do it, the spell's in your Mystic Code." When she got an equally confused look back, she sighed and shook her head. "Your uniform. It's imbued with a few basic spells to help out in a pinch. Which means I'll have to teach you how to do that at some point as well..."

Before Izuku could think to question how exactly his white uniform with one too many belts across it could have magic implanted in it, Olga Marie stepped closer to him and pointed a finger just an inch away from his nose, causing him to jolt back. "More importantly!" she began, right back into an angrier mood. "Didn't I tell you not to jump in like that?! Do you seriously not understand the situation going on here?! If the Master dies, then the Servant has no mana to work with, which means they're as good as dead as well!"

Izuku was surprised by this outburst, much as he probably shouldn't have been. What was more surprising is how he reflexively shouted right back at her. "I didn't have a choice! Mash was hurt, I couldn't just leave her out there! I had to do something!"

"So your 'something' was to run right in there and paint a target on you?!" she snapped back, oddly enough not fazed by this total nobody of a mage talking back to her.

"What else could I do?!" he retorted.

Olga Marie opened her mouth to respond again, but just as quickly closed it, instead lowering her head and pressing her hands to her temples. Izuku's earlier stubbornness faded a bit, and he quickly tried to repair this by explaining himself better. "Director, I know you're looking out for me, and I'm sorry, but I can't just stand back and do nothing while someone else does all the fighting!"

"Senpai, you weren't just 'doing nothing', though." Mash intervened, an uncertain expression on her face. "You were giving me advice on how best to approach things. If it wasn't for your quick thinking I likely would've been hurt or worse much sooner."

Izuku turned to Mash with a slightly surprised and confused look. He hadn't even thought of things from that angle, but it didn't help all that much. "Well...yeah, but..." he started to say, but soon trailed off. He knew in his head that she was right, he had contributed to the battle and all. It still didn't feel like enough, though.

"Midoriya." Olga Marie suddenly said. Izuku faced her again, only to be greeted with a tired stare. "Sit." was her only statement.

"...I'm sorry?" he replied.

"Sit." she repeated, now glaring more fiercely at him.

This time it worked, with Izuku almost automatically dropping down to the ground, sitting on his knees. Fou hopped down from Olga Marie's shoulder and walked over to Izuku, returning to his favourite perch atop his head. The Director stared at them for a moment, before grumbling and shaking her head. "Alright, since you clearly don't understand the severity of all of this, I'll have to explain it to you. And I despise repeating myself, so you'd better appreciate it!"

Izuku flinched at the Director's stern tone, then nodded rapidly. "Y-Yes ma'am! Thank you very much, ma'am!" he sputtered out.

"Well that was quite the personality switch..." Dr. Roman commented. Izuku reached over and cut the feed in response, mostly to avoid invoking her wrath any further. Which, considering she was glaring hard enough at him that he worried she'd burn a hole through his head, was probably the right call to make.

"Right. Let's start from the top." Olga Marie began. "First, Rayshifting. Do you know what that is, or were you completely unconscious by that point?"

"Um, Mash explained it to me before we found you." he answered. "Basically, we've been sent back in time?"

"Yes. Good, that's one thing we can skip over." she concluded. She folded her arms before moving on. "So, you know how we got here. Do you know why?"

Izuku paused at her question, not really sure where this was going. "...because...something is wrong...?" he attempted.

" be extremely broad, yes." she answered, though she looked quite unimpressed as she did. She turned and started pacing back and forth as she began explaining. "One of the functions of Chaldea is to observe humanity's future to ensure that we as a species continue to exist and prosper. Through the use of our Near-Future Observations Lens, SHEBA, we can see up to one hundred years into our future." She paused for a moment, clearly taking notes from the speech she gave in the meeting room. "We suddenly observed humanity going dark, and the world turning grey and lifeless. In a year and a half from our present, the human race would simply vanish without a trace."

" in a year, Humanity will cease to exist!?" Sero asked in shock

"WHAT!?!?" Everyone else from the canon universe asked in shock and horror

"That is correct, and that is what we're facing right now" Mash said with the rest of the Servants nodding in agreement

"Do you know what's causing it to happen?" Aizawa asked

"Knowing Emiko she wouldn't want any spoilers so you'll all have to see for yourselves" Lord El-Melloi II said getting nods from everyone

She stopped here to let the weight of the danger they were facing sink in. After a moment's pause, she resumed pacing. "We hadn't detected any extinction-level events in the future, so whatever was going on, it must be in the past. So we used the Lens to search through Earth's history, and we found something here, in this place and time. A Singularity, a black spot that we could not observe. Thus, we concluded that whatever would bring about humanity's destruction, it was here."

