
Hey Guys!!

Last Chapter I had posted Q&A where you asked your questions to the characters so here I am back with the answers to your questions.

Lets go,

Interviewers (In)

*This is a pretty long chapter guys. So grab your favourite snacks, sit back relaxed and enjoy reading this chapter😀


Hey guys. Are you all ready with your questions?

In: Yes 

Ok so let's proceed, first question please.

Q1) Can you adopt me after you get Seokmin as your mate please?
Answer: Uh are you sure Seokmin is going to be my mate? Because he is superior than me and I don't think two superior wolfs can be mate's with each other. But if he is then well it's not my decision to take alone, I need Seokmin's consent as well. If he agrees then i don't see why not. 

In) Well i can't say much about it because you have to wait to turn eighteen for you to know your mate. All i can say is you are going to love the mate chosen my Moon Goddess.

Soonyoung: Really?? Well I hope that Seokmin is only my mate. I am in love with him since i don't know like when i was seven or something. 

In) Wow I hope your wish is fulfilled. Let's proceed with the next question. 

Q2) Do you like tigers?
Answer: Oh this is my favorite question. Of course i love tigers. *proceeds to roar as a tiger Horanghae 

Hoshi: As your wolf i am offended. I thought me and you are bonded for life. 

Soonyoung: Here we go again. why can't you go one day by not teasing me.

Hoshi: Well its fun teasing you. *evil laugh 

Soonyoung: *Shuts his wolf and sighs, Next question please

Q3) Who do you like the most? Seokmin or Tigers?
Answer: Eh? This is a tough question. um i like both of them though.

In) Aye you have to choose one. You can't just get away by answering it simply. 

Hoshi: If i were asked that question i would have chosen Seokmin, you are one of the dumbest human alive. 

Soonyoung: Um if i have to choose one then it definitely would be Seokmin

Q4) Do you like the way Seungcheol cares for you?
Answer: Well yes I do, he is the best hyung I have ever got (don't tell him this though or he'll be full of himself). But the way he treats Seokmin, I don't like it one bit. I am still angry on him for the day he blamed my condition on Seokmin and decided to separate us. Like can you imagine he tried to separate Seokie and me. 

Q5) Are you happy being a Trueblood?
Answer: Um I am happy but i am also not, do you get me? Like yeah i am happy that i am a higher rank but also at the same time this higher rank has cost me alot, because of me many people were put into danger. I don't want this 

In) That's all from us. Thank you so much for taking out time and answering our questions. We had a great time interviewing you Soonyoung.

Soonyoung: I had a great time as well :)


Hello guys. I hope you all are doing well. 

In: We all are doing well, thankyou for asking. Ready for the questions?
Seok: Yes I am. Bring it on

Q1) Can you please adopt me after you get Soonyoung as your mate?
Answer: Um I am still Seventeen though and not sure who my mate is yet. But if you insist that I should adopt you then i surely will (>'-'<)

Q2) Do you like Soonyoung more than a friend?
Answer: Uh I don't know. He is attractive, charming and funny though and exactly my type but I know that we both might not end up together so there's no point in developing feelings. 

Q3) Who will you save first, your Jeonghannie hyung or Soonyoung?
Answer: Why are you asking these type of questions? I can't choose between them.

In) Look we want to know the truth so spill it?
Seok: Ok fine. I am strong so I'll save both of them. 

Q4) Who is more important to you Soonyoung or Minghao?
Answer: They both are my best friends. How rude of you to make me choose between them. I can't choose I am sorry.

Q5) How does it feels to be a pure wolf? Aren't you scared that you might also face the danger like Soonyoung?
Answer: It feels good. I have something to brag about that I am Moon goddess' child. I am superior to all of them, so it is great. And about feeling scared, I do feel scared. When i was kidnapped by the rogues I thought it would be the end of me but luckily by best friends came in time and saved me. 

In: Well that's it. Hope you had fun. 
Seok: I did. It was amazing. But I wish there were more questions about me and my wolf. 


In) Are you ready?
Cheol: Yes I am

Q1) When will you gain some common sense and stop blaming our sunshine?
Answer: Look first I am really sorry. I was a bit jealous of Seokmin and Jeonghan's bond. They are too close for my liking. But then I realized that their bond and my bond with him is completely different and I have nothing to be jealous about. So yeah I know made mistakes and I am willing to resolve them.

