Chapter 23

Tomika's POV

I am so glad that I have my voice back, it means that I can still connect with my parents. I am so thankful that I had my friends by my side. I'm planning something for them, a surprise for always being by my side. Right now I am working on the surprise, but I then see Zack walk in with fremmer so I put the pieces of paper away before they could see it

Tomika: hey guys

Summer: hey tomix how you feeling

Tomika: better now that I have my voice back

Zack: babe we were thinking of hanging out as a group you want to join

Tomika: of course

Freddy: we have dance so we'll meet you guys at the mall

Zack and summer: sounds good

And with that Zack and fremmer leave and I get changed for dance and once I had finished I made my way to the dance studio to find them rehearsing something

Tomika: what's going on guys

Josh: Mika this isn't what it looks like

Tomika: it looks like you guys are dancing without me

Maddie: Tomika calm down

Tomika: calm down, you want me to calm down

Freddy: Tomika

Tomika: I didn't expect this from you Freddy

Josh: Mika just hear us out

Tomika: I'm listening

Josh: ...

Tomika: well...

Josh: we can't tell you

And with that I storm out of the dance studio and go back to my dorm room. Ten minutes later Freddy walks in

Freddy: Tomika

Tomika: why were you dancing without me Freddy

Freddy: I can't tell you Tomika

Tomika: why not

Freddy: I just can't

Tomika: get out

Freddy: Tomika

Tomika: GET OUT

And with that Freddy leaves scared and summer walks in straight after Freddy leaves

Summer: what was that about tomix

Tomika: I don't want to talk about it

Summer: I'm here if you want to talk

And with that I leave mine and summer's dorm room and I make my way to the music room to find Zack there

Tomika: hey

Zack: hey babe, you ok

Tomika: yeah I'm fine

Zack: I can tell when your lying babe what's up

Tomika: I went to the dance studio for dance and I found them working on a routine without me and I had a go at them for it

Zack then comes up to me and he pulls me into a hug and I bury my head into his chest

Zack: have you asked them why they were dancing without you

Tomika: I asked them and they wouldn't tell me

Zack: how about we go out later just the two of us instead of with the group

Tomika: I'm good I'm just gonna go to my dorm room, I'll see you tomorrow zackie

And with that I peck kiss zacks lips and I make my way to mine and summer's dorm room to find that she has left a note:

I'm going to be in Freddy's dorm don't wait up for me

Tomika: great the one person I wanted to talk to isn't even here

Josh: Mika

Tomika: what do you want

Josh: your mad at us aren't you

Tomika: what do you think

And with that josh leaves and I change out of my clothes and get into my bed and fall asleep

Freddy's POV

Right now I am with summer as I am trying to figure out how the dance team can make it up to Tomika. So far we have nothing. Just then josh walks into my dorm room

Freddy: hey josh what's up

Josh: I went to speak to Mika and I've never seen her this mad

Freddy: have we lost her trust

Josh: I hope not otherwise what were doing won't matter

Summer: what are you guys doing exactly. I don't get why Tomika is so mad

Josh: Tomika's mad because she thinks of all of us as family and family doesn't keep secrets from each other and to answer your first question, were planning on performing a tribute dance to Tomika's parents

Summer: and why couldn't you of told her that

Freddy: because we're surprising her with it, which is why we can't have her in the dance

Josh: and there's something else we haven't told her

Fremmer: what is it

Summer: wait you don't know what it is

Josh: no we haven't told Freddy either

Freddy: how come

Josh: because it's a surprise for school of rock

Summer: wait what

Just then we see Zack walk in

Zack: is Tomika ok

Josh: she's mad at us cause we're keeping secrets from her

Zack: why don't you just tell her

Summer: there surprising her Zack

Zack: oh ok

Summer: are you ok zack

Zack: I overheard Tomika talking to herself, she wants to talk to you summer but she read your note

Summer: what did she say

Tomika: that the one person she wants to talk to isn't even there

Summer: I better go see if she's ok

Zack: she's asleep summer I checked on her before I came here. And she was crying in her sleep guys

Josh: this is bad

Freddy: we have a week before we perform the dance for her

Josh: I guess we'll just have to be patient for her to forgive us

Fremmer and Zack: you might be right

And with that we all made our way back to our dorm rooms and we all fell asleep
