Why Are People So Rude

Okay. Sure. I am not the nicest, sweetest, bestest friend ever. But some people are way worse than me.

So I got this like ask.fm "question" a while back telling me how fat I was and how ugly I was and how I had braces and how I was single and all of that shit. and I just got like clinically depressed.

I got so sad.

I cut.

I cried... A LOT

But the worst part is, I still get those hurtful comments. I don't answer them anymore though. So I guess that's good.

But like seriously. I realize I am fat. I realize I am ugly. I realize I am single. But c'mon. I am sure that you have plenty of really close friends who have braces. That is just not even a good insult.

Like no. Just stop. Just don't. Not cool.