Q2) You will soon get the shock of your life.
Answer: Well thanks for the heads up but I am genuinely confused as to what you meant by that.

In) Don't worry you'll get to know soon.
Cheol: Ok as you say. Next question please.

Q3) I just have a request. Please love all of your friends and respect your mates and also love your mates more.
Answer: I do love my friends and I respect my mates as well. Its just that jealousy took over me badly and I was unable to form a perfect mate bond with them. Going forward I will live up to the expectations of my mates and love them unconditionally.

Q4) Be nice with your mates Seungcheol.
Answer:- Again as I said I will treat them nicely and I won't disappoint any of you.

IN) Well that was it. Hope you enjoyed it.
Cheol: I did. Thankyou so much.


In: Hey Jeonghan. You ready?
Jeonghan: I was born ready.

Q1) Who do you like more Seungcheol or Joshua?
Answer: I do like both of them. They both are my mates but Seungcheol is getting on my nerves these days so i am not sure. 

In: Well we just spoke with him and he said that he is willing to change himself and spend some more time with his mates. What are your thoughts on it?
Answer: Well if he is willing to change and give our relationship a second chance then its good. I really want to be close with him as I love him and Shua alot. 

Q2) Please spend some time with Seungcheol and Joshua also.
Answer: I am willing to spend time with them if they both want to as from my side everything is clear. It is not my fault that he got jealous of mine and Seokmin's bond whom I consider as my child.

Q3) Try to spend some time with your mates too.
Answer: Um yeah of course. Tell this to Seungcheol and Joshua as well.

In: Well that was the last question. We hope you enjoyed.
Jeonghan: Yeah I did.


In) Without further ado let's get straight into it.
Joshua: Let's go

Q1) What do you think about your mates' relationship with your ex-crush?
Answer: Um well I don't have any problem with Jeonghan's and Seokmin's relationship as i know they share this bond since their childhood but Seungcheol's and Seokmin's bond is concerning to me as I want both of them to get along. Seungcheol is acting petty and that is ruining Seungcheol's and Jeonghan's bond as well.

Q2) Do you feel anything for Seokmin now, as you have finally accepted your mates?
Answer: No now that I have my mates and love them unconditionally, I do not feel anything for Seokmin. Deep down I still miss our connection. But i don't think he misses me alot and that's completely fine. I am glad he wasn't my mate because Moon goddess blessed me with two amazing mates. 

Shu Shu: I am proud of you Shua.

Q3) Please try to make Seungcheol and Jeonghan's bond healthy. You are very sweet.
Answer: Aww thank you so much. And yes I need to make their bond strong. I'll definitely do it.

In: That was it. Hope you enjoyed.
Shua: I did. Thankyou for having me


In: Hello Jun. Should we get into it?
Jun: Yes of course

Q1) How do you feel about having Hao as your mate? and sorry for trying to steal him from you
Answer: You have a nickname for him? That's my job though. Anyway about having him as my mate, well I am really happy because as I am gay I wanted a boy as my mate and moon goddess really blessed me with one. I had my eye on him since we started going back n forth our packs. He's cute.

Q2) What are your feelings for Hao-Hao?
Answer: What's up with everyone giving MY mate a nickname? Don't steal my job. But to answer your question I love him alot and will shower him with lots of love from now onwards.

Q3) Do you know anything about Soonyoung and Seokmin?
Answer: Well duh. I am Soonyoung's bestfriend of course I get the tea first. And about their bond I think Soonyoung is in love with Seokmin. (Don't tell I told y'all or else he'll murder me).

In: We'll keep this a secret between us.

Q4) How come Rogues can't enter your pack? Is there some safety protection?
Answer: Yes we have an invisible wall  surrounding our pack. Which forbids rogues to enter our pack.

In) So can you install those in Crescent moon pack as well? So you know you all can be safe.
Answer: Well we are trying to install it there as well but It might take time.

In: Ok that's all from us. Hope you had a great time.
Jun: Yes I did. Thankyou for having me.


Q1) How do you feel getting Jun as your mate?
Answer: Actually I feel good. I didn't like any Alpha's other than Jihoon hyung and Seokmin but Jun is really a good Alpha and I like his company alot.