"A that's what's causing it..." Nezu said

"Originally yes, but now...." Dr Roman trailed off

"But now there's more than one Singularities, and they're all happening at important parts of Human History" Mash said

"I see" Nezu said, he frowned as he knew that that was a huge problem in more ways than one

She stopped again, then turned to face Izuku. "Are you following so..." she started to ask, but trailed off while staring down at him. "...are you taking notes?" she wondered.

Sure enough, Izuku had a notepad in his hand as Olga Marie was speaking, rapidly jotting down everything he was being told, while Fou stood on his shoulder and watched him. He looked up at her at her question, blinking a couple of times before responding. "Should...should I not?"

" know what, never mind." she relented, though she still found it a tad odd to do that. "Right, so, you are correct in that something is wrong here. Do you have any ideas on what that could be, Midoriya?" she asked to test him.

Izuku pondered this for a moment, before again cautiously asking: " it related to this 'Holy Grail War' at all...?"

"Most likely, yes." the Director replied. Though she soon adopted a slightly suspicious look after a moment. "...judging by the way you said that, however, I'm guessing you don't know what that is." she remarked.

"What exactly is a Holy Grail War?" Shoto asked

"Just continue watching and you'll find out" Emiko simply said

Izuku flinched slightly, then wore a sheepish smile. "S-Sorry, Mash started to explain, but then we heard you and had to focus on saving you..."

The remark earned a slight growl from the Director, but she said nothing in relation to that. "Right then, let's cover that next." she stated. She then resumed pacing as her explanation began. "A Holy Grail War is a battle between Masters and Servants, for the right to claim the aforementioned Grail. Whoever claims the Holy Grail will be able to make a wish upon it, so long as all of the other Servants are defeated first." She paused for a moment, glancing back at Izuku as he continued to jot down information, then pressed on.

"As I assume you don't actually know what Servants are, I'll cover that too." she continued. "A Servant is a Heroic Spirit made into a familiar, the highest class of familiar that we have access to, and one of the few instances of True Magic that exists in the modern day. That is why it is so significant to become a Master; it's only supposed to happen once every generation, and to only a handful of mages. A Servant manifesting at all is nothing short of a miracle by our standards."

Izuku looked up as Olga Marie explained all of this, beginning to understand the significance of all of this, even if only slowly. She continued: "Since I'm sure you're wondering about it, a Heroic Spirit is a figure from our long and storied history. A warrior who slew many on the field of battle. A king who ruled a nation and rose it to great prosperity. A mage who brought about miracles. A figure who changed the world as a whole. It is beings such as these that are added to the Throne of Heroes when they die, and through the ritual of the Holy Grail, can be summoned to aid present-day humanity."

"So like people like King Arthur?" Momo asked

"That's right, and there are others like that" Emiya said

Artoria didn't say anything as she ate her burger that Emiko provided for her.

This definitely got Izuku's attention, his eyes widening and excitement briefly overtaking him. "H-Heroes from human history?!" he exclaimed. "So, you mean people like Miyamoto Musashi, or Sakamoto Ryouma, or Tomoe Gozen, or Minamoto no Yoshitsune?!" he asked, just as a start.

Both Olga Marie and Mash were staring at him in surprise after this sudden outburst. The latter found this excitable part of him a little bit endearing, while the former was more focused on trying to answer. "W-Well, yes, I'm sure figures like those and many more are in the Throne." she replied. She internally noted how typical it was that he'd list off Japanese names, but had the restraint not to say that aloud. "However, it is impossible to summon a Heroic Spirit in its entirety, so a fragment of them is used instead to make a Servant. This fragment is based on the skills they had in life, and thus they are placed into a class that best reflects those." she continued, opting not to focus on his fanboyism. "Saber. Archer. Lancer. Rider. Caster. Assassin. Berserker." she listed off, certain he was writing those down. "So, for example, Miyamoto Musashi would be a Saber, since he is renowned for his swordsmanship. However, he wouldn't qualify for something such as Rider, or Archer, since he never had anything to do with those feats in his life."

Izuku nodded emphatically as he wrote all of this down, his mind running wild with all the possibilities this now brought up. For once he didn't end up descending into muttering frantically, instead directing his attention to Mash. "So that means you're one of these too, right Mash?! Which one are you?!" he excitedly asked.

Mash's face lit up with a blush at the question, though it was more one of embarrassment as she looked away from Izuku. "S-Sorry, Senpai...I'm not any of them..." she admitted. More because of what else she wasn't, which she hoped he wouldn't ask her about.

He tilted his head in clear confusion at this, to which Olga Marie sighed and stepped to Mash's side. "I didn't want to get into this, but there are other classes besides the main seven. We'll worry about those later. In Mash's case, I can confirm that she is the first ever Shielder Servant." she explained. She then gestured to the giant shield that Mash was still carrying. "As if that wasn't evident already."