Q2) Will you love Jun as your mate?
Answer: Yes of course. Moon goddess has chosen us to be mates so yes I will love him with all my heart.

Q3) You will have to leave your current pack and also Seokmin. How do you feel about that?
Answer: Um I don't feel anything as most of the time the Red moon pack's members are in our pack most of the time so yeah I don't think it will make a major difference.

Q4) Do you think after getting your mate, yours and Seokmin's bond might change?
Answer: No absolutely not. Seokmin and My bond is really very strong no one can break that. I have pride in our bond.

In: That's it. Hope you enjoyed this.
Hao: I did. Thankyou so much


Q1) What do you think about guys with glasses?
Answer: I like guys with glasses. I can think of one person who really looks good in those.

Q2) What do you think of a boy who like games?
Answer: As I am also a big fan of games, I really love guys who love playing games. They are very attractive.

Q3) Do you think that your bond with Crescent moon pack members has gotten stronger?
Answer: Yes I do feel that. Those guys are really amazing. I love hanging out with them. Especially Wonwoo because he's really intriguing me.

In: That's all from us. Hope you had great time.
Mingyu: I did. Thankyou for having me.


Q1) What do you think about bulky but clumsy Alpha's?
Answer: I really haven't paid attention into any Alpha's but yeah bulky and strong Alpha's are my type not sure about the clumsy part.

Q2) What do you think about having an Alpha who is clumsy but cooks well?
Answer: *makes a thinking face well to start I don't know how to cook, i really can't so if my future Alpha can cook i am willing to marry him and I won't care about his clumsiness as I am there to handle him.

Q3) Why are you so smart?
Answer: *chuckles Thanks for the compliment but I too am not sure. I have always been loving books and have read them so yeah.

In: That's it. Hope you had fun.
Wonwoo: I did Thanks


Q1) Can I borrow your red sunglasses?
Answer: Um yeah sure. I have two of them so I can share one with you.

Q2) What do you think of sassy omega's?
Answer: *immediately thinks of Kwan as he hears Sassy. Uh I love omega's who are sassy they are really something.

Q3) Would you like to spend your whole day alone or with Seungkwan?
Answer: With Seungkwan. I know my day wouldn't be boring if I have him around so I'll choose him.

In: Wow It was great talking with you. Hope you loved this.
Vernon: I loved this.


Q1) Do SeokSoon irritate you?
Answer: *sighs Uh I don't understand if I am an "I" or "E" whenever I am with them. They really get on my nerves.

Q2) How do you irritate Jihoon hyung? Can you teach me? I wanna irritate my bestie.
Answer: It's simple. Just whenever they are sitting in their own world, go towards them and shout in their ears. They will immediately get annoyed.

Q3) How does it feels to be an Omega?
Answer: It's amazing unless there's no Alpha wanting to devour you. I am glad that I am surrounded with decent and respectful Alpha's. I love the Alpha's of my pack.

In: That's all. Hope you had a great time.
Kwan: I did. Thankyou for having me.


In: Hope you are ready.
Jihoon: Yeah yeah let's Just get this over with

Q1) I just want to say that I love you Hoonie. Jk I don't want to die. Btw you are taller than me. (I wasn't joking about the I love you part though)
Answer: The audacity of you to call me small when you are even smaller than me. Well be glad that I am not carrying my guitar around and I love you too I guess 😮‍💨

Q2) Is there any one you like? If so then who is it? (I need to know who is it otherwise you'll just say yes. I know you are a savage Jihoon.
Answer: Seems like you know me well enough huh. Yes I do like someone and that someone is our Maknae Channie.

Q3) What do you think of Uri Chan?
Answer: I love him and his smile. He's amazing.

In: That's all. Hope you enjoyed it.
Jihoon: Yes and i won't do this ever again.


Q1) How does it feels to be the maknae of the group?
Answer: It's really tiring. All those 12 hyungs are useless. I wish I had someone younger than me. But although it's really nice to have so many people with whom I can count on.

Q2) What type of Alpha do you want?
Answer: An Alpha who is strong and is soft at the same time.

In: Well Channie that was all. Hope you had a great time.
Chan: I did.

Seojun (Crescent moon's Head Alpha)

Q1) Greetings Head Alpha. How are you doing? Are you proud of Uri Jihoonie?
Answer: Greetings! I am doing well. And yes I am proud of that Child. He's really respectful, responsible and always ready to help me with the pack work.

Q2) Can I join your pack, please?
Answer: Of course. I'd be happy to have an additional member into my pack.

Q3) Greetings Head Alpha! I hope you are doing well. I just want to say Thankyou that's all.
Answer: Well yes I am doing well Thanks for asking. And I am not sure for what you are thanking me but You are welcome.

Head Alpha of Red moon pack.

Q1) Greetings Head Alpha! please keep knocking sense into your son's brain.
Answer: *laughs I know he's lacking some sense but don't worry he will eventually come around.

Q2) Greetings Head Alpha! I hope you are doing well. Are you not thinking of Uri Seungcheol? He needs you right now.
Answer: I do think of him and I am  missing him having around me. I know he needs me right now but I cant be with him every time right? Some day or the other this old man has to leave so that is why he needs to solve his problems on his own. This time I helped him but next time he needs to figure out on his own.

Q3) One request. Can I join your pack please?
Answer: sure why not. You have to be an Alpha to join my pack though. So I hope you are an Alpha.


Q1) Greeting Elders! Can you tell what's the role of a pure wolf in a pack?
Answer: Well it's a blessing if there is a pure wolf born in a pack. There is no role as such but they are magical being. Pure wolves can heal any injured wolf, they can even bring the dead wolf to life. They need to be protected though, once some enemy finds that there's a pure wolf than he is in danger.

Q2) How did you know that Seokmin is a pure wolf?
Answer: Wolves when turned five are brought to Red moon to know their rank. So when his mother brought him to us, we saw he had a white moon tattoo on his back and that indicates that he is a pure wolf.

Q3) Greetings Elders! I hope you are doing well. Why are rogues behind Soonyoung?
Answer: Because they want to kill the Trueblood. Trueblood is an Higher rank. They have come to know that the Trueblood's mate is even stronger than him so as to not to let him unite with his mate they are behind him to kill him.

Q4) What will happen if Soonyoung and Seokmin bond?
Answer: When they are united and seal their mate bond then they'll be the strongest mates to ever exist. They will be the rarest mates. A Trueblood and Pure blood wolf can destroy any evil that would come. This is the reason rogues are behind Soonyoung so as to not unite him with his mate. Because they know it will be their end once they unite.

Moon Goddess

Q1) Greetings Moon goddess! Can you turn me into a pretty omega wolf please?
Answer: Well I hope you are ready to face the consequences an Omega faces. I don't have any problem turning you into an Omega but you have to adapt to the wolf's habitat.

Q2) Was it your voice which told Seokmin that he can tell the truth to Soonyoung.
Answer: Yes it was my voice. I knew that he won't tell Soonyoung about his identity but as I know that they are mates so that is why I allowed him to tell Soonyoung.

Q3) Greetings Moon goddess! Can you turn me into an Alpha Werewolf please? (I am a female btw)
Answer: Oh a female Alpha. Wow they are strong. There are few female Alpha's in the pack so yeah sure I'll turn you into one. I assign you the Red moon pack as your pack.

Q4) Can you make all of them happy with eachother?
Answer: They are always fighting right? Yeah even I think that they should live happily with each other. Don't worry I'll fulfill your wish child.

Q5) Why did you leave Seokmin with another woman as his mother?
Answer: I am a goddess, I can't look after my son all the time. So that is why I gave him to another woman and told her that he is my child and to keep him safe.

Q6) Why do you think that Soonyoung is the compatible mate for Seokmin, why not other Alpha or Omega?
Answer: Mmm that's an interesting question. Um well Soonyoung is born as a Trueblood, stronger than any other wolf, smart, bold and powerful. He has every characteristic that I want in my son's mate. My son needs to be protected and I know he is in safe hands with Soonyoung. No other Alpha or Omega can be compatible with Soonyoung.


Q1) Is it fun teasing your human?
Answer: It is. I feel accomplished whenever I tease him. He is fun to tease.

Q2) On a scale of 1 to 10. How whipped are you for DK?
Answer: I'd say infinity. There's no words to describe how whipped I am for my Kyeomie.

Q3) How can you annoy your human?
Answer: With my mouth duh. I love annoying him. He gets all sulky I love that hahaha.