Izuku nodded in understanding, only for his eyes to light up again before he raised his hand like he was in class. "Oh! Director, you said something about a 'Noble Phantasm' earlier! Can you explain what that is?"

"Didn't I ask you at the start of all this to not act like a student?!" the Director snapped. Izuku's hand shot back down as he gave a short yelp, but Olga Marie simply continued. "A Noble Phantasm is a Servant's biggest secret. A crystallization of their legend. In most cases, a weapon that they're most known for using, or a skill they've developed over their lives." She paused after clarifying this, then looked over at Mash. "What is your Noble Phantasm, anyway?" she asked.

Mash tensed up at the question, again looking away from both the Director and Izuku. "I-I'm sorry...I don't know the name of my Noble Phantasm..." she admitted.

"You don't know?" the Director asked, now taken aback. "How could you not know?"

"The Heroic Spirit merged with me didn't tell me that, or their True Name. They only gave me what I needed and then faded into my subconscious." she clarified.

Izuku nodded in understanding, adding that to his notes. After a second of this, however, he slowly lifted his head again. "Wait...Achilles is just a myth though." he remarked.

Olga Marie grumbled and shook her head, looking away from Izuku and opting not to answer that. It took a moment for it to sink in, but sink in it did. His eyes widened in realization at this, and his mind again ran wild with the possibilities this presented. "Achilles is real, then?! But if he's real, then that must mean the Trojan War actually happened! And if that happened, then that would mean the Greek pantheon actually existed too! Gods were actually real! Or, maybe they're still around?! But is it just the Greek gods? Or did other gods exist too? Is this a situation where all the deities existed simultaneously? If that's the case, then other mythical figures would have existed as well. So did people like Robin Hood actually exist? Or Xuanzang Sanzang? Or Sasaki Kojirou? Then that could also mean all the famous events that took place in their time periods really happened. That would mean creatures like giants and dragons and monsters all actually existed! But why don't they exist anymore? Why don't we see those now?"

Shiozaki fainted at the revelation that Mythological figures really did exist as she had foam in her mouth after that.

"Well she's going to be in for a surprise when I or my sisters make our appearance" Medusa thought, Kendo had explained to them that Shiozaki was a religious person, which means that she'll be surprised every time whenever she meets a mythological figure

Olga Marie was once again left to stare in disbelief at Izuku as he went off on this tangent of his, muttering to himself all the while about this subject. She slowly turned to look at Mash as he continued, to which she could only give an awkward smile and a shrug. "I-I've found that Senpai sometimes does this when he gets curious about something..." she admitted.

"...right." was all the Director could offer in response. She slowly looked back at Izuku, watching him continue to mutter rapidly to himself, until it went on just a bit too long for her liking. "Midoriya!" she called to get his attention.

"Ah-!" Which it did, snapping Izuku out of this state and causing him to nervously stare up at her. "R-Right, sorry!" he squeaked out.

The Director stared at him for a second or two longer, unsure of what to even make of this, before shaking her head again and continuing. "All of this to get to one very important point, Midoriya." she began. "Whether it's here or in the future, odds are we will run into enemy Servants at some point." After saying this, she stepped forward and poked a finger right between Izuku's eyebrows. "If and when that happens, you will not engage them. A Servant's strength is many times higher than that of a mortal being. If you even tried to fight one yourself, you'd end up a red stain on the ground before the first punch was ever thrown. Got that?" she explained sternly.

The thought of being taken down that quickly was definitely a frightening one, so Izuku quickly nodded in compliance. "Y-Yes ma'am, I understand!" he answered.

She slowly raised an eyebrow, an indication that she wasn't as willing to believe him. The eyebrow lowered. "Repeat that back to me." she commanded.

"...if we encounter enemy Servants, I am not to engage." he nervously repeated.

"That's not going to last for very long, I can already tell" Aizawa thought, he can already feel a headache just from thinking of that

"Good." she answered. She then withdrew her finger and turned away from them both. "Now, the longer we stay in one place, the better chance we have of running into more danger. There's nothing here to indicate what the source of this Singularity is, so we should find another landmark to investigate." she concluded. She then started walking while motioning for them to follow. "Let's go!"

Sure enough, Izuku was on his feet and following behind Mash as they moved to catch up to her. He had a lot to mull over now. The existence of mythical beings, finding out that Servants were all famous heroes from history, the truth of what a Holy Grail War was, what their mission here in Fuyuki really was, how the world was supposed to end in the near future; all of this and more whirled through his head.

In addition to that, however, he also watched Mash as they walked and thought about how uncomfortable she looked admitting that she wasn't aware of her own power, or of the name of the Spirit she merged with. He wasn't quite sure why, it wasn't her fault that the Spirit wasn't forthcoming with that information.

Surely that was a problem that was easily solved, right?

Published: 8/15/23