Q4) Not a question. I just want to say that you're very savage and I love it.
Answer: Seems like there many fans of mine. Well I am honoured. I'll continue to amaze you with my savageness so that you can fall in love with me more.


Q1) Do you think Hoshi is hot?
Answer: He might be who cares. I haven't even met that Alpha.

Q2) When are you going to meet Hoshi? You have only met Soonyoung and when he turned into his wolf you turned into your human form. So when are DK and Hoshi officially going to meet?
Answer: Well tbh I am scared of him. Heard he's aggressive and I am not a fan of aggressive natured people. So let's see, when the time comes we both will surely meet.

Q3) Have you ever wished to meet Hoshi??
Answer: I have actually once wished to meet him. It was when we were younger but as time passed I really forgot about it and now he's gotten more aggressive so not sure if I want to meet him but if you want to see our interaction so badly then tell the author to let us meet.


Q1) Ever thought of internally punching your human?
Answer: Girl I so want to punch him left and right. You don't know my hands are itching to knock some sense into him. I don't like how he is treating everyone around him, he's mother didn't raise him like that. But what can I do he's my Human after all can't go against him.

Q2) Please give advice to your human when he needs it the most so that he won't mess up everything.
Answer: As if listens to me. But I'll try, definitely will give him serious advice.


Q1) On a scale of 1 to 10, how easily does Jeonghan worries?
Answer: I'd say beyond 100. That man worries for every little thing. He needs to stop doing that.

Q2) Do you think Scoups is hot?
Answer: He is. He really is. I am so glad that he is my mate. I can make other girls jealous hehe.


Q1) On a scale of 1 to 10, how insecure is Jisoo?
Answer: Well 1000+. He was really insecure about his appearance at first but thanks to his mates he's been able to overcome them a bit but there's still some insecurities.

Q2) Do you think Scoups is hot?
Answer: He surely is. I love his scent alot makes me feel secured.


Q1) Do you know how to rizz?
Answer: Rizzness has been in my blood since childhood. No one can resist my rizz you know. *Smirks

Q2) Have you met The8 yet?
Answer: Nope I haven't. But will be meeting him soon. Need to rizz my mate up you know.


Q1) Are you as savage as your human?
Answer: Obviously yes. Savageness runs in our blood.

Q2) Do you think Moon is hot?
Answer: That's my mate right? Well he might be, not too sure. He better be hot though or else I might have to reject him. My standards are pretty high you know 💅🏻


Q1) How are your good friends Sirius and James?
Answer: I have friends with foreign names. Why didn't I know about this?

Q2) Have you ended your beef with Snape?
Answer: Snake? Who are these people. I don't know.

Q3) Do you miss your old friends James and Sirius?
Answer: For the last time... who???


Q1) Can I call you Remus?
Answer: Nope Sorry. I love my name, my human named me so wouldn't trade it for any other name.

Q2) Have you met Lupin yet?
Answer: I have once stumbled upon him when I had gone for a run. He was on a run as well I think but had stuck his foot in the trees branch. So I had helped him out that time. That's it that's one time I met him.


Q1) Hey Vern rhymes with fern.
Answer: Lol I know right? I had told my human to name me something else but eh he didn't listen to me.

Q2) What do you think of your human?
Answer: Well he's pretty cool, chill guy. I love him. He doesn't even know what goes around half of the time. Thank god for Seungkwan he keeps him in check.


Q1) I haven't met you but Ily.
Answer: I want to meet you all too, but the day this author will think of other wolfs than Hoshi then I think I might meet you all. And I love you too. 😌

Q2) I want to meet you and I love you.
Answer: I want to meet you too. *Tells the author to look how many fans he has and to let him make a dramatic entry.   I love you too. 😌


Q1) I love you. I hope being a leader isn't too much of a burden to you.
Answer: Oh I love being the leader. I never considered it as a burden. I have people who support me so what else do I need. And I love you too.

Q2) What do you think of having a partner?
Answer: Having a partner sounds fun only if that partner is a Maknae and has a charming smile.


Q1) I love you ♥
Answer: Aw I love you too ❤️

Q2) Love you ❤️
Answer: I am receiving so much love. Love you too ❤️


I had fun making this. Hope you'll have fun reading as well.

Do let me know your thoughts on this.
And also I have added some of my questions in it for some characters.

StealChansLaptop05 Thankyou so much for your questions.

